NinaCross: Okay~ I'll be starting a story of Tsunas cousin, Tsumi. It's placed to the time of the Ring Battles, so I'll be changing the story line a bit ^^

Pairings: Main: 18OC others: ROC, XOC, SOC, BelOC, implied 5927 and 6927

Rating: T for now. I'll raise it if needed

Disclaimer: I don't own Katekyo Hitman or it's characters. I only own Sawada Tsumi.



Light brown hair on pigtails. Bangs turn into black. Black-red striped skicap and orange scarf. Red jersey jacket. Black and white skirt and silver bell. Black trouser under the skirt and boots with same color. Head nodding to the rhythm. There she was, standing next to the school gate.

Hibari Kyoya, the head of the Disciplinary Committee watched at the girl annoyed. 'Why is she there,' he thought. Bell ring. School day had ended. The girl raised her head anticipating something. Hibaris subordinates started to gather in the school yard to catch rule breakers. Someone ran and fast. It was Sawada Tsunayoshi.

Hibari furrowed his brows. The herbivore ran to the girl earning a crushing hug from her. Soon they were joined by two guys. Sawadas' friends, the baseball-freak and the dynamite guy. They then left. Hibari continued to look outside the window. He then left the room to help his subordinates in punishing the rule breakers as he felt extremely irritated for no reason.

As soon as they left the school Sawada Tsumi felt that the glare someone was giving her disappeared. She turned to look at the school building. ''So you will be attending our school tomorrow onwards?'' Yamamoto Takeshi asked. She nodded turning towards him smiling. ''I'm so happy! Now I'll be able to be with Tsuna all the time,'' she said while hanging herself to Tsunas neck.

''Ah! 10th!'' Gokudera Hayato shrieked then. ''What, you jealous?'' Tsumi asked playfully causing Gokudera to blush furiously. She giggled little but stopped as soon as she saw the already familiar infant sitting on the fence. ''Reborn! Hi~!'' she said. The baby mafioso smirked and jumped to the ground. Tsumi picked him up. ''So, has my school uniform arrived yet?'' she asked curious. ''Yes,'' Reborn answered. Tsumi kissed his cheek.

They soon arrived the Sawada household. ''We're back!'' Tsuna said as they stepped in after saying goodbye to the other boys. ''Ah, welcome back!'' Sawada Nana said cheerily. ''Is the food ready, Aunt?'' Tsumi asked. '' Yes. Go quickly get ready Tsu-kun,'' Nana answered.

Later that day Tsumi tried her new school uniform on. It was normal but it had sai holders hidden in her socks. She had a pair of sais and she was really good at using them. She went to sleep early waiting for the next day.

Okay, so this is my first fanfic ever, so... comments, critics... Just, not the 'YOU SUCK' kinds please ^^ I'll be posting the first chapter as soon as I can. So this'll be 18xOC kind of story with hinted RxOC, XxOC and couple others. Hope you'll like it! ^^