Chapter 4: Pride Of The Chosen

(Above fake Karakura Town)

"So you've brought everyone here with you?" Yamamoto asks Shinji as he observed the burning inferno which had trapped Aizen, Gin and Tousen.

"Everyone except Kensei and Mashiro." Shinji said. "Those two are with Ichigo now in Hueco Mundo backing up Rukia and the others."

"So where are the rest of them now?" Yamamoto asks.

"I sent Rose and Love to help out the ones protecting the 1st and the 4th pillar since they seem to need it most. Hiyori and the others are going to give the lady shinigamis a hand against that frankenstein of a hollow and it's masters." Shinji said. "And since I'm pretty much by my lonesome now, I thought I'd keep you company in keeping an eye on Aizen and his boys."

"Not that it's really necessary but your assistance IS appreciated." Yamamoto said.

"Can your comrades really help us fight this threat?" Komomura said doubtfully. "I mean we don't really know what you or your comrades are really capable of."

Shinji turns to Komomura and puts a finger to his chin with a thoughtful look. "You know something? You're right when you said that you don't knnow what me and my comrades are really capable of."

Shinji's deadpan expression then brightens with a wide smile as he jerks a thumb towards where Aizen was detained. "But then again, neither do they."


Inside the prison of raging inferno, Aizen suddenly and inexplicably felt a little apprehensive.. He didn't know where it came from but he didn't like it one bit. It made him feel just a little fearful for his life and doubtful of his well crafted plans.

"Is there something wrong Taichou? Something bothering you?" Gin's cheerful voice cuts in.

"Maybe. But I seriously doubt that it will have any bearings on the events here today." Aizen replies.

"I don't really think that there's anything we should be worried about." Tousen stated. "The Espada will do whatever it is that needs to be done and it will be the end of that."

"Yes, I'm certain that you're right Tousen." Aizen said before adding mentally. "And yet, why do I have this irrational feeling that something is amiss?"


(Author's Notes: Ok guys. In this next series of conversation, we'll be switching between Yumichika's and Ikkaku's POV because they're both getting more or less the same lecture from the Vizards)

(With Rose and Yumichika)

"You're a former captain? I've never heard of you." Yumichika said.

"Of course you haven't heard of me. You're not supposed to." Rose said, his eyes still on the Arrancar in front of them. "But enough about me. Why are YOU still holding back and at a critical time like this?"

(With Love and Ikkaku)

"I don't know what you're talking about." Ikkaku said, feigning ignorance. He still didn't want anybody to know that he had achieved bankai and he'll be damned before he was goaded into using it by this stranger. "I've been giving it everything I've got here. Besides, I've still got plenty of fight left in me."

"Bullshit." The one called Love replied flatly. "I can see the fear in your eyes boy. You're nothing but a coward."

(With Rose and Yumichika)

"Who the hell are you to tell me that?" Yumichika said angrily. "You don't know a damned thing about me. You can't understand how I feel."

"You're right. I don't know you that well so I can't understand how you feel." Rose conceeded then adds. "But that doesn't change the fact that you're irrationally hiding your strength when you can't afford to with so much at stake."

(With Love and Ikkaku)

"What are you yapping about? I told you I ain't doing nothing of the sort." Ikkaku said stubbornly.

"You ain't fooling anyone with that lame act of yours." Love said. "Look at you! You're so obssessed with keeping your real powers under wraps coz you're afraid of being treated differently that you don't see what's important anymore. You pride yourself on being a member of the best fighting force of the Gotei 13 and yet you're dishonoring your division by keeping your strength a secret instead of using all your powers to fulfill your assigned mission. In my book, THAT my friend, makes you...."

Love and Rose: ....A COWARD!!!!

(With Rose and Yumichika)

"My my my.... A little dissension in the ranks? Such an ugly predicament." Coolhorne said. "But it doesn't really matter how many you are. You will die here in my Rosa Blanca where nobody can see, hear or even feel you. This place blocks out all sights, sound and even spiritual pressure and you will pass on amongst these these beautiful roses and thorns alone without anyone noticing."

"Unfortunately, I don't see that happening anytime soon." Rose said casually as he grips the hilt of his zanpaktou. "Would you like me to show you why?"

"W-Wait...." Yumichika's voice stops Rose in mid-draw. The Vizard looks back and sees Yumichika struggling to his feet using his sword to prop himself up. "P-Please let me finish what I started Rose-San."

"Are you sure? You don't seem up to it." Rose asks.

Yumichika nods at this and said. "Yes. A coward I may be but I still have my pride as a member of the 11th Division. We always finish what we started and I want to finish this battle on my own."

Rose was about to say something when he notices the look in Yumichika's eyes. The Vizard nods at this and steps back. "Looks like you're serious now. That's good then. He's all yours."

Coolhorne watches as the shinigami called Yumichika stagger forward facing him in amusement. "How unseemly. You can hardly stand on your own let alone fight. How do you expect to beat me?"

Yumichika didn't answer the arrancar and instead, asked his own question. "You said a while ago that that this technique blocks the sight, sound and spiritual pressure from the outside, correct? Which means nobody could see, hear or feel what's going on here, correct?"

"Why yes. And this type of demise is especially cruel to someone who values beauty above everything else." Coolhorne said.

"I see...." Yumichika mutters as he closes his eyes. "Nobody else can see me.... Nobody else can hear me.... Nobody else can feel me...."

Yumichika's eyes suddenly snaps open and glows with a hidden power. His spirit pressure rises as he grips his zanpaktou tighter and said. "Thank you. Since you were kind enough to cut us off from the rest of the world Charlotte Coolhorne, let me give both you and Rose-San here a little show."

"What are you talking about." Coolhorne demanded.

Rose raises his eyebrows at Yumichika's sudden surge of power. "Heh! So he WAS holding back. This should be real good."

Instead of answering Coolhorne, Yumichika simply places his zanpaktou on his side and said. " 'Split And Deviate' Ruriro Kujaku." The blades of Yumichika's zanpaktou suddenly glows and splits into tendrils of solidified reiatsu which shoots out and binds Coolhorne.

"What the hell is this?" Coolhorne rages as he struggles against the tendrils which tied him up. Yet despite his best efforts, the arrancar couldn't free himself.

"It's useless to struggle. Look at the vines." Yumichika said. Coolhorne then looks at the vines and sees flowers growing all over. "Even as we speak, every last bit of your reiatsu is being drained by my vines and used to nourish those flowers. You can struggle all you want but you'll only be speeding up the process. And once all those flowers are in full bloom, your life will be over."

It was true. Coolhorne did feel his life energy being sucked away and there was absolutely nothing he can do about it. He glares at Yumichika and asks. "If you had this power all along, why the hell didn't you use it earlier?"

"Because as a member of the 11th Division, the use of any form of kido-type attacks is heavily discouraged. Fuji Kujaku is just a my zanpaktou's nickname and whenever I use it, he gets upset and doesn't show his real power. Only when I say his true name will he show his true form and ability which is a secret even to my own comrades." Yumichika explained. "I should really thank you because your Rosa Blanco gave me the opportunity to use it again. You should consider yourself fortunate because only one other person has seen and experienced Ruriro Kujaku."

Yumichika then looks at Rose. "And I trust that you will keep what you've seen here a secret as well?"

"Of course. I DO know how to keep a secret." Rose said with a smile then looks around appreciatively at the blooming, reiatsu-fed flowers. "It's not everyday I get to see beautiful flowers such as these. Very nice work."

"Thanks you knidly. I'm honored to meet someone who also appreciates beauty." Yumichika said before looking at Coolhorne. "It's over, Charlotte Coolhorne."

Coolhorne grits his teeth as he curses himself for his carelessness. He knew he was finished and there was only one thing he can do about it.

"DAMN IT!!!!!!!!"


"Say that again to my face you bastard. I dare 'ya." Ikkaku snarls at a largely unpreturbed Love.

"I'll say it as many time as you want. You're a coward." Love stated. "Avoiding the truth like the plague and letting yourself get beaten up just coz you don't want anybody to know you've got the power to easily trounce them is the mark of a scared man."

Ikkaku's only response was to throw a punch at Love who easily catches the 11th Division's fist.

"You see what I mean? Even when you're angry, you're still holding back." Love said. "You've got what it takes to kick this guy's ass so what's keeping you from doing so?"

Ikkaku doesn't answer Love.

"What are you scared off?" Love demanded.


Love and Ikkaku jumps back to avoid a powerful punch from the Arrancar Po.

"I certainly hope that you haven't forgotten who your real enemy is." Po said looking at his two opponents. "And seeing as there are two of you now, I guess I have no choice but to show you my best punch."

From inside his sleeves, Po draws a zanpaktou that looked way too small for his towering stature. "Breath, Calderon." The already massive arrancar then transforms and grows to titanic proportions into what seemed to be a giant humanoid whale.

"Ughh.... So heavy.... So sleepy...." Po said as he slowly moves forward and stares down at his opponents who, from his point of view, looked like toys.

"Man.... I thought he was huge before but now he's as big as a building." Love said as he placed a hand over his face, preparing to don his mask. "Looks like I'll have to take you a bit seriously."

Moving fast for someone his size, Po cocks a massive fist back and throws a punch at Love. But before thw Vizard can react, something blurs in front of him and blocks the attack.

"What do you think you're doing you big tub of lard? Your fight with me is not over yet." Ikkaku said with his back on the arrancar as he used the broken shafts of his spear, along with his body to keep the massive Po's fist at bay.

"What are you saying? You're clearly unable to fight at my level so why not have someone else try? You'll get to live longer." Po stated as he withdrew his fist.

"Sorry. But as a member of the 11th Division, I have an obligation to finish a fight I started even if it kills me." Ikkaku said as he turns and faces Po and making Love wince at seeing the damage inflicted by Po's punch to Ikkaku's back which was still smoking. "So I'll guess you'll have to play with me a little longer."

Love was about to speak but Ikkaku interrupts him. "Skip it buddy. This is my fight so please don't interrupt." Ikkaku said, looking back at Love before adding. "But you're right. I AM a coward for not showing my real strength. The truth is fighting and dying under Zaraki-Taichou has always been my dream. But I can't do that if I get killed here.. I have to do everything I can to survive and worry about the consequences later."

Love studies the shinigami before shrugging his shoulders. "I guess I can relate to that. A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do after all." Love said with a small grin before leaping back.

Ikkaku nods gratefully at the Vizard before turning his attention back at Po. "By the way, I never did catch your name. Would you mind telling me?"

"I am one of his majesty Barragan's fraccion, Po." The arrancar answers.

"I see.... Sorry to keep you waiting then Po." Ikkaku said as he connects the broken shafts of his spear together and slips into a stance. "The name's Madarame Ikkaku, 3rd Seat of the Gotei 13's 11th Division. And this time, we fight for real."

Ikkaku's next words however, surprises both the arrancar and the vizard present.


"So that's what he meant when he said he was gonna fight for real." Love thought to himself with a chuckle.

Ikkaku's reiatsu rises sharply as a fierce wind obscures his figure from view. Moments later, the winds die down and reveals Ikkaku in his full bankai form as he looks at Po with a psychotic grin. "Ryuumon Hozukimaru."

"A mere third seat has achieved bankai? Standards must've fallen in Soul Society for someone like you to be able to perform it." Po stated.

It was Love who answers the arrancar. "You're a fool arrancar. Bankai is NOT something you can simply achieve. Our zanpaktous are a part of us and we have to be fully in synch to be able to draw out it's true power. If anything else, it's the exact opposite of what you believe. The fact that 3rd Seat Madarame can achieve bankai tells me that standards are rising to new heights."

"It still does not matter." Po said matter-of-factly. He still won't be able to beat despite him performing bankai."

"Is that so?" Ikkaku said wide a grin as he starts spinning his weapon around in the air. "Well then, we'll just have to see about that won't we?"

Po frowns to himself as he starts to notice something. "What's this? His spiritual pressure is rising even further." The arrancar thought to himself as he watches the dragon on the shinigami's large guillotine start to turn red. "Could it be that...."

"From that look on your face, I can see that you're finally starting to notice it, huh?" Ikkaku cuts into his thoughts.

"What are you talking about?" Po asks.

"Hozukimaru is a pretty lazy bum you see. I need to swing him around or cut something to wake him up." Ikkaku explained. "But once he's fully awake and the dragon's crest on my guillotine is completely filled up is Hozukimaru at his most powerful. You remember when I told you before to start praying to whatever god you have ? You better start doing so now."

Ikkaku then looks up and notices that the dragon's crest was is completely filled up before looking back at Po. "Whoops.... Looks like it's too late for you. Ready or not arrancar, here I come." Ikkaku said.

Instead of answering, Po attacks by attempting a punch at the shinigami. But Ikkaku jumps back to avoid the earthshattering blow then jumps back in again and nearly chops off Po's hand with his massive monk's spade before the arrancar could pull it back.

"AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!" Po howls in pain as he clutches his now useless right hand. "I'LL KILL YOUUUU!!!!" He bellows as he opens his mouth wide and starts charging a Cero. But before he can attack, Po feels a searing pain in his left arm and both his legs and looks down in time to find that Ikkaku has severed the tendons of his remaining limbs with his large dao.

The massive arrancar topples over on his back with a thunderous crash and looks up in time to see Ikkaku apppear above him with a smile on his face.

"Now I've got you exactly where I want you arrancar." Ikkaku said as he hefts the massive guillotine of his bankai. "Do you know why I insisted on the introductions? It's been a custom for members of my division to ask for the name of the person they're about to kill as well as giving that person the name of his killer."

"W-What kind of monster are you?" Po manages to gasp out despite the pain from his severed body parts.

Ikkaku's smile grew even wider as if pleased by what Po called him. "I'm one of the fighting monsters of the Gotei 13's 11th Division. 3rd Seat Madarame Ikkaku at your service." Ikkaku said a he leaps high up into the air ."Now here's something I've been saving up for a time like this. This is your end arrancar. GARYUUZANZAI!!! (Dragon's Fang Decapitation)" Ikkaku rockets back towards the ground holding the massive, reiatsu enhanced guillotine with both hands towards Po.

And as the shinigmi fell towards him with his blade, all the massive arrancar could do was helplessly scream.

Author's: Notes: And with that, my latest chappie for Bleached Legends is done. As usual, R&R pls.