Author's note: I do not own FMA or its characters. This is AU, and I've changed the timeline of events somewhat.
"She's so tiny." There was awe in Edward's voice.
"Do you have a name for her yet?" Winry asked.
Riza smiled down at the dark haired infant in her arms. "Rowan Mea Mustang."
"After Mr. Hughes?"
Roy nodded. "Yes."
They were all clustered around Riza's hospital bed. Rowan was barely twelve hours old, and she had already wrapped her family around her tiny finger. She had Roy's coloring, a head of dark hair and dark eyes, but the resemblance to her mother was clear even at this early age. Roy ran a gentle finger along her cheek. He couldn't believe how amazing this little girl was. As happy as he had been about Riza's pregnancy, that happiness had been accompanied by a great deal of fear as well. He didn't know how to be a father. Older brother, mentor, teacher, yes, but not a father. And he didn't want to fail at it.
But since Rowan's birth, he found that his fear was almost completely replaced with awe and a deep sense of devotion. Oh, he was still afraid, but some how actually seeing Rowan, knowing she was real made things seem easier. Rowan let out a little sigh and shifted in her mother's arms. Riza adjusted her arms and place a kiss on her daughter's forehead. Roy wrapped an arm around his wife's shoulders. Here surrounded by this odd little family of his, Roy was content. This was what he had been fighting for after all. A safe future for them all.
Theme: Magical Moment