A.N.:Hey everybody! Here's a one-shot! This came to me earlier today. I read another story similar to this, but I can't remember the name of the author. No flames, but reviews are awesome! My apologies if it's a little short.
A female tabby with a white chest and paws dropped onto a nest of prickly gorse. She felt as if her paws would drop from their body. Normally, Leafpool would never dream of sleeping on such a horrible bed. The she-cat would have a soft, comfortable moss nest in ThunderClan's medicine den. By this time the herbs would have sorted, any patients resting to get over ailments, and Leafpool could enjoy some fresh-kill.
Maybe a juicy mouse or thrush. A rabbit if she was lucky. But not anymore. Her problem started all those moons ago, when she began meeting him. Leafpool had started meeting Crowfeather, the dark gray WindClan warrior, in secret. It was almost fun, sneaking around. She snuck away when nobody was looking, after everybody was asleep, when you were leaving Moonpool, or during the confusion when a gathering was breaking up.
All the risk was taken for a few stolen moments, pressed against the WindClan tom's side, whispering sweet nothings to each other. Besides the feline beside you, you were completely alone. There were no peeping eyes, no gossip, no accusing voices that what you were doing was wrong in every way. The only witnesses were the stars above, the warm evening breeze, maybe the occasional sunset. It was just...pure bliss. Leafpool let out a sigh and turned over, trying to get comfortable on the gorse bed.
Her thin body ached and protested, the scratches and bruises beneath her matted fur casing much pain, especially the fresh ones. Leafpool acquired new wounds everyday, but today was particularly bad. Forgetting sleep, Leafpool sat up and limped a few tail-lengths away from her make shift bedding to stare up at the stars.
Any other night they would have been magnificent, but not tonight. The stars looked cold and far away, making Leafpool feel isolated and alone. When the medicine cat first found out she was pregnant with Crowfeather's kits, she and her mate were overjoyed. She kept her secret well enough, if anyone had suspicions, they didn't say anything.
Leafpool hid her secret, meeting with Crowfeather every few days. The problem was, sneaking away to meet up with Crowfeather at night was tiring all by itself. Mix that with pregnancy, forget it. After a few days of no sleep, Leafpool had almost no coordination for the simplest of tasks. Her mentor, Cinderpelt, was no fool. She recognized something was up.
After watching Leafpool make yet another clumsy mistake, Cinderpelt confronted her apprentice about it. Let's just say they argued. Loudly. Moving as fast as her swollen stomach would allow, Leafpool ran out of camp to the WindClan border where she found Crowfeather hunting alone. Pressing against the tom's side, she quickly told him about what had happened. That's when Cinderpelt had shown up.
"Leafpool, what's wrong with you?" Cinderpelt snarled.
"I love Crowfeather! I'm going to father his kits, and I'll keep seeing him as much as I please!" Leafpool retorted. A wild look came to Cinderpelt's eyes.
"Your first duty is to your clan! Your going to stop this nonsense for good! You can't see Crowfeather, it's against the warrior code! He's a WindClan warrior! You're a medicine cat for StarClan's sake!" Leafpool stared at her mentor.
"It's not fair, I have feelings too!" she protested. Cinderpelt nodded.
"That's true, but you need to keep your feelings in check! Your coming back to Thunderclan whether I have to drag you there myself!" With that, Cinderpelt sprang at Leafpool, claws unsheathed. Crowfeather moved like a blur, ramming Cinderpelt away before turning to Leafpool. With unspoken agreement, the two cats ran. Then both ran as fast as they could, until they reached Moonpool.
Leafpool climbed the slope until she reached the glistening pool at the bottom. Leafpool laid down and lapped at the sparkling water. But Starclan did not come. Leafpool was running through the starlight forest, calling for Spottedleaf, but she did not see the past medicine cat. All she heard was an ominous voice.
"You broke the code. You took a mate. You must leave as a punishment." Leafpool awoke with a start and ran back to Crowfeather. Tails twined, the two cats walked toward the far edge of WindClan territory, the unknown ahead of them.
It had been several more moons until Leafpool kits had been born. The birth was a tragedy. Maybe it was when Cinderpelt attacked her, she couldn't know. All she did know was that her kits were stillborn. It was hard for Crowfeather. From that point on, he became more distant. The rogue couple did not have their clans, they did not have a home, they did not have anything. They just kept wandering on and on.
"We'll find something better, you'll see." was Leafpool's optimistic answer when they lay down at night, finding no good place to sleep, and resorting to sleeping outside exposed to the elements. Crowfeather slowly stopped talking to Leafpool. When he did talk, it was usually to scold or lash out at her.
Then they found an old badger den, it was the best place they could find for miles. So the couple decided to stay there. Crowfeather slowly became more and more distant. Always he seemed to be in a bad mood. Leafpool would never forget the day he first hit her. It had been a dizzying blow that sent her sprawling. And Crowfeather showed no remorse.
As the day's went by, Crowfeather just became more and more abusive. Leafpool was forced to hunt, fetch water, and find bedding for Crowfeather. The tom was as cold and prickly as her bedding. Crowfeather no longer rubbed pelts with Leafpool, nor did they whisper sweet nothings to each other as they had once did.
Crowfeather would beat Leafpool many times everyday, often resulting in unconsciousness for the ex-medicine cat. Crowfeather got the badger den while Leafpool was forced to sleep outside in the cold, with nobody to sleep next to her and share the warmth, nobody to wake up to in the morning. Leafpool sat there, her body was frail and tired, and continued staring up at Silverpelt.
So this is it, Leafpool thought bitterly. This is where it all ends. You gave up your family and friends, and for what? For nothing! You'll die out here. And you won't join Starclan. Leafpool looked up at the silent sky again as hot tears streamed down her face. Her life was over. This is how she would spend every day for the rest of her life.
She would work her fur off every day until she slumped down exhausted, never to get up. Without a decent burial, she would just lie there and decay, her body rotted by the elements. Sobbing, Leafpool turned and sank down on her gorse bed, looking up at the silent sky, with no help or condolences from Starclan.
Maybe she would dream tonight about how Crowfeather was before they left the lake. Leafpool liked those dreams. She wished she could never wake up and stay with that Crowfeather forever. Sparing one more glance at the sky, her eyes shut and she drifted of to sleep.
A.N.:Thanks for reading! Please review, this took a while to type! All reviewers get a Leafpool plushie!