AUTHOR'S NOTE: I want to thank everyone who took time to review the last chapter it meant a lot to me. The previous chapter occurred just before TOW the Lesbian Wedding. This chapter takes place about a year later or around time of TOW Phoebe's Ex-Partner in season 3. You'll notice that I borrowed some lines and slightly altered a few situations from the show. Finally, please note the flashbacks are in italics.


"I can't believe you think that?" Monica bellowed. The group was hanging out in the girls' apartment on a Saturday afternoon. Phoebe had reiterated her claim that Ross and Rachel were lobsters and therefore were destined to be together. And she had inadvertently implied that Chandler and Monica were not. Naturally, Monica went into full competitive mode and felt the need to defend her and Chandler's connection. Chandler had tried to convince Monica to let it go. His point was that they'd been dating over a year, which was more than all of his relationships combined. That was certainly proof that they were something special. Still it wasn't in the Geller blood to let things go.

"God, I awoke the beast," Phoebe whined.

"I'm mean it's so not true," Monica continued. "Chandler and I are just as hot and fiery as those too."

"Hah," scoffed Ross.

"What a great response…exhaling," Monica smirked.

"Mon, look it's no big deal. I'm so what if Rachel and I are little more Lucy and Ricky and you two are more Fred and Ethel…people are just different," Ross explained.

"What?" exclaimed Monica. "Chandler and I are not the supporting characters in you two's love story. We are so Joanie and Chachi!"

"Oh, please," Ross claimed.

"Oh really, wanna bet?" Monica challenged.

"What'd you have in mind?" Ross asked.

"I bet you that Chandler and I are more compatible than you and Rachel," she stated. "We'll play our own version of the newlywed game. Winner gets the Geller Cup."

"Who'll make up the questions?" Ross wondered.

"Phoebe and Joey can make up the questions," Monica explained.

"You're on," Ross replied.

"Come on you guys, do you really think this a good idea? Look what happened the last time we all played football," Rachel reasoned.

"Yeah, I had to say goodbye to my career as a belly dancer thanks to the scar I have from when Mon tackled me," Chandler added.

"Come on, Chandler…it will be fun," Monica begged and then whispered softly to him, "If we win, I'll make it worth your while."

"You know on second thought, this game would be perfection," Chandler stated.

"What do you say Rach?" Ross asked.

"I don't know," she stated. Truth was she was a little hesitant to agree to the game. Her and Ross's relationship had been a bit strained since she'd started her new job, and she thought that this game could easily lead to another argument.

"Come on, Rach. Tell you what if you play the game, I'll stop wearing so much gel in my hair," Ross offered.

Knowing how much he wanted to play and how much she hated his over-gelled hair, she agreed.


It took Joey and Phoebe about a half an hour to come up with the questions. The girls remained in their apartment with Phoebe to record their answers to round one, while Joey took the guys over to the boys' apartment to record their answers to round two. After the answers had been written down on white cardboard paper, the gang was a back in girls' apartment. The two couples were seated on the couch, while Phoebe sat on the chair next to them. It was decided that Joey would ask the questions for round one and so he stood directly in front of the couch.

In his best game-show host voice, Joey began "Okay according to the coin toss, the first question goes to Ross. Ross, what item of clothing do you wear that Rachel said she couldn't stand?"

"Well Joey, I would have to say it would be this white suit I have that she hates," Ross answered playing along as if the game was televised.

"And why does she hate it?" Joey asked.

"She thinks it makes me look like I work on a riverboat," Ross admitted reluctantly.

"Let's see what Rachel said," Joey stated.

Rachel held up her card and written on it was "The riverboat suit." She and Ross kissed to celebrate.

"Chandler, what was the last book that Monica read?" Joey asked.

As he searched his mind for the answer, Chandler couldn't help but smile as he knew exactly what book it was…


They had been dating for a few months and it turned out Chandler's Mom was going to be in town and wanted to have dinner with them tomorrow night. As Chandler entered her apartment, he saw her sitting at the kitchen table reading a book with a highlighter in her hand.

"Hey sweetie," he called out.

"Shush," she hissed.

"Is it just me or have the greetings really gone downhill around here?" he quipped.

"I'm sorry; I just really want to finish this." She then turned to the final page completing the book and walked over to Chandler to kiss him hello.

"Hey baby," she said following their kiss.

"Hey," he whispered. "So, what are you reading?"

She blushed slightly and then revealed the book. It was 'Euphoria Unbound' by Nora Bing.

"You're reading my Mom's book again, why?" he asked.

"I just…want to be prepared for dinner," Monica admitted.

"And you think my mom's going to quiz you at dinner?" he asked.

"No…maybe…I don't know," she revealed. "I'm nervous."

Chandler smiled at her admission, "Why? You've met my Mom before… she likes you."

"Yeah, but I've never met her as your girlfriend," she stated. "Moms have higher standards for their sons' girlfriend than their friends. What if she doesn't think I'm good enough? I mean she's a famous author and I work at a restaurant where I have to wear fake boobs and serve Laverne and Curly fries."

Chandler couldn't believe how lucky he was to have someone as amazing as her think she wasn't enough for him.

"Mon, that's insane. First of all, you're just paying your dues and I for one thoroughly enjoy your work clothes," he quipped.

She smiled at him remembering one wild night they had where she was left wearing only the blonde wig.

He then wrapped his arms around her waist and looked into her eyes. "The truth is my mom is going to have trouble believing someone as screwed up as me could land such an amazing woman. You're smart, kind and sexy as hell. She'd be crazy not to like you; in fact I'm just praying she doesn't hit on you."

Monica proceeded to wrap her arms around him and blurted out, "You're so sweet. I love you."

Both her and Chandler's eyes shot open, because they hadn't said their I love yous before. Monica went into a state of panic fearing she'd spoken those words too soon. "I mean… I love spending time with you," she tried to cover, but Chandler didn't bite.

"You said you love me. You love me?" he asked in a tone suggesting that he was completely shocked.

She answered honestly, "Yeah, I do." She held her breath hoping he wouldn't run away.

Finally recovering, he answered softly, "Good, because I'm completely in love with you."

"Really?" she asked happily.

He nodded and said once more, "I love you, Monica." They then shared one of the best kisses they'd ever had.


Smiling fondly at the memory, Chandler answered "Euphoria Unbound."

"Yes!" Monica shouted and held up her card.

Joey turned to Ross, "How old was Rachel when she had her first kiss?"

"Uh, 13," he answered. Rachel held up her card sheepishly, which read seven.

"Seven?" Ross exclaimed.

"Ooh, Rach, you sandbox slut," Phoebe teased.

"So what?" Rachel stated. "I got kissed on the playground. It's no big deal."

"Yeah baby," Joey added. Seeing that Rachel was clearly annoyed, Joey moved on, "Chandler, how many kids does Monica want to have?"

Monica glanced at Chandler hoping he would remember the right answer. This was their first discussion about the future…


Since the gang knew about their relationship now, Chandler was able to be Monica's date to Barry and Mindy's wedding.

Monica had been called away to help make Rachel feel better about having mooned the wedding guests when she walked down the aisle. This left Chandler alone at table with a group of people he didn't know and for the most part they seemed like a bunch of duds.

In his usual fashion, he made a joke to break the ice only to have no one laugh at him except the 12-year-old girl, named Lauren, at the table. So, her and Chandler began to talk. It seemed that Lauren was sitting alone because her Mom and her mom's boyfriend were out on the dance floor. Chandler immediately connected to her having himself been left alone due to his Mom's dating or conquests as he often described them.

Chandler had left briefly to refill his drink and when he returned he notice a couple girls Lauren's age at the table. He could tell right away they were the type of girls who tend to be bitchy and spiteful to other girls. He overheard them teasing Lauren because they'd seen her Mom making out heavily near the lady's room.

He had to do something to get her a way from the girls and their cruelty.

"Hey Lauren, do you wanna to dance?" he interrupted.

"Who's this?" the ringleader of the group asked.

"I'm Chandler," he answered. "Lauren's friend."

"Hey, I'll dance with you," the girl offered batting her eyes at him.

"Sorry, I want to dance with Lauren," Chandler stated.

"Well, if you change your mind be sure to come and find me," the girl said flirtatiously and then proceeded to pinch Chandler's butt.

"Sorry about her grabbing you," Lauren offered once the girls had left.

"Oh, hey women do that to me all the time," he replied confidently.

"Really?" Lauren said skeptically.

"No," he confessed. "Did you want to dance?"

"Okay," she replied.

And so they proceeded to dance. It was obvious the other girls were very jealous of her dancing with a cute, older guy and so it definitely made Lauren feel a little better about the evening.

Monica managed to walk up near the middle of their dance and couldn't help but smile at the sight. To her, it looked much like a father-daughter dance. Seeing her approaching, Chandler introduced Lauren and Monica.

Lauren felt a little guilty and told Monica "You can cut in if you want."

"No don't worry about it. He's stepped on my toes enough tonight," Monica teased. "You two enjoy your dance."

Later that night, Monica and Chandler were cuddled up in bed and he told her the story about Lauren. He went on to tell her how lonely he was as a child. And how he had always promised himself he wouldn't be like his parents.

"Chandler, you're nothing like your parents," Monica said confidently. "What you did today for Lauren was incredibly sweet and thoughtful."

He smiled back at her and then said very softly, "Thank you."

Monica saw this as an opening to ask a question she wanted to for a long time. "Chandler, please don't think I'm trying to pressure you, because I'm not. But, do you think you would ever want to have children…I mean some time in the distance, distance, future?," she asked praying that he wouldn't freak out.

Knowing that she was afraid he was going to freak out, he smiled and answered thoughtfully, "I would like to have a kid or two some day I think."

She smiled and breathed a sigh of relief at the fact that he was open to having a family.

"Of course, there is one condition," he added.

"What's that?" she asked.

"Well, see in order for me to be a good Dad I'd have to overcome the Bing curse," he explained. "And I'm going to need help because it won't be easy to beat. The mother to my children's going have to be someone who can't stand to lose. Do you happen know anyone like that?" he teased.

She slapped his chest playfully and proceeded to kiss him in response. When it ended, he asked softly, "How many kids do you want, Mon?"

"Three," she said quickly.

"Three?" he asked incredulously.

"It's not that many," she defended. "I just always wanted more than one sibling growing up so I wanted to have a larger family of my own."

"I can see that," he offered. "It's just seems like a lot to handle. I mean with two kids you can run a zone defense or play them man-to-man. But with three kids you can only play a zone defense and what if they break the zone. What then?" he said excitedly.

She laughed at his antics. Moments later she mentioned, "I guess I just… never mind."

Sensing she had something important to say he tightened his arm around her and said softly, "Come on, tell me."

"Growing up, I always had wanted to have a girl, a boy, and another girl. That way the girls would be the oldest and the youngest and of course the boy is the only boy. This makes everyone have a special role in the family so no one would feel second best," she explained.

Chandler smiled at her sweetness and stroked her back soothingly urging her to continue.

"And we'd live in this great house with a big pool. The kids would wear those little water wings and they'd be running around on the deck," she described. "And then, my handsome husband would wrap them all up in one big towel. See when I was fat, I never thought I'd be able to get married or look good in a bathing suit so this was the ultimate fantasy. And now, I guess I just don't want to let that dream go."

Understanding exactly what she meant, Chandler rolled over so he could look directly into her eyes and stroke her cheek. "You know what… I think that sounds perfect," he said softly.

"Really?" she asked with tears in her eyes.

"Yep, maybe some day that will be us," he said.

"Maybe some day," she repeated happily and then leaned in to kiss him.


"Three," Chandler answered.

"That's right," Monica said enthusiastically while looking at him lovingly.

Joey moved onto the next question, "Ross, if you had to date one of Rachel's friends, who would you choose?"

"Uh, well since Monica's my sister, Phoebe… I guess," he answered.

"You flatterer," Phoebe commented.

Rachel held up her card to reveal that Ross was corrected.

"Hey, that's not fair… that was too easy," Monica argued her competitiveness taking over.

"Everybody duck," Joey hissed referring to Monica's tendency to throw things when games didn't go her way.

Monica just scowled at him.

"Okay, Chandler if you had to date one of Monica's friends, which one would choose?" Joey asked.

Chandler looked incredibly nervous. There was no way he could pick between Rachel and Phoebe. First of all, he would hurt one of them… not to mention probably make Monica jealous. Thus, he did what he always did in uncomfortable situations, deflected "Joey."

"What! Are you crazy?" Joey shouted.

"That's my answer, big guy," he replied.

"Alright, Monica who did you put down?" Joey asked.

"Phoebe," she answered holding up her card. She knew Chandler was just avoiding hurting someone.

"Alright already," Phoebe said clearly pleased.

"How could you pick Phoebe over me?" Rachel complained.

"You're dating my brother," Monica shot back.

"Still, it would be nice to be asked," Rachel whined. Monica rolled her eyes.

"Ross, if Rachel could trade places with someone famous for a day who would it be?" Joey asked.

"Princess Caroline so she could have her own castle," Ross answered.

"Aw, I can't believe you remember that," Rachel said sweetly while holding her card, which had the same answer.

"Okay, Chandler, what physical feature of yours did Monica say she was her favorite?" Joey asked.

This time he knew right the answer…


"You have the most amazing eyes… I could get lost in them," Monica whispered as she stroked Chandler's cheek and stared down at him. They were in her room cuddling. Earlier that day, they had slept together for the first time. Well first times. Ben's nap had allowed them enough time to be together twice. When he woke up, they all had dinner together. After dinner, they had played peek-a-boo, gave Ben a bath, and managed to get him back to sleep by 8.

"Oh, yeah," he answered.

"Yeah," she said.

Chandler smiled and then rolled them over so he was on top of her. "You know, I can't decide what part of you I think is most beautiful. I think I need to do a little more research," he said huskily as he began covering her body with kisses.

She smiled enjoying his affection and then she groaned when she heard the phone ring. "Hello," she answered.

"Hey Mon, it's me," Ross stated. "I just wanted to check in and make sure everything was going okay."

"Oh, it's been so good," Monica answered her voice a bit strained due to Chandler's kissing her neck.

"Are you sure you're okay, Mon. You sound funny, "Ross replied.

"I'm fine," she answered while trying to squirm away from Chandler. Chandler smirked and stopped briefly and then continued again when she started to speak.

"I just put Ben to bed," she answered. And then getting an idea, she offered, "You know, you guys could pick him up in the morning that way you two could have a night alone and you wouldn't have to wake Ben up."

Chandler gave her a thumbs up. He definitely wanted more time alone with her.

"Thanks, but Rach and I thought we would just stay at your place tonight," Ross replied.

"Oh, you're going to stay here," Monica said trying to hide the disappointment in her voice. The last thing she wanted was for her brother to be around. It would make an evening alone with Chandler nearly impossible. She and Chandler weren't ready to tell the gang about their relationship just yet.

Chandler felt the same way and so he motioned for her to give him the phone. "Hey Ross, it's me," he stated. "Monica was waiting to let me tell you…that I managed to book you guys a room at the Plaza tonight. I thought I owed you since the whole list thing was sort of my idea. You're welcome, man. Have fun and don't worry I'll help Monica," Chandler added smiling at her.

"And that's how it's done," Chandler exclaimed.

She smiled at him but then added, "You didn't book a room."

"I just need to make a quick phone call. My Mom has connections there. Give me just a minute, and we'll get back to our evening," he said smiling at her and then giving her a quick peck on the lips.

She watched as he began to making the arrangements on the phone. She like this take-charge version of Chandler. And she loved that he seemed so committed to spending more time with her. As he started going over the details with the hotel receptionist, Monica suddenly had an idea. She started showering his chest with kisses distracting him the same way he'd done to her earlier. As she continued, Chandler's voice became rattled and he was having difficulty focusing on the details.

"Yes sir, just put the room on Nora Bing's account," he managed to get out. He then shifted slightly away from Monica trying to focus on the task at hand. She smiled and proceeded to work her way up to his neck.

Chandler couldn't concentrate on anything except the feeling of her lips on him. He then realized that he hadn't been listening to a word the receptionist was telling him and so he interrupted to say "Come again?"

Monica then whispered seductively in his ear, "Hey that's my line."

Chandler immediately wrapped up the phone conversation and proceeded to lavish Monica with affection.


"My eyes," Chandler answered confidently. Monica smiled at him and said "Yeah baby," as she revealed her answer.

"Okay, that's the end of round one. Now it's time for me to ask the girls the questions," Phoebe announced.

"Rachel, where is the weirdest place you've ever fantasized about making whoopee?" Phoebe asked.

"I guess I'd have to say my boss's desk," Rachel answered.

"What with Mark?" Ross exclaimed. His card said Bloomingdales.

"No. Let it go, Ross," Rachel pleaded.

Phoebe moved quickly to change the subject, "Monica, what embarrassing thing about Chandler does everyone know that Chandler doesn't know they know?"

Monica hesitated only because she knew the real answer…


It was the day after Monica and Chandler's first night together. Monica was sitting on the couch daydreaming about the past night. It had been amazing. They were so lucky Ben slept through the night giving them plenty of alone time. The only downside was that Chandler had to sneak out early in the morning to avoid being discovered by Ross when he picked up Ben.

Monica's daydreaming was interrupted by Rachel hollering at her.

As she walked into the bathroom, she noticed Rachel rummaging through the cabinet drawers.

"Yeah?" Monica asked.

"Mon, have you been having sex?" Rachel asked.

"What? I'm not having sex," Monica said a little too defensively.

"Relax, I'm not your mother," Rachel answered. "I'm just trying to figure out what happened to the condoms. I swear there were like 7 of them here yesterday."

Monica couldn't help the guilty blush that came over. Frantically, she tried to come up with cover story, "You know what… Joey probably stole them."

"Oh, no he couldn't have," Rachel answered. "He was gone all last night. The only other person that was in the apartment yesterday was Chandler."

"Why would Chandler steal the condoms? He's not seeing anyone," Monica said a little too defiantly.

"Right," Rachel responded. "Oh my God!"

"What?" Monica asked.

"Chandler asked a while back to borrow my inflatable sheep that I had from when I dressed up as Little Bo Peep for Halloween," Rachel explained.

"So?" Monica asked.

"Come on, Mon don't be so naïve," Rachel exclaimed. "Condoms, sheep, it all adds up. Man, I always knew there was something weird about that Dude."

"No, that can't be it," Monica replied. "There has to be some other explanation for it."

"No, it has to be true," Rachel stated. "I mean unless you had sex with Chandler last night?"

"So, Chandler likes sheep, huh," conceded Monica.


"What!? How could you let her think that?" Chandler exclaimed. "That is so not true. We used the sheep as pillows when we went camping."

"Yeah right," Phoebe laughed.

"I know. I'm so sorry, Honey," Monica offered. "It's just… I'm a terrible liar and we weren't ready tell then."

Chandler gave her a forgiving nod and then asked, "But if that conversation was between you and Rachel how did everybody know about it?"

"It's Rachel," Monica replied.

"Hey, I can keep secrets," Rachel defended.

"Ha," the group exclaimed.

"So you guys all knew this but never felt the need to ask me about it?" Chandler wondered.

"I guess we didn't want to know that baaaaad," Ross quipped.

"Rachel, what is your favorite thing to sleep in?" Phoebe asked.

"Ross's Frankie Says Relax t-shirt," Rachel admitted.

"Wahoo," Ross celebrated while showing he had the same answer written on his card.

Phoebe then asked, "Monica, what is the one thing that Chandler said scares him more than anything?"

Monica knew immediately the answer. It had been the subject of their first fight as a couple…


Monica walked into what was now just Chandler's apartment. She knew he was hurting pretty bad from Joey moving out. He was lying in bed tossing a tennis ball in the air when she found him.

"Hey," she said while curling up beside him.

"Hey," he replied continuing to toss the ball.

Monica rolled over on her side and placed her hand on his chest hoping he would actually look at her. She whispered, "I'm sorry he left. "How are you doing?"

"I'm good," he stated while still focusing on tossing the ball and not her.

"Chandler," Monica countered and then snatched the ball away making him look at her. "It's okay to miss him. Or to feel hurt."

"Look Mon, I'm fine," he claimed. "Really. I mean it will be weird to not have him living here, but I'll get used to it. And it's not like I won't see him again."

"True, but it won't be the same," she added trying to get him to open up. "Joey told me how upset you got during your last foosball game."

"I was just frustrated about losing, you of all people should understand that," Chandler stated his tone indicating he was tired of the conversation. "Mon, I appreciate this, but I'm fine okay. Can we please drop it?" he asked while rolling away from her slightly.

"Sure," she said softly. They sat in silence for a while and then she moved toward him again. "You know now that you have the apartment to yourself, we could put to good use," she whispered seductively and leaned in to kiss him.

He pecked her lips and then said, "You know, I don't really feel like it right now."

"Okay, well do you want to go get something to eat?" she offered.

"Nah, you can go eat with the guys if you want though," he answered.

"But, I thought we were going to spend time alone tonight," she stated with disappointment evident in her voice.

"Well, it's not like it was set in stone," he defended. "I mean it's not like were married. Jeesh."

"Okay, I know you're upset right now, but don't take out on me," she countered.

"I'm not upset," he shouted. "God, is it too much to ask to have some time alone. I'm sorry I can't entertain you all the time."

Clearly hurt by his outburst, she shot back, "You know what that's fine you can have all the alone time you need, because I won't be coming over here anymore." And with that she left the apartment.

The next day Monica was leaving her restaurant when she noticed Chandler was waiting for her.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," she said softly.

He revealed a bouquet of flowers in his hand and then said, "So, I wanted to get you a card to go with these, but it turns out Hallmark doesn't make one that says I'm sorry I was a complete ass and I know I don't deserve it, but please forgive me card."

"Yeah, they should make one of those," Monica replied.

"Yeah, he said softly. "Mon, I'm sorry I was such a jerk. It's just… Joey's like a brother to me and his leaving was just like when my Dad left. I guess it reminded me that anyone I've ever gotten close to eventually leaves."

"Chandler, I know you were hurting that's why I tried to get you talk to me about it," Monica responded.

"I know," he conceded. "But you see opening up to you would mean admitting I need you and that's what scared me more than anything. I'm mean I've cared a lot about those other people in my life, but none of them compare to what I feel for you. I guess I thought if I pushed away, it wouldn't hurt as bad as when you left me."

Monica soften her tone, "Chan…"

"Let me just say one more thing," he interrupted. "I realized how stupid that plan was because the truth is not having you forever… is better than not having you at all…Not that I have you or think of you as property in any way. I see…"

"Stop it Chandler," she interrupted smiling. "I get scared too you know."

"Really?" he asked.

"Yeah, I've been hurt before too. And I've never felt this way about anyone either," she explained. "But I think we just have to be scared together."

"Together?" he asked hopefully. "So, we're okay?"

"Yeah," she said kissing his cheek.


Monica smiled fondly at the memory. They had come along way since that first fight. She then answered, "Micheal Flatley, Lord of the Dance."

Chandler held up his answer to reveal the same answer. He then looked back at her and smiled. They both knew that that wasn't his deepest fear. But they also felt the need to keep the most revealing moments of their relationship to themselves. Their sweet moment was soon broken up.

"The British jig guy?" Joey questioned.

"His legs flail about as if independent from his body," Chandler claimed.

"Okay," Joey answered.

"Rachel, what song always reminds you of making Whoopie?" Phoebe asked.

"Rhiannon," she stated confidently.

"What?" Ross asked and revealed his answer, which was Wicked Game. "Why Rhiannon?"

"Come on, you remember!" Rachel exclaimed. "In the living room? On Monica's laundry?"

"Eww," Monica remarked.

"Not me," Ross answered.

"Really?" Rachel asked.

"Nope," Ross added.

"Okay, Monica, "Where is the strangest place you and Chandler ever made Whoopie?" Phoebe asked.

"Actually, you guys already know this," she answered comfortably.


It was Rachel's birthday and the gang had to host two parties since Rachel's parents refused to be in the same room with each other due to their recent separation. Tired of having to be the star of two parties at the same time, Rachel had sought refuge in the hallway when Chandler found her.

"Hey, how you holdin' up there, tiger?" Chandler greeted. "Oh, sorry, when my parents were getting divorced I got a lot of tigers. Got a lot of champs, chiefs, sports, I even got a Governor."

"This is it, isn't it?" Rachel stated. "I mean, this is what my life is gonna be like. My mom there, my dad there. Thanksgiving, Christmas. She gets the house, he's in some condo my sister's gonna decorate with wicker. Oh, Chandler how did you get through this?"

"Well, I relied on a carefully regimented program of denial and wetting the bed," he quipped.

"Ya know, it's just, so weird. I mean I was in there just listening to them bitch about each other and all I kept thinking about was the fourth of July," she said.

"Because it reminded you of the way our forefathers used to bitch at each other?" he asked.

"It's just this thing," she explained. "Every year we would go out on my dad's boat and watch the fireworks. Mom always hated it because the ocean air made her hair all big. My sister Jill would be throwing up over the side and my dad would be upset because nobody was helping and then when we did help he would scream at us for doing it wrong. But then when the fireworks started, everybody just shut up, you know, and it'd get really cold, and we would all just sort of smush under this one blanket. It never occurred to anybody to bring another one. And now it's just..."

"I, I know," he whispered softly and hugged her. Ross and Monica enter the hallway to witness the hug. Chandler motioned for Ross to take his place.

Chandler took the trash bag Monica was holding and motioned for her to follow him to the trash chute in order to give Ross and Rachel some privacy. Along the way, he gave Monica a recap of the conversation. As they approached the trash chute, Monica asked, "Is she okay?"

"Not right now, but it will get better," he answered. "She wanted to know how I got through it and I couldn't really give her any good advice. The truth is there is no real remedy. You just have to keep going and eventually it doesn't hurt as bad. I wish I could of given her a more comforting answer."

Monica smiled at him and placed her hand on his cheek, "That's so sweet. I bet you made Rachel feel better than you think."

"You know…never mind," he said shyly.

"What?" Come on tell me," Monica persisted.

"It's just I was thinking about how bad I felt back when my parents divorced and about how good I feel now," he said sincerely. "It's like you are God's way of making up for my crappy childhood."

Monica couldn't find the words to tell him how much his words meant to her and so she let actions speak for her by kissing him passionately. As they broke the kiss she whispered, "You're about to get so lucky, Governor."

"Oh yeah?" he asked. "But there's people in both our apartments?"

"We'll just have to improvise then won't we," Monica said taking his hand and leading him into the storage room.

As was typical in their relationship, one time together was never enough. It was in the middle of round two, when they heard the door open and their four friends scream, "Oh, my God!" The gang had been cleaning up after the party and was returning some of the party items to the storage room.

"Uh, hey guys, you know Monica," Chandler quipped. "Could you be a dear, close the door and give us a second."

The gang closed the door and waited for the lovebirds to get dressed.

"Hey guys, what's up?" Monica tried to ask causally when she opened the door.

"What the Hell are you doing?" Ross exclaimed.

"Look Ross, I know you're upset. But this isn't some fling," Chandler defended. "We've been dating a while and hadn't found a way to tell you. But, I'm glad you found out, because I don't want to keep something this special a secret anymore."

"Aw," Phoebe, Rachel and Joey murmured together clearly on board with the new couple. Ross was still in shock.

"I'm so sorry you had to find out this way," Monica told Ross. "But it's true. He makes me so happy."

"Sounded like it," Joey quipped. Seeing Ross's glare, he replied, "Hey, don't get mad at me…he's the one who's doing your sister."


"The storage room," Monica answered and Chandler revealed his card to show she was correct.

"That's not fair," Ross whined upset that he was now behind in the game. "We all knew the answer to that question. Why would you guys ask that?"

"I wanted to know if Chandler talked her into doing it on the balcony yet," Joey responded. "Guess not huh?"

"Joe," Chandler scolded.

"You told him about that?" Monica asked incredulously.

"I didn't know it was a big secret," Chandler answered.

"Oh, it's not. "No like say, I don't know, having two copies of the Annie soundtrack," she shot back.

The gang laughed at the couple.

"Okay, Rachel name one thing you do for Ross only because you love him," Phoebe stated.

"I spent three hours listening to Professor Pitt-stains go on and on about dinosaurs," she answered.

"It's Professor Pittains," Ross corrected and showed that he had the same answer on his card.

"Okay, final question. Tie game. Monica, if you get this correct you win the game," Phoebe announced. "What is one the thing that Chandler said he's been afraid to say to you?"

Monica struggled to think of a response. Finally she offered, "Um, that he lied to me when he said he didn't think the girl at the copy place was hot."

Ross and Joey smiled knowing for a fact that Chandler thought the copy girl very hot just like they did.

The group then turned to Chandler waiting for his response. There was certain nervousness about him as he moved to hold up his card. It was even more apparent when fumbled it and dropped it face down on the floor.

He bent down to pick it up and on his knee facing Monica held up the card to reveal his answer. The card said, "Will you marry me?"

Monica was completely surprised, "Chandler, uh, what, uh…?"

"Monica, I've been looking for the perfect moment to ask you this, but then I realized any moment that has you in it is perfect for me," he explained and then reached in his pocket to pull out ring. "I know we started out just pretending, but there's nothing more real than the way I feel about you. Whenever I dream about the future, there's not a single version that doesn't have you in it. And if you let me, I'll spend the rest of my days, trying to make you as happy as you make me. Will you marry me?"

With tears in her eyes, she said simply, "Yes."

Chandler smiled and placed the ring on her finger. He then pulled her to him and kissed her.

Rachel and Phoebe had tears of joy in their eyes as they watched the happy couple, while Joey and Ross shared matching grins. As the betrothed couple continued to kiss passionately, Phoebe interrupted their moment to say, "Okay, so maybe you are hotter couple than Ross and Rachel."

"I know!" Monica answered in only they way she could. And then she leaned in to kiss her future husband once more. Being right and engaged, life couldn't be better.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The End. I hope you enjoyed the massive conclusion. Given that this was my first fanfic, I would really appreciate some reviews for this chapter. Also, I have new story in mind and reviews are a great motivator. Thanks again for reading!