Dear Serena, Dan, Vanessa, Nate, Jenny and Erik.

I realised yesterday when tidying up in some papers that it has been 20 years since I last saw you, at least most of you that is, I recall meeting up with Serena 18 years ago or so when I had just turned 22. In one month, I hit the big 40 and I would like to invite each of you to the party, but first I want to write to you all to tell you what has been going on the last 20 years and I dearly hope that you will do the same. I of course now that some of you have married and such but I do not know what happened. Perhaps we just drifted apart or something but I want to catch up and i want my children to meet the six people that made my life special. So here, I begin, starting when we last saw each other at graduation 20 years ago.

We were all there as I remember, Erik and Jenny were not graduating but having their older siblings graduating they were of course there as well. I clearly remember we stood there after the ceremony, us 7, missing one. Chuck of course. I had at that point barely spoken to him after the incident we had shortly after his father's death. I remember us hugging, saying how we would stay in touch when we all went in different directions. Nate and Vanessa were off to Dartmouth, Serena and Dan to Oxford in England and I to Yale as I had always planned. Jenny and Erik planned to get to Princeton when they graduated but I never knew if they did so.
Because I left and never looked back. Because I had not talked to chuck for so long I had no idea that we was heading off to Yale as well.

Therefore, the next 4 years went on with Chuck and me continuing our small games. However, it had to come to an end when I a week before graduation found myself pregnant. I hesitated about telling Chuck but I knew that I would have to at some point so at the dinner after graduation I told him, we went into a kind of coma for a week and was unable to reach, I tried everything and so I stressed and ended up losing our child. This is what made Chuck come out of his coma. I do not really know why but he was there all the way supporting me. I sincerely hope that none of you has gone though abortion because it really is a horrible thing. We used the summer to get over it, and after the vacation, Chuck began his work as the boss of Bass Industries. I myself decided to go with fashion and started writing for Vogue. I would meet with the designers and I truly had a blast. Chuck and I continued to be a couple trying to get to see one another as much as possible when we both had demanding jobs.

When we reached my birthday that year, Chuck and I had a solid relationship built up on trust and love, and he managed to surprise me when he on my birthday asked me to move in with him and gave me a necklace with a silver key covered in diamonds. a key he had gotten from his father whom had gotten it from his mother just before she died. It was the key to his heart and now it belonged to Blair. A week before Christmas I had sold my own Manhattan apartment and moved into Chuck's fifth avenue apartment. We invited my mother, Lilly, Rufus and my father and Roman. My mother and Cyrus came but Lilly and Rufus thanked no because they had to spend Christmas with Dan and Serena and their first grandchild, so I suppose that means that Dan and Serena got married and had a kid or kids. Roman and Harold came on Christmas morning. I remember this Christmas in particular because of the significance of spending it with Chuck. It also turned out that I had gotten one more present form Chuck that holiday, I was told by the doctors that I was expecting a little Bass that September 2015. Chuck was out of his mind happy and was overprotective from day one.

I kept working for as long as I could, which meant that I stopped in the end of June. Chuck had been at every doctor appointment and had been there when the baby had first kicked and the first ultrasound. He had really stepped up his game; he would go out in the middle of the night to get me the weirdest food that my hormones made me crave. The last weeks of the pregnancy were hard on both Chuck and me. I cried all the time and my hormones went crazy, but finally on Sunday August 30 2015, our son, Daniel Matthew Joshua Bass entered the world after 12 hours pain and when I was finally able to have him cuddled up in my arms, Chuck beside me I saw Chuck Bass cry for the second time in my life. I smiled at him and kissed him lovingly; he smiled back at me and said simply while locking his eyes with mine:

"Marry me Blair."

He was serious, I could tell from the look on his face. I smiled at him, a tear falling from my eye. I nodded my head and kissed him,

"Of course" I could only answer.

Chuck and I had some difficulty getting used to being parents. Daniel would wake up us in the middle of the night and would cry for hours until he got the exact teddy bear he wanted and then he would fall peacefully asleep only to wake up 4 hours later wanting something else. 2 weeks after his birth Chuck had to start working full time again, and I had to do most of the work with Daniel because I knew Chuck needed his sleep. We started planning our wedding, and still today 15 years later, I feel guilty for having forgotten you 6. However, I had so much to deal with, a baby and a wedding. I received many help from my mother and from Lily but Chuck and I had decided that we would raise Daniel himself and not let him be raised by nannies like those that we had been ourselves.

On may 3 2016, I married Chuck Bass and became Mrs. Blair Bass. Daniel was now 9 months old and became an easier baby the older he got. Chuck and I were happy and I felt it was all a bit surreal. After everything Chuck and I had been through, we could end up being happy.

However, we stayed happy and when Daniel turned 2 years in 2017 I was pregnant again, 5 months in fact. This time the pregnancy was a lot easier, and I looked forward to having a Christmas baby. I was due on December 19 but as supposed, to last time were I gave birth to early this time I was 6 days late and gave birth to Isabella Sophie Jasmine Bass on Christmas morning. This time it was a quick birth and I was home with Isabella that night. We were now the family I had always dreamed off with husband and wife and two wonderful kids. We celebrated new years intimate that year, only the four of us. It was now a new year 2018 and many things were to happen.

That year I lost my mother, she had a heart attach under a holiday with Cyrus. I was heartbroken that Isabella would never meet her grandmother and that Eleanor had only met her grand daughter twice. Cyrus was broken and it seemed that nothing else than Daniel and Isabella could make him smile. He was with us often and I suppose he might have started the problems that started accuring between Chuck and me. Chuck meant that our life revolved around him now and he did not quite approve of that. Then we started fighting about other things and by summer that year I had kicked Chuck out and lived alone with our two children. This lasted for about two months, before Chuck and I could not stay away from each other. So he moved back in just before Daniels third birthday.

Cyrus kept coming in out home and he spends every second he could with Daniel and Isabella. He was there at Isabella's first birthday but then 2 days before new years he passed away, cancer had gotten the last of him. So again, we celebrated new years just the four of us. Then it was 2019, we hoped it would be a less dramatically year than the one before and it was, nothing in particular happened, Daniel turned four, Chuck and I turned 29 and Isabella 2. I meet Grace in August that year and we became best friends or so to speak. It was not like Serena and I but we were close and it turned out perfectly when we had dinner with them and that Chuck turned out good friends with Grace's husband David. They had a 3½ year old daughter; Maria. She played well with Daniel and soon we joked on about the two of them ending up married. By October we had meet with them countless times and Grace was the first i told my news. I was pregnant yet again. Set to give birth in May 2020. The year where both Chuck and I turned 30. I told Chuck in late October and he was thrilled. Then in mid November, Grace had the news as well she was due in June 2020 and we were so extremely excited to be able to go through out pregnancies together. We celebrated Christmas with the Johnsons and they were there at Isabella's third birthday. Her first words had of course been "daddy" he was her favourite thing in the entire world. A true daddy's girl.

We also celebrated New Years with them and I was glad that we had finally found some real friends again. We now stepped into 2020, a new era.

On may 14 2020, I gave birth to Christian Ethan Noah Bass and when Chuck stood there with him in his arms I told him that he had to be the last, we both agreed to this and decided to just enjoy the three wonderful kids we already had. Daniel turned five and was already a stabile soccer player. Roman and Harold came from France to celebrate his birthday and enjoyed watching him play a European sport. Isabella was a true charmer, she was only two, but everyone who saw her loved her. When she turned three that December Chuck gave her a Christian Dior Headband, something most people of course found hilarious.

Grace gave birth to Benjamin Theodor Johnson on June 4 2020. We kept spending endless hours with the Johnson's and spend Christmas and new years with them again.

That year Chuck and I also turned 30 but we decided to not really do much about it so we celebrated it with a holiday to Australia as soon as Christian would be old enough to be babysitter by Harold and Roman.

Nothing else really happened for the next years, we spent a lot of time with the Johnsons and our kids got older and older.

We managed to live 7 years without any big crisis. The year was 2027, Chuck and I were 37, Daniel had just turned 12, Isabella would turn 10 that December, and Christian had just reached the age of seven. We were on a holiday in Europe, both Chuck and I worked a bit. When Christian had turned 5 i had started working again, as editor in chief of Vogue. A job you will all know I have always wanted. Chuck was buying some buildings and the kids were just enjoying the beautiful sights of London, Paris and Rome, One afternoon when we had just arrived in Rome I got a phone call from Roman. My father was on the hospital, they had discovered that he had cancer in the lungs and would probably die. My father died 2 months later in September.

That is the only thing that happened in those 7 years and nothing had happened since then. Both my parents are now dead but I have my own family now. Grace and David are still our closets friends and our kids have now reached the age of 15, 11 and 10 however, Isabella will turn 12 in December.

My 40 birthday is coming up and I would like to see all of you for the party. I have put an invite with each letter. I sincerely hope that you will return with stories of how your life has been.

I want you to know I love and miss you all so very much.

Chuck asked me to give you all his best and looks forward to seeing all of you at my birthday party,

Yours sincerely

Blair Bass...