Foggy and Rainy. Cries and Whimpers. Laughs and Chuckles. Vampire and Werewolf.


You know when you get that strange feeling that your being watched, but there possibly not?

That's how i feel right now as i sit next to this glowing pale boy with brunette hair. I try my best to ignore it, but it is unignorable.

I have been kicked out of my school in Port Angeles, and sent to this other school in Forks. There is no one here i know. But that is ok. I really don't need to know people from here.

My dad has told me to be careful though while I'm down here. He says that there are some weird pale people who have either black or golden eyes, and they tend to be cold(but he also warned not to touch them). He said i need to be clear of them.

And right now, as i sit next to this spying hunky, i think he has all the tributes that make him someone i should not be by.

He is extremely pale. He has black eyes. May be cold.... He has a nice body too......six pack? Hmmm.......cock?

WAIIIIT You shouldn't be thinking that!

I sighed. Whatever.

I felt his eyes on my face. And they wouldn't leave. Class started, and i was introduced. They still didn't leave. And then the bell rang.

"Ok," i finally said, slinging my back pack around my shoulder and looking at the pale boy as the class filed out. "My name is Jacob."

The pale person starred at me.


The pale person smiled. "Hi, I'm Edward."

Edward the pale person finally broke his endless stare and put some papers in his backpack.

I sighed in relief. Finally!!

There was a silence, and we didn't move.

The air conditioning turned on, and my hair flittered.

A disgusting look came across Edward face---like he was sick or something.

He grabbed his mouth immediately, then took off, leaving his back pack in the class room. Now it was only me in this class room.

I starred at the door in surprise, wondering what had just happened. "What the fuck...."

Then i shook my head.

Ok, that guy was weird.

I looked fondly at his green back pack.

Then i sighed and picked it up, and made my way to the main office, deciding that i should maybe get a schedule and not just show up to a random class.