A/N: So, I wrote this really late at night...all of a sudden I was just inspired and this is what came out of it. I was just sitting in my room listening to Viva la Vida by Coldplay and this idea just hit me. I hope you enjoy it! Thanks for reading and don't forget to review.
They see him, they follow him, they watch him, but do they know him?
His picture is on every magazine, his name on the lips of millions of people. They try to peek into his life like they would a shop window, as if it's their right to see. I see it in their eyes as they stare; I hear it in their voices as they scream his name: ownership.
He's theirs and no one else's. I see the love, the jealousy, the want and the need. They need him, he is their addiction.
He is their idol, their role model.
But that's not Kai Hiwatari. He's no one to idolize.
They pretend to know everything about him, every little important detail. But, the fact is that that's a bunch of bull. They see the mask of perfection that he's donned in order to hide himself from the world.
They don't see the fractured image just underneath the surface. They don't see the real him, but I do. I've seen the monster that lurks beneath, the real Kai Hiwatari.
The one who has horrible nightmares that have plagued him for years. The one who I found sitting in the dark with a gun to his head and smiled when I asked him what he was doing, "Ending it," he said.
Idol huh?
What would they think if they saw him then? What would they think when he was lying in bed unable to move for days at a time. Would they want to own him then? Would they still want him to be theirs?
I hear him crying in the bathroom at night as he cuts himself. Funny how they never show up in the photos. They're just an imperfection that needs to be fixed. I recall hearing a photographer saying, "Nothing a little makeup won't cure."
That's right, go ahead and hide them. Hide the real Kai that's begging to come out, after all its nothing a little cover up can't get rid of.
They don't want to know that he's human just like them. That he's no better then the boy they sit next to in class or on the bus, the man in the cubical across from theirs. They don't want to know that he's hurting just like they are, just like everyone is.
He needs to be better than them, even if it means fooling themselves. Making him fool himself into thinking that he's alright.
After all, no one wants a broken toy.
Broken things are to be cast aside which is exactly what they will inevitably do to him.
But until that mask comes off, he's perfect.
He's their Kai Hiwatari; the idol, the role model, the glorified doll.
Ownership, is a fickle thing.
Thanks for reading and review! No flames please
Yours truly,