So here's a story in honor of St. Patrick's day. It actually has nothing to do with St. Patrick's day, but St. Patrick's day reminds me of Jin, and therefore this fanfic was born. I tried to do Jin's accent, but I'm not sure if it's right.

Disclaimer: If I owned Yu Yu Hakusho Jin and Touya would have way more screen time and Kurama would parade around shirtless.

Touya closed and locked his bedroom door with a soft sigh. He treasured the silence of the room compared to the rush of sounds that always seemed to surround him. Muscles aching from today's earlier training, he settled himself onto his bed.

His life hadn't always been this loud. In fact, life with the Shinobi had been pretty quiet, after all, they were ninjas. Yes, looking back on things, it had been extremely quiet almost to the point of boredom. Then he'd met Jin.

He remembered the day Jin had arrived at the training grounds, eyes shining with excitement. Yes, he remembered, his eyes were the first thing he'd noticed about Jin. Jin's eyes were as blue as ice but nowhere near as cold. He remembered how when he first saw Jin, the second thing he noticed was the innocence he seemed to possess, though that assumption had been shattered after actually talking to him.

Jin was the type of person Touya would have tried to ignore in any normal situation. But then again, it hadn't exactly been a normal situation. After all, when Risho had burst into his room, Jin trailing behind him like a lost kitten, he knew he couldn't say no. Risho had shoved Jin in the direction of the empty twin bed, than left, slamming the door behind him.

The third thing Touya had noticed about Jin was how tall he was. Of course, he really couldn't have been that much taller than everyone else, the effect was probably due to his rather apparent lack of height.

The fourth thing he'd noticed was Jin's accent. He could honestly say he'd never heard anything quite like it, but he would probably have appreciated it a bit more if he could have understood what the hell Jin was actually saying. While Touya had been staring at Jin's mouth in an attempt to read his lips, an attempt which failed rather horribly, he had noticed the fifth thing about Jin, his ears. As Jin had talked his ears had gradually gotten pointier. It had been a subtle change at first, but now that they had seemed to reach the end of their…"transformation", they were a bit hard to overlook.

Jin had not been Touya's idea of the perfect roommate, to state the obvious. He was the first person Touya had ever met that could manage to make noise all the time. Even when he was unconscious. Sweet kami, could that man snore.

But strangely enough he'd somehow managed to grow attached to the Windmaster, an act he'd first thought impossible. He wasn't sure how they'd grown attached exactly, though he'd chalk a bit of it up to Jin's persistence in friendship and his stream of never-ending jabber.

There was a loud thump from downstairs, followed by a chorus of yelling and laughter. Touya snapped out of his daze as the silence was broken and turned his head slightly to gaze out the window. Though the trees of the forest blocked most of the sun, he could tell it was around sunset. It was almost time for dinner.

He sat up slowly, arching his back and receiving a rather satisfying pop in response. He was just about to get to his feet when he heard a loud knock on his door.

"Touya! Tim' for grub! C'mon!"

Touya smiled softly as he stood. Maybe he did have to sacrifice some of the quiet he enjoyed so much, but Jin was worth it.