Death and Beyond

Chapter 4

Black Fox!

Heh…the name says it all….the gang meets Black Fox…..and what role he plays. Anyway enjoy the story.


Naruto and the gang were in their last year of the academy and were thankful. Even though they were prodigies they still needed to learn the basics and it was very boring! Luckily today was the day that they got to test their powers in a field run. They were going to Karakura town because that was the place where a lot of hollows were and was excellent practice. Sure it was peaceful somewhat during Ichigo's early days as a soul reaper but it was place where hollows were common place and most people could see them. Very few people could fight them though and they were the grandkids of Ichigo's gang.

Anyway they were lead here by a low ranking soul reaper and were told to kill a few hollows and then come back to the center on the town which was where they were at. They were divided into groups. Naruto was with Senna, Danny, and Inuyasha at the moment and they were currently tracking some hollows. For some reason Naruto was having a bad feeling about this mission but he could handle anything. Goku had tought naruto a few energy moves anyway. But the finger beams were his favorite as he had called then Death Beams, which Goku was a bit ify on. He had also gotten the weigth to be 2 tons and that meant something really bad for the receiving end of a punch. One time naruto had even made goku appear in the real world once but that must have been a fluke because he couldn't come out any other time. He did find out that they had the same personalities and eating habits….now that was scary.

They had been following a few hollows for a bit and decided to confront them. They released their shikai and attacked. There were 12 Hollows in all and this was going to be fun. Danny used his ghostly wail to knock them back a bit and then shot two in the mask with his ghost beams. Inuyasha then rushed in and killed 4 more with his Windscar. Senna sent a leafy tornado at the rest which picked them up and then Naruto created his new attack. He created a spiral of pure energy and sent it at the tornado combining the attacks, "MAELSTORM SPIRAL!" and in that instant the hollows were obliterated.

"Well that was easy…" said Inuyasha.

"Whaddya expect dog boy…we are the best!" said Senna.

"Yeah I just how my brother doesn't Kagome killed."

At that moment naruto felt an odd power. 'You guys feel that?"

"No…but you always have better sensing abilities." said Danny. "What is it?"

"A dark power…..and this uneasiness I have been feeling must have been this." said naruto. "Come on! It coming toward the center of town!" it had gotten stronger to and its power kept rising and the others felt it too.

On the other side of town was Sesshomaru Ryu, Kagome, Kite, and Haseo and just finished with their hollows and thought they were too easy as well But that came to an end when they felt a strong and purely evil power in the center of town and rushed to the spot.

When everyone got there, there was nothing but the power was still there.

"What the hell!" said Inuyasha as he was pissed at not seeing anything.

"Foolish brother it is here, we just have to look for it." The older dog said.

"Well….this could be bad." said the usually silent Ryu. They nodded they released their shikai once more.

"Bring them to the twilight: nirugumaryu" Senna

"Fight to defend the innocent: Kakarot" Naruto

"Tch…. Strike down 1000 demons: Tetsaiga" Inuyasha

"Heal the fallen: Tensaiga" Sesshomaru

"Purify the corrupt: Midoriko" Kagome

"Become one with the dead: Phantom" Danny

"Drain the impurities: Epitaph of Twilight" Kite

"The Terror of Death: Skeith" Haseo

"Inner façade: Persona" Ryu

After they released their Shikai, they started to hear laughter.

"Heh heh heh hahahahahaha! Ha-ack cough cough cough. Ah…..well that was smart to unleash your powers but I don't think it will help you fools." Said a voice. At that time the other students came and were freaking out about the power when one was lifted into the air and everyone went quiet. "What a weak soul reaper….about to die once more…how sad…"

At this time Naruto shouted, "NO DON'T! What do you want?!" at this the other student turned to see naruto and the gang in a circle, looing in all directions to see who was doing this. Finally, Inuyasha shouted that the figure was on top on the building where the poor, floating soul reaper was.

"Ah…I can be seen finally….it was quite annoying having people not see me….oh wait no it was not….that just makes me that more of a threat." said the figure as his voice boomed. "I guess I don't need this fool anymore." He said as the figure made a hand motion and the poor sap exploded.


"Oh did I strike a nerve, boy? He he he….it would seem I know how to do that……he he he….still don't know who I am?" let me help that pathetic brain of yours." The figure said as he jump down from the building and he landed with grace. He was a dark trench coated male with a good build. Under the trench coat was black baggy pants with many pockets, a black shirt that had the kenji for Destroyer on it, and on the back of the trench coat was a black-ish fox with red eyes. He also had some fingerless gloves on. They could not see his face because of his hollow mask that had a picture of a the nine tailed fox on it. " Do you know me now?"

"No….but how do you know of the fox!?"

"He he he…well….i am….your darkside…for you see….everyone as an inner hollow in them but you…..i guess you could thank that statue of the demon's you absorbed."

"Wha….no that can't be!"

"Oh but it is….not only I you darkside but also the 9 demons' darkside….and we want you dead!"he said as he rushed naruto and had flew up into the air with his hold on naruto's neck. "I guess I could kill you now but wouldn't much fun…..i an going to let you suffer… and for friends. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed as he huge ass hollows appeared and went after his friends.

"no…" naruto said he then struggled and punched his other side in the gut sendin him back.

"Ack! Oh I will enjoy killing you!"

"Before we fight….what is your name?"

"I don't see the point, seeing as you will be dead...but I am Black Fox.I was created from your loathing of the village but I could not come out because of that damn pure heart of yours! But when you died and absorbed that energy…..well…when expelled that powet I came out and reformed after you were gone. Isn't death grand. I whetted to destroy konoha but I will settle for you for holding me back. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" he laughed as he took off his mask to reveal his face that looked similar to Naruto's except it, has red eyes, deeper whisker marks which Naruto no longer had, his hair was jet black with red tips. "Now die." He said as they clashed. Blow for blow but they each blocked the blows. With each hit they sent shock waves in the air.

While that was happening the gang was having a tough time taking on the huge hollows. Some of the weaker soul reapers were dead. Ichigo's grandkid was in the distance watching the fight with fear. This black fox was strong and so was the blond.

The two captians appeared to help the others. The real fight had begun, because the senju brothers where here. (any clue what their name's are?) They brought down the hollows and got to a safe point with the other remaining soul reapers in training.

"AH! Death Beam!" yelled Naruto as on hit Black Fox. This had become energy and physical battle for the two. Although Black Fox was hold back….a lot he was impress the boy could his him.

"So…..I think I have had enough…say goodbye to your friends." He said and bashed naruto to the ground right in front of them. It seems that Black Fox was getting ready for an all new attack. He began to gather dark energy into his hands.

"No…" naruto said weakly as he got up. He was very bloody but it didn't seem to affect him at the moment. "I won't let you hurt them….i swear." At this time his friend began to notice a outline of someone behind him. Them it was a person but naruto still didn't notice. He had achive harmony with his sword spirit, mostly because they had the same fighting spirit. "You will never win!" he voice was laced with Goku's and he put a hand on naruto to tell him he was ready. "I will win…I WIL protect them……HAAAAAAAA!" he yelled as he gathered energy. "BANKAI!" they said at the same time and he was engulfed in pure spirit energy.

At this the two captains looked at each other and thought the same thing. Oh shit…

The power was so get that they had to back up a bit and the grandkid of Ichigo could feel it from where he was. When Naruto stepped out of the fire he had the suit of Goku on. The wrist bands turned back into the flame tattoos but were actually on blue fire. His hair was the the usualsize but spiked up and were also on blue fire. The Spiritual Super Sayian! Black fox was now pissed and they both brought out their attacks at the same time.

"Dark Nemesis!


The two attacks hit and were at a stand still until Goku appeared behind him again and help. With the combine voice and power they yelled,

"SPIRIT BLAST!" and with that the beam of energy shot thought the dark energy blast and hit black fox who, surprisingly was laughing.

"AHAHA HA HAHA! I see my test work…..but don't think you bankai will be able to help all the time boy, for I was holding back….don't worry though….in due time you will be dead! Ahahahaha!" he laughed as he disappeared into a dark substance. After that he began to feel his injuries and started to fall. He vision going out he saw that his friends were running to him and some captians he never saw before. Then he passed out with Senna yelling his name.


Hope you all like it. Oh had since his a spirit sayain….well first level of bankai is not that strong. Ok RnR please.