That night, once he had managed to find his text book – under his bed, mind you he had no idea how it had gotten there, he signed online, anxious to talk to Ellie. He was glad to find that she was online and sent her in an instant message almost right away.

Cavalier: Strange things are happening here.

TiggerToo: Doesn't anything normal ever happen around you?

Cavalier: I'm beginning to think that they don't.

TiggerToo: Oh. Care to elaborate?

Cavalier: I almost got hit by a car the other day, I guess I just totally lost focus, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and this kid pulled me out of the way. I didn't even know him.

TiggerToo: That's not all that weird, Will, he's probably just a nice kid who didn't want to see you get hurt. I mean if I saw someone about to be hit by a car I hope that I would pull them out of the way whether I knew them or not, I mean generally it's just the right thing to do.

Cavalier: I know, I know, I would have thought that too, but he ran away after he got me to safety…I mean I didn't even get to say thank you before he bolted, didn't even see his face.

TiggerToo: Ok, I'll admit, that's a little bit odd.

Cavalier: That's not all either, it gets weirder.

TiggerToo: You're not seriously going to try and withhold information now that you've brought it up, have you?

Cavalier: No, I guess that I just don't want you to worry about me, I mean you have to admit that you're just a little bit on the protective side…I mean you brought me a fucking sword when I was in trouble, a sword, Elle – not that I'm complaining.

TiggerToo: I know, I just don't want to see you get hurt! Anyways, tell me the weirdness.

Cavalier: Ok, so a couple of days later I accidentally tripped this big guy – some wrestler, outside of a class room and he got REALLY mad. I apologized and everything, but he told me that I needed to watch where I was going. He was about to beat me up, like he was reeling back to punch me and everything when the boy showed up again. I mean this kid was maybe one third the size of Gordon, the wrestler, but he told Gordon that touching me would be a bad idea and the guy just let go and walked off. Before I had a chance to thank the kid or get his name or anything, he was running off again.

TiggerToo: Ok, that's sort of weird. You've got me curious now. Anything else?

Cavalier: I forgot my history text today in class. I mean I was SURE that I had it, but when I opened up my bag, it was gone, and he leant me his when the teacher called on me…I saw his name on his notebook, but again, before I could talk to him he ran off to another class.

TiggerToo: Sounds like someone has confrontation issues, wow. What was his name?

Cavalier: Tristan Green. Sadly, it gets even weirder, I'm still not done.

TiggerToo: Jesus, really? Well you should tell me…and I can see what it all pans out as.

Cavalier: Ok, so his uncle is the school's president and he's the captain of both the fencing and the archery teams…which are both year round sports.

TiggerToo: Wait, TWO year round sports? I can barely manage track with my schedule and college sports are even more intense…it sounds like you have a superman on your hands.

Cavalier: Yeah, a superhero with a thing for medieval weapons fighting?

TiggerToo: Hmm…I hadn't thought of that. You know…um, well you said that his name is Tristan, right?

Cavalier: Yes, Tristan Green.

TiggerToo: And you say that his uncle is the school president and he's the captain of the archery team and the fencing team?

Cavalier: Yes…why? Are you making some connection that I should be getting?

TiggerToo: Well you know my parents…they know all of these things and so as a result, I do to. One of King Arthur's knights was Sir. Tristan…he was known to be both a talented archer and swordsman…and….you're not going to like this, but his uncle was King Mark of Cornwall.

Cavalier: I thought we'd agreed that nothing in our lives had anything to do with the Knights of King Arthur's court.

TiggerToo: I think it's ridiculous too, don't worry, you're not alone in that, it just seems like sometimes it's…well a little too weird NOT to be, like it would almost be easier to believe if it were all related than if it was just a coincidence. Then again, unless this Tristan guy runs off with some lady named Iseult to have a forbidden love, forever on the run from society, I think that we're safe.

Cavalier: Comforting.

TiggerToo: Sorry…Medieval sense of humor that isn't actually funny sort of runs in the family.

Cavalier: So what do you think?"

TiggerToo: I think that you should be careful and watch your back…but also, I mean the next chance you get, try and talk to this kid, see if he has any reason for looking out for you the way that he has been. I mean it's normal to pull people out of the way of a moving car, but to challenge a bully twice your size…that's pretty unusual, even if he has the school's disciplinary power on his side.

Cavalier: Ok. Thanks…Oh, I completely forgot to ask…how's settling back into Minnesota?

TiggerToo: It's…kind of weird, really. I almost wanted to stay in Maryland, but I know that my parents love their work and it's not like I won't be at college in a year anyways, so I guess everything's the way that it should be – things here are normal, unlike your ever complicated life.

Cavalier: Whatever did I do to deserve such a fate?

TiggerToo: No idea, but hey…at least you met me out of it.

Cavalier: True, true – listen, it's dinner time here, or at least my stomach has decided that it is, so thanks for the help, I'll call you later.

TiggerToo: Ok. Love you.

Cavalier: Love you too.

With that, Will signed off, leaning back into his chair. He had been sure that leaving Avalon High had meant that all of this strictly coincidental King Arthur stuff would be over, but it seemed quite the opposite. He was afraid that now that Mr. Morton had put the idea into their heads that this twisted legend of reincarnations and royalty would follow him for the rest of his life, even if it was crazy.