Z – Zeal

What is shared between us goes beyond passion. Because passion can be love or hate, tender or tense, right or wrong. Passion simply cannot describe the mixture of all of these things between he and I; but there is a word which is able to justly classify our feelings.

And that word is zeal.

We both hold a certain zeal for the other, a passion so rich that it covers all the varieties, such as the six I initially named. Our zeal is crisp and solid, like a sheet of ice over the surface of a pond during the first frost. Our zeal, too, is asphyxiating and everlasting, like the humid summer heat at the Earth's equator.

It is impossible to describe our relationship in any other way, because it is not a romance, nor a competition; it is both at once. And it has been ever since we met as children, and will be until the day we die.