a/n: lawl, I got bored and rushed through another scene D: Love me? I'll be legal next year :D


Naruto sat quietly in Sasuke's bed, awaiting his return. He had gone off on a rampage, arguing with his older brother. He still can't explain it thoroughly. Why was this girl, and Kiba, apart of the press? That didn't really make any sense unless this company had even more secrets hidden inside. Naruto just wanted to know, he needed to get out what Sasuke had been hiding from him. If not that, he just hoped to get something out of it. He wanted to trust this man and was losing it every second.

He rubbed his eyes, moving to get up. He noticed a small refrigerator on the other side of the room. He had been hungry still, actually missing dinner in all of this commotion. Going over there, he opened it up, staring at all the different delectable things he could take and eat (and make Sasuke pay for). Types of sweets and chocolate, noodles and rice. It was a bit like heaven to him. Since what he grabbed was a drink that he had never seen or heard of. But it smelt like cherries. It was a first to him, but he drank it.


When coming back to he had been laying on Sasuke's bed again, half naked, wearing one of his shirts and gripping to it effortlessly. He had a headache, and was annoyed. He desperately wanted his lover to come back and be with him. To his good luck, Sasuke came back into the room within a few minutes of Naruto's new complaining.

"Sorry about all this–" He cut himself off when he looked over to Naruto. He was breathing shallowly, his face had become red. "Are you okay?" He chuckled, moving over to the boy. He laid next to him, staring at the boy, and breathed. "Look Naruto…I don't know how I can put this…" He wasn't sure how he could explain what happened at the company, without an outburst. It was just this mishap…and wasn't as important as Naruto was now. He had such a pretty face. Cute. And his expressions when he was nervous, or just thinking. It made the boy so cute. And the way he was breathing. Everything he was doing. It made him move, pressing his lips to those pink ones. The ones that really did make him crazy.

His other thoughts tended to make him crazy. He always tried to resist the urges, the secret desires and dreams he had (and lived through) of Naruto panting, spread out among his dark sheets, covered in sweat and cum. He was always begging for more of his hard cock, ramming into him, over and over again until he was red and sore. Sasuke had always been infatuated with the blond. He had helped him before, long ago. Seen him in his old town.

"Sasuke…" Naruto said quietly, being shushed and pulled back in to be kissed again.

He couldn't seem to help himself anymore. If Naruto would break up with him, he needed at least one night of endless sex to forget about it.

"You smell like cherries, what were you doing?" He licked against the bottom lip, pushing Naruto over so he was against the bed now and not on his side. His hands traveled under the white shirt of his, touching the bare skin that hid from Sasuke. He pulled off the buttons with one hand, and pushed the other down to the hard flesh

Naruto was too out of it to talk, he just watched when Sasuke moved, pulling off his pants and shirts (the attire he had to put on when he talked to the other workers), throwing them off the bed. The only thing he realized was that Sasuke was pulling off his own shirt. Their skin touching against one another. He just loved it.

Sasuke suddenly moved off of the bed, grabbing a bottle and then moving back. "Drink this." He handed Naruto the bottle, it was that scent again. Cherries. Something was enticing him and made him drink it.

"Wh-What happened…here…?" He was becoming sleepy as Sasuke took the bottle and kissed him.

"Oh, it's not important…just a few loose ends we have to tie up."

"It's not like you…you killed anyone…" He gave a moan when he was kissed again, feeling Sasuke's hand drag against his ass. He felt him breathe as he touched the entrance, slipping pass the muscle.

"Do you really want to talk about this, Naruto?"

"Yes! Uh, no…will you just wait?!" Naruto became confused as he answered, not knowing whether to say yes or no. He was beginning to feel faint and the other feeling was the aura of dominance, and complete control radiating from Sasuke. Well, as he slipped in another finger beside it (Without the slickness of lubricant) Thrusting both fingers. He crooked his fingers a little; bending them, wanting to find the nerves to shut the blond up, including when adding the third.

"S-sasuke, stop that!" He had now been referring to the hand that had gripped against his member. "Just…enter…" He blushed, shaking his head at his thoughts that made Sasuke chuckle, as he moved his body, sitting up and pulling Naruto onto his cock.

(don't you just hate me :p)

When Naruto had awoken he was laying under a mountain of covers, twisted and turned within the sheets, locked in a battlefield that he fought his way out of. He had a migraine, and when meeting the floor, he was now left in Sasuke's shirt. He didn't really even remember what happened, but whatever it was made him feel gross and want to take a shower. First, he wanted to find Sasuke who hadn't been in his room or his office. He didn't want to walk around in this attire and this look to find him. It was bad enough he had ruined any chance of people not finding out about what happened. Naruto was still fuzzy about what had happened.

What he remembered from last night was riding out orgasm after orgasm (or so Sasuke would tell him) it only made him blush and hate the man in a, boyfriend kinda way. Where you don't hate them, but it's more of teasing them. So Sasuke wasn't going to get any for a month. What was even in that drink Naruto had?

Shaking his head he moved to find his clothes. Decent clothes he could wear and look…well decent. It just looked like he fell asleep in them. If anyone asked.

Walking out of the room and office, he had seen reporters pass him. The entire building seemed empty, so Naruto already knew where Sasuke was. Heading through to the conference room, he heard people talking. It sounded like his brother…arguing with…Kiba actually.

"Look, you started this and I want these reporters gone."

"My oh my, Itachi, that's a problem. Because I have reporters fucking all over my building too. I called the cops six times and they're still there. We locked up everything possible and it's your brother's fault."

"No. I won't be blamed again. You took Naruto onto your film, and got just as fucked over as I did. It's not my fault; my brother goes for cute men, now is it? No. So you just take all the reporters, and get out of my building."

Kiba chuckled. "You aren't going to give me a tour? Where are you hiding it anyway?"

"Look, I don't want my brother getting into it. He wasn't part of our company when it happened."

"Oh, so hiding a dead body won't get all of you arrested."

"He doesn't even know. And doesn't need to. This discussion is over."