Crimson and Violet

"I didn't ask to be a Super! I didn't want this! I DIDN'T ASK TO BE BORN!"-When Violet decides she's had enough of being a super, she goes to the one man who she knows can help her. But what happens when she looses her memory, and the only one she can cling to is Buddy Pine and his alter-ego Syndrome? Synlet AU/OOC

Author's Note: Okay. You probably hate me by now for betraying you and not updating this for. . . .well a while. I'm so SOOOOOOO sorry!!!! Please forgive me? R&R!!!

Crimson and Violet

Chapter Thirteen: Ulterior Motives

Buddy slammed his head against his desk, furiously. He repeated the movement for several minutes before getting a headache and nearly blacking out. He rubbed his head, thoughtfully.

Violet had no memory whatsoever. In a sense, this was to his, or more of Syndrome's advantage. With no memory, Violet was as moldable as clay, and Buddy Pine could form her into whatever he wanted her to be.

A new light seemed to shine in Buddy's office as another thought came to Buddy. Without memories, Violet may not be able to consciously activate her powers, which left her helpless.

New plans began swimming through Buddy's mind as he began to imagine a new plan for the destruction of Mr. Incredible.

'I thought you'd given all that up? Thrown in the hat. Hadn't we just decided to move on to bigger and better things? To leave all this silly nonsense of revenge and evil behind us?' came the teasing voice in the back of Buddy's mind.

'Oh shut up,'he thought back, miserably. 'Maybe this time it will work,'

'Yes, just like it worked last time,' came the sarcastic reply. 'And anyways, what about the girl?'

Buddy stiffened slightly. Yes, what about Violet? What would happen if her memories were to suddenly return to her?

He sighed. It was just too risky. Too risky, and not worth the time, nor the effort. He would just have to put away all thoughts of revenge for another time.


Her soft, melodious voice drifted in through his thoughts, rousing him from his reverie.


"Yes Violet?" he said, turning and staring at the girl who stood, framed in the doorway. He must have been giving her a dirty look, or the evil eye, because she flinched and took a step away from him.

Buddy couldn't help but give a soft smile; the poor girl was absolutely helpless!


"I-I was just wondering. . . . W-would you like to go for a walk?" Violet said softly, avoiding Buddy's gaze.

He blinked.


"I said, would you like to-"

"No, I heard what you said. I was just wondering why you're asking me," he said. The words came out harsher than he had meant them to, and Buddy noticed the look of hurt and disappointment that had flickered through Violet's eyes.

"No reason," she said quietly. "I-I just thought it might be nice. . .b-but if you're too busy, m-maybe some other time,"

The door shut quietly behind her, leaving Buddy completely bemused.

He ran the entire conversation through his mind several times, scanning each of her words for some hidden meaning, or sarcasm, but finding none.

Had the girl honestly just wanted to spend time with him?

He frowned.

As unlikely as it seemed, the girl didn't seem to have had anything else in mind. No secret plan to murder him, no ulterior motives which included physical harm, mental torture, or even sex. No. The girl had simply wanted to go for a walk. With him.

Buddy sighed and laid his head on his desk.

He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty for snubbing the girl so harshly, though he had no idea why.

'It's because you like her,' a small voice said inside of him. 'You're upset because you've upset someone you care about,''

"I do NOT care about her!" Buddy yelled in frustration. "I've only known her a week!"

'Love happens in mysterious ways,' the voice sang softly.

"Oh shut up," Buddy grumbled, slamming his head against the desk. He instantly regretted it, and put a hand to his throbbing head.

Hissing in pain and frustration, he took a small key from his pocket and unlocked a drawer in his desk.

Slowly, he pulled out a small glass cup, and a dark bottle.

With a sigh, he poured the whiskey into the cup, swirling it twice before taking a long sip, and mulling over the events of the past few days. He sighed again and took another long sip, before sinking back into his chair and staring up at the ceiling.

It had been a long week.

"Thank god it's Friday," Buddy murmured, closing his eyes.