Everybody Look Down
Honestly, I love the character of Castiel. I really do. I just want to whump him. My idea of how it could all go down (or not go down?). You might have to read my other story 'Thoughts Results of Static Cling' to understand some of the concepts that I use in this story.
Summary: Dean watched as Sam held Castiel in his grasp, threatening to kill him if anyone took a step closer. But it wasn't Sam anymore.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. I just own the idea behind the story. All the angels that I use in this story are real angels, but I'm going to mold them to fit my story.
Italic is angel speak
So, this was how it was supposed to end. The moment happened in slow motion for everyone who stood in the room. The angels, the Winchesters, and the demon. Bobby and one of the archangels were trapped outside the room. Dean watched as Sam held Castiel in his grasp, one arm wrapped around the angel's torso, and the other hand on Castiel's neck, threatening to kill him if anyone took a step closer. But it wasn't Sam anymore. The son of Lucifer, Mammon, was using Sam as a vessel and was about to break the last two seals to let his father walk the other. "Sammy, please," Dean pleaded.
"Sam isn't here anymore, Dean," Mammon said. "He says he's sorry, by the way."
"You bastard!" Dean yelled.
"I know," Mammon sneered with a smile on his face.
"Let them both go!" Michael yelled.
"What are you going to give me for them?" Mammon said. Castiel stood in front of Mammon frozen, waiting for someone to do something. "Ah, ah, Gabriel," Mammon said, turning his head to face the archangel as he tried to sneak up on them.
Gabriel stopped in his place. "What makes you think we won't just all come after you at once?" Uriel said.
"Because you won't risk your brother. I'll kill him before you get to me. And you know what happens when I do." Uriel stepped forward, ignoring the threats the demon had just made. "Step back! I already told you to stay back. Now your youngest brother has to pay the price."
Mammon produced a knife and held it above the angel. The eyes of every angel bulged. "Mammon, put the knife down. You don't have to hurt him because of our mistakes."
"Of course, I do, Michael. How else will you learn to listen to me?"
"Mammon, no!" Gabriel yelled.
"Try and stop me," Mammon challenged with a laugh. "Don't worry, Gabriel, you know I can't kill him with just this."
Mammon brought the knife down and stuck it in Castiel's side. Castiel's eyes widened and he bit his lip to keep himself from making a sound. He didn't want to worry his brothers. But he was in pain. A lot of pain. His side felt like it was on fire, and the fire was spreading. It was the most that he'd felt in awhile. "Castiel," Uriel pressed, needing to know if his brother was all right. "I'm sorry," he whispered, his voice full of guilt for causing his brother injury.
"Aw, no scream," Mammon said with a frown.
He was disappointed. He grabbed onto the knife and pushed it in further then twisted it. Castiel whimpered and his knees buckled. He would've fallen if Mammon didn't have a hold on him.
"Cas," Dean said. It was the first words that he had said in awhile. Dean gaped at the stab wound that wasn't bleeding. He figured the knife was supposed to injure Castiel and not the vessel.
"I'm all right," he said, but his shaking body told them different.
Mammon let go of the knife. "Lesson learned."
Dean turned to stare at the other archangels. His thoughts took him back to what Mammon had said before. "What will happen?" he asked. "What happens if he kills Castiel?"
Mammon turned his attention to Dean. Dean looked at him and saw Sam for an instant before he realized that it wasn't his brother anymore. "You mean they haven't told you, Pure Heart? You are good, and righteous, and follow their orders, and you still don't know? It isn't nice being in the dark, is it?" Mammon taunted. "And they say that we're the ones who can't be trusted.?
"What the hell happens?" Dean demanded. He wanted to know what everyone else in the room knew that he didn't.
Gabriel sighed. He didn't want Dean to find out any other way. "If the son kills the son," Gabriel started. He stopped, almost as if he refused to believe that it would get to that point. If he said it out loud it might give it a chance of coming true.
"Then my father is basically free. It's the sixty-fifth seal. But don't worry, Castiel. I won't kill you yet. I need you to break the sixty-sixth seal too."
"The son?" Dean asked.
"He's the lion," Mammon said with a smile. He wrapped a hand tighter around Castiel's throat and pulled him up. "Aren't you?" he whispered in his ear.
"You are the son of God?" Dean asked Castiel. Castiel looked away from Dean, unable to keep his gaze. That told him everything. Mammon loosened his hold on Castiel and he sagged forward. "Then when would this happen?"
Michael stepped forward, interrupting the conversation. "That won't matter because it won't get that far," he said.
"Such confidence in a lost cause," Mammon said. "The battle is lost, angels. There is only so much you can do to postpone it. Hell on Earth is inevitable."
"Don't be so sure, Mammon," Uriel said.
"It's almost certain."
Castiel moaned as Mammon adjusted to stand Castiel upright. "Just hold on, Castiel, we'll get you out of this," Gabriel said.
Mammon could've gagged at the sentiment between the brothers. "So, Dean. Now that all the cards are laid out on the table, I want you to make a choice for me."
Dean looked from Castiel to Mammon. "What?" he asked.
"Now that you know the importance of me, I mean, Sam, and the angel, who do you want to save?"
"You're giving me a choice?"
"Maybe," Mammon said with a sick smile.
"Are you saying that I can save one of them?" Dean asked. He knew that he couldn't believe what the son of Lucifer was offering him. Demons lie.
"You can do anything you want to do, Dean. We can put it in a hypothetical sense if you want to. Imagine if you could save one of these two. Tell me who you want to save?"
"I can't make a choice like that," Dean whispered.
"Aw, come on, Dean. Be selfish. Save the little brother like you were raised to do. Like you were programmed to do."
"Why? Don't you need his meatsuit?" he asked.
Mammon sighed at the human's ignorance. "He is expendable, Dean. You don't think we have a backup or two. Though I must say, this one has to be my favorite. He's strong."
"Get out of my brother, you son of a bitch," Dean threatened.
"Is that your choice, then?" Mammon asked.
Dean paused for a second. "No," he whispered.
"So, you choose your angel."
"No," Dean said, quickly. He ignored brushed off the fact that Mammon designated Castiel as his.
"Make a choice, Dean," Mammon yelled, impatient.
"Why are you giving me a choice?"
"Because. Castiel went through the trouble of pulling you out of Hell. You must be worth something. They think that you might be the one to save the world. This is your chance."
"Dean, don't listen to him," Castiel said.
"Come on, Dean," Mammon taunted. "I'll give you your Sammy back. I really don't need him. I can find ways to work with my other options."
"Dean," Castiel whispered, weak, but he was still trying to get Dean's attention.
Mammon shook the angel and tightened his hold to keep him from talking. "Think about it," Mammon said. "You choose the angel, you stop the Apocalypse but you lose your brother. Ironically, you'd stop Hell on earth and have your own personal hell. On the other hand, you choose your brother, you both will probably be the first to die in the war. So, tell me, Dean. Hell for you, or Hell for everyone else?"
As Mammon continued to speak, Castiel discreetly reached behind him and plucked a feather from his wings. He knew what he had to do. The feather in his hand transformed into a sword. His angel form detached himself from his vessel as much as he could with an injury. The room brightened slightly. The wound in the vessels side started to bleed.
While the vessel stayed in place, Castiel's angel form brought his arms and the sword in front of him. "I'm sorry," he whispered. All the glass in the room cracked.
Everyone in the room turned to stare at Castiel. The archangels' eyes widened at what they saw. "Castiel, don't do it!" Michael yelled.
"I have to."
He drove the sword back, piercing him in the chest and going back into Mammon. Sam fell back and Castiel's vessel fell forward to the floor unconscious. But left at their feet, in the middle of the room where the bodies were standing was a black cloud and a fading light in silhouettes of people. The black cloud quickly sank into the ground in a shriek. The angel form in the middle fell to one knee, the sword still stuck into him, tainted with Mammon's blood. Castiel's chest heaved as he slowly pulled the sword from himself.
Just when everyone thought that it was all right to breathe, a dark cloud in the shape of a hand reached up from the ground and grabbed Castiel. "I'm taking you with me," a voice hissed throughout the room.
Dean dove for Sam's unconscious body and dragged him away as Gabriel dove for Castiel as the hand pulled at him. Gabriel grabbed Castiel's hand and pulled. "Castiel, no!"
Castiel's body sank quickly into the ground. "Find me," Castiel said, shattering the windows and all glass in the room. Castiel pried his brother's fingers from his hand and disappeared under the floorboards.
Gabriel collapsed onto the ground what Castiel had been a second ago. He raised a fist and punched the floor hard enough to shake the entire room. "Get Jeremiel, now!" he yelled.
Dean stared at Gabriel kneeling on the floor shaking. Dean cradled his brother in his arms while the angels wished they could.
Dang. I'm sorry. Like, I really am. First, for being away for so long, and second for starting yet another story. I just have all these stories that I want to write. And they won't leave me alone until I post them. But I'm going to finish this one. I have chapters lined up and I just have to write them. Outlining does help. If you are reading this and you read any of my other ongoing stories, I promise I'll get back to them. It's just this is my fix right now.
Also, I'm expecting a lot of angels in this story, and I have an idea of who I'd like to play them. I even have some people for my bad guys too. I guess I'll cast them as they come along.
Here is my cast of the archangels.
Michael (He who is like God) – Jeffrey Donovan
Gabriel (Might of God, God is my strength) – James Marsters
Raphael (God's healing) – Eric Marsden
Uriel (Fire of God) – Robert Wisdom
So, here is my first chapter. I hope it was all right. Thanks for reading. Please review. Lil-Rock