A/N: Before you read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

First of I would like to say thanks for reading and reviewing. And that I don't own Naruto but I do own Kusari Akito, my own OC.

Anyways I gotta say that this is an Older!Naruto fic and is completely AU so don't complain too much bout that. Naruto is 5 years older then in the Canon and is the same age as Itachi. His parents are still the 4th Hokage and Uzumaki Kushina though he doesn't know it yet and he has already met the Kyuubi.

Chapter 1:Uzumaki Naruto

I exist only as the power of human sacrifice. The creation of those who despise me. I am doomed to serve under the pre-tense of one word. Jinchuuriki.

He twisted and turned. Anything to stop the voice in his head.

We can't anything about it Naruto. We are weapons. We exist only to serve.

Sweat glistened onto his forehead. A small whimper escaped his lips.

Naruto…Please. Make it stop. Finish me. End my pain. Please.

He screamed. His eyes snapped open and darted from side to side. A small but relieved sigh was let out.

It was only a nightmare. An effective one, but a nightmare nonetheless.

He clenched his fists. Blood leaking out from where his fingernails were digging into his skin.

Why? Why was it always this nightmare? Could he not get one nights rest without the guilt eating through him?

His thoughts shifted to the conversation he had years ago with Kusari Akito, Iwa's jinchuuriki and a master of long range combat.


It was during his first diplomatic mission to Iwagakure that he first saw him.

Kusari Akito. The container of the Gobi no Houkou or Five Tailed Dog and a chunnin of the Rock. Dressed from head to toe in custom made red armour, the only exception being his eyes, and at the age of 23, he was one of the world's most cunning and diabolical men. He was also the Yondaime Tsuchikage.

Blue eyes met yellow as the two jinchuuriki sized each other up.

"Uzumaki Naruto, I presume." Akito started, breaking the silence. His answer was a polite nod. If most of his face was not cover by his red armour Naruto would have seen the bloodthirsty grin that had spread across his face. It didn't matter. He had felt it.

"Welcome to my village, Naruto-san. I trust that your journey was not too bothersome?"

Shaking of the killing intent, Naruto replied wit no emotion.

"Not at all, Kusari-sama. It was pleasantly uneventful."

"Well then, please follow me to my office so we can properly discuss our new treaty. Our villages have much catching up to do, after all."

Without even waiting for a response he turned around, motioning for Naruto and his team of ANBU to follow.

Silently, they trailed the man forming a defensive square around Naruto.

As he walked through the village Naruto noted the looks of respect and endearment which were cast to the Tsuchikage. A tinge of jealousy struck his heart. Would he ever get those looks at home? Akito was a demon container just like him yet he was treated with such respect he was in awe. Would becoming Hokage grant him these stares?

He was pushed out of his thoughts when Akito and his team had stopped. In front of him stood a building which stood at around half the size of the Hokage tower back in Konoha. It was dark green and carved into it was the symbol of Iwa.

"Let us continue our conversation in my private meeting room. Your guards need not come."

Naruto nodded and following the man into the building, ignoring the protests of his team. Akito lead him through the building to the topmost room before once again turning to face Naruto.

"You are a jinchuuriki." It was a statement not a question from the man.

"Yes I am. How does that affect our negotiations?" Naruto replied briskly.

"It doesn't, but it's good to see a fellow demon container. I'm pretty sure I know this but out of curiosity which of the bijuu do you hold?"

"Kyuubi no Kitsune. You?"

"Gobi no Houkou. Now before we get down to business why don't we have a drink?"

"… I'm only 14"

"Lighten up, boy. You act as if the world will collapse if you relax a little. Now get that stick out of your ass and have a drink."

Naruto looked at the man incredulously for about three seconds before sitting down and taking the man's offer. 3 years ago he would have attacked the man with no warning, Kage or not, but years of working in the ANBU beat out what little childish innocence was left in the boy.

Setting on the table two cups of Sake, Akito looked at the boy clearly for the first time that day. At first glance one would think that standing in front of him was a boy in his teens dressed up as an ANBU for fun. He knew better.

Uzumaki Naruto was a prodigy. He had graduated from the academy at 7, became chunnin at 9 and at the age of 14 he was already fitting in amongst the elite assassins of the ANBU. ANBU armour covered his body and the mask of a fox was strapped to the side of his head. He was never one to play by the rules. It was a standard ANBU requirement to wear a mask which covered one's entireface. In fact he was probably the only ANBU who could get away with that.

Grinning the Tsuchikage gingerly removed his red mask. Sharp canines clashed against each other to give him a look which resembled that of a wild dog's. Taking a sip before talking, his voice completely different to that of the polite man who had greeted them at the village gates, Akito was careful not to let his killing intent down.

"So, boy, ANBU at such a young age, eh? I gotta hear how this happened. Konoha giving you special treatment cause of the fox?"

Naruto's mind swarmed. Special treatment? In a way they did. Specially training him to become their weapon, yet at the same time fearing what would happen if he grew too strong, they restricted his learning so that he would be a useful but controllable weapon to them.

His teacher was a man who worked specifically for the purpose of moulding him and his teammates into perfect weapons to be used at Konoha's will.

"I am Konoha's jinchuuriki. Do you think they would let such an opportunity as to mould me into the perfect weapon pass by?"

"Che. Good answer kid, but tell me, do you truly want to be Konoha's weapon?"

"I am a tool. It does not matter what I want."

"So you say, but let me tell you that it is always your choice. 'To be hated and feared or loved and revered'. Heh. Believe it or not I actually got that from another jinchuuriki."(A/N: Guess who in your review.)

"Why?" Naruto asked something akin to bitterness in his voice.

"Why what?" Akito smartly responded.

"Why is it that they don't hate you?" Naruto whispered his voice holding with it a tinge of jealousy "Why don't they fear you? They don't run away or whisper behind your back."

Akito's gaze softened and his killing intent relented. He may have slayed thousands of men and women, left hundreds of their children orphaned, but he was not heartless. Plus he felt a certain kinship with the blond considering both their situations.

"What I have, I earned. It was not easy. In fact even if you became Hokage you may never get what I have here, but that shouldn't be a reason to live an empty life. No. Became better then that. Konoha may see Uzumaki Naruto as their perfect tool but that does not mean you have to see yourself like that." He gave a small pause before continuing. "The Kyuubi is the Kyuubi, you are Uzumaki Naruto."


"Well, now that that's settled how about that treaty?"

--Flashback Ends---

The next day he had quit the ANBU. Sarutobi was surprised, not displeased. He told Naruto that if that was his decision he would not go against it.

From that day forward he had lived his live as Konoha's most promising chunnin. Taking on countless C and B rank missions (and even some A-rank ones if he was lucky) for years earned him quite the reputation. It was not long before he was promoted to Jounin.

Today he was going to go to the Hokage to get his first mission as a jounin.

The Kyuubi is the Kyuubi, you are Uzumaki Naruto.

For the first time in a long time he gave a small smile. He wasn't the Kyuubi. He wasn't the village's tool. He wasn't that empty emotionless boy that he was years ago.

He was Uzumaki Naruto.

Well what do you think? I worked pretty hard on it after all. This is going to be my first fanfic which is not a one-shot. I'm pretty excited.

To answer a couple of questions I think people may have. Naruto graduated from the academy at 7 and his gennin team had consisted of Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Shisui, his sensei being one of Danzou's most trusted. All three of them were promoted to chunnin on their first try and stayed fairly close over their careers, even though Naruto and Itachi joined the ANBU, whereas Shisui continued to be promoted to jounin. Both Naruto and Itachi were mentally attacked after that and attempted to be twisted to become Danzou's slaves. It didn't work on Naruto. He did have contact with most of the other jinchuuriki before and just for the hell of it I'll tell you guys that one of these incidents was what Naruto was dreaming about.

Any more questions just ask. R&R

PS: If anyone can guess which jinchuuriki would say what Akito said, write it down in your review and if you get it right you get a special reward! XD