It was eleven o'clock on August tenth. The next day, she would turn twenty and get married. Quite a big step, she told herself. A birthday and getting married, all in twenty-four hours!

She and Harry had been engaged for about a year and a half, and they had finally found a time to get married. When he proposed to her, neither of them had even thought that they would marry for at least a year. With her finishing school, and Harry was swamped with work at the ministry, there wasn't any time. Then George was marrying Angelina, and both Harry and Ginny agreed they should wait until the hubbub had died down. Ginny also didn't want to infringe on any of their attention. Goodness knows it was hard to get in such a large family. When Ginny left Hogwarts, she was busy trying out for Quidditch team after Quidditch team, before she made the Holyhead Harpies. She loved every minute of being a professional Quidditch player, but she was at practice almost all the time. It was hardly possible to find time to even see Harry and the rest of her family, without stressing over a wedding. Besides, they wanted to wait until they had the opportunity to take some time off after the wedding, and with two brand-new carriers, that wouldn't have been an option.

Now, Harry's work had died down and she was used to her manic schedule, and, a year and a half after thier engagement, they were getting married. She was in her family's cramped bathroom brushing her teeth. Soon, she would be moving into Grimmauld Place, after a week in Paris with Harry... she smiled at that thought. She had told Harry that she had always wanted to go there, and when he asked if she wanted to spend their honeymoon along the Seine, she had been delighted. Ron and Hermione joked about how, underneath all Harry's other qualities, a true romantic was fighting to break lose.

Soon, she thought as she changed into her pajamas, I won't have to stress about a wedding... I won't have to stress about finding a time to see Harry...She opened the door to the bathroom and walked straight into Ron. And I won't have to share a bathroom with my whole family!

"Here comes the bride..." Ginny turned upon hearing the voice from behind her on the stairs. She saw Hermione, about one floor down, trudging up to meet her. "How are you feeling?"

"How should I be feeling?"

"Excited... nervous..." Hermione smiled.

"Definitely both." Ginny let out a sigh, glad to be able to talk to Hermione. She'd been so busy, between fittings, deciding the food, the guests... she had seen Hermione every day, and hardly ever been able to talk to her! They had been kipping together for the last two weeks. George was the only person who was staying alone; Fred's bed hadn't been removed, but no one wanted to sleep in it. Charlie and Percy were rooming together, but they hadn't been as happy about the arrangement as Hermione and Ginny. Ron and Harry were rooming together again, obviously, and Bill and Fleur were together. Neville had even come that day, staying the night before the wedding tomorrow. Everyone was home now, to help her mother prepare, and just to spend some time together. Now that everyone was out of school and working, time together was hard to come by.

It was time to go to bed. Ginny could hear the house quieting. She would have to be up early the next morning, to greet Mr. and Mrs. Granger, Hagrid, the Delacours, The Lovegoods, Neville's grandmother, and numerous other guests who were arriving early. Ginny smiled, excited to see little Teddy. Harry's godson was growing so fast! Ginny and Hermione were in charge of greeting everyone in the morning, and keeping people entertained until it was time to get ready. Luna and Hermione were Ginny's bridesmaids and they were going to help her get ready in the afternoon. Ginny prided herself on picking attractive bridesmaid's dresses, in a lovely shade of blue that looked good on both Hermione and Luna.

Ron, Harry, and Charlie were in charge of setting up the furniture, and the rest were just helping about with all the little tasks that needed to get done.

They made it to Ginny's room, and the door closed with a snap.

"So..." Hermione began

"So what?" Ginny asked innocently, sitting down on her bed.

"Have you slept with him yet?" Hermione whispered. "Or will tomorrow be your first time?"

Ginny could hear Hermione's voice burning with curiosity.

Ginny blushed, and looked down.

"Well? Are you going to tell me or not?"

Ginny shook her head.

"No, you're not going to tell me, or no, you haven't slept with him?"

Hermione was not making this easy. "No, I haven't slept with him yet."

"Ooh... Ginny!" Hermione squealed.

"Well, you try it, still living at home, and being the only girl in the huge family!" It was true. When she was out with Harry, or at Harry's house for dinner, she could practically feel her whole family counting down until she came home. And she hardly ever saw him for a long period of time anyway; what with Quidditch and Harry being tied up at the ministry, they couldn't even get together until quite late. At Hogwarts, Ron was always there, practically following them around. Harry and Ginny used to meet in the common room late at night, but someone alwayscame down to interrupt them. She was beginning to wonder whether Ron, or one of her other brothers, had put people up to keeping her and Harry apart. Once, they had been caught in a compromising position on the sofa in the common room by a first year girl, and after that they felt too embarrassed to come there again. After awhile, Ginny begged Hermione to occupy Ron for a few hours, so she and Harry could have some time alone on the grounds, simply to have a conversation.

Between starting their carreers and planning a wedding, the weeks were flying by. Before long, she realized it was only a few weeks until the wedding, and she and Harry just decided to wait. She sighed. Being busy was awful.

She looked at Hermione, who laughed at the obvious disappointment in Ginny's eyes.

"Oh, it's alright. It's actually probably better this way, for you at least. At least you're not rushed..." she giggled, and Ginny hit her with a pillow.

"The question is, have you slept with my brother, Miss Hermione?"

Hermione blushed.

"Hermione!" Ginny gasped, shocked. "No!"

"It's not a big deal."

Ginny shook her head. "Umm, yes it is. A very big deal. Wow... Hermione," Ginny raised her eyebrows up and down suggestively, causing Hermione to let out a high burst of laughter. It was so easy to be with Hermione sometimes. "But I can't believe you've slept with my brother." Hermione narrowed her eyes at Ginny, who just looked at her. "Well?"

"Well, what?" Hermione asked dumbly.

"What's it like?"

"It's nice, I suppose," Hermione said, after considering for a bit.

"It's nice? I'm getting married tomorrow, and I'm asking for details, and you say it's nice?"

Hermione threw up her hands, laughing. "Well, what do you want me to tell you?"

"When did you do it?" Ginny sat up straighter in bed.

"Last summer. I suppose since we both have our own apartments, it's easier. No one's walking in on us," she winked at Ginny. "And I don't know... I came over for dinner one day, and after we ate... it just happened." Ginny knew Hermione better than that though. Nothing 'just happened.' There was no doubt that Hermione was completely prepared, mentally and physically, for this. "After that, it's been pretty regular."

"You're so lucky that you both work in London. And you both have set hours. Being on a Quidditch team is so hectic, I never know if I'm going to make it home for dinner or not. And I've had to break so many dates with Harry I'm surprised he's still marrying me."

"Harry loves you," Hermione said simply.

"I know that." She let her mind wander for a bit, thinking about Hermione and Ron. Regularly. Eew. That was an image I didn't need...

Ginny shuddered. "Well... does it hurt?" she asked shyly.

" A little. It depends on the size of his..." Hermione blushed even redder. She brought her hands up, as though trying to show Ginny something. "Well, with Ron, it was about-"

"Hermione!" Ginny shrieked, covering her ears. "I do not want to know! This is my brother we're talking about!"

"Yeah, well you talk about Harry all the time, and he's like a brother to me!"

"But he's not," she pointed out. "There's a difference. And I don't tell you about his... you know."

"His penis, Ginny?" Hermione had a most Hermione-ish look on her face. Hermione was having fun bothering Ginny.


"You're marrying him tomorrow, Gin. You should be able to say it."

"I am able to say it!" She burst out, exasperated. "I don't mind Harry. It's Ron I don't want to think about on my wedding night, thank you very much. And if you keep telling me details, I think I'll be bound to." Hermione giggled. Ginny thought about being with Harry tomorrow night, and not being able to shake the image of her brother. God help me... I would never forgive myself if I spent my wedding night thinking about Ron.

"Fine. You asked."

"I don't want to know anymore," she said, turning over. A few seconds passed before she flipped back over, looking at Hermione again. "I cannot believe you and Ron... before me and Harry..."

She just heard Hermione laughing. They turned out the lights.

"Night, Ginny Weasley," Hermione whispered, glad she could say it one more time.

"Night, 'Mione."

After a few minutes, Ginny heard Hermione's breathing become slower and deep, but Ginny couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't as though she was nervous, but she was so hyper. There was so much to think about. She had been tired before, but now that the lights were out, she had the sudden urge to go running.

After a few minutes- our hours, she wasn't sure- she gave up counting sheep and got out of bed. This is a cause for some hot cocoa,she told herself. Now that she was of age, she was perfectly capable of conjuring some directly beside her bed, but Ginny was in the mood to walk around a bit. And drinking cocoa late at night in her kitchen was something she always used to do as a child, and she wanted to have that opportunity once more.

The tiptoed out the door, careful not to wake Hermione, and tiptoed down the stairs.