Finally an update! I have been working on a lot of fics lately, have 3 others outlined, and I have really struggled with this story the most. That, and RL pretty much took over for me. But I plan to be posting a lot of things soon, and I have the next chapter pretty much half way written. I know I've said that a few times before, but I promise to not keep you waiting as long as I did this time.

I do look forward to your thoughts. I really want to know what you think of this update. I hope it has been worth the wait.

Thank you, Darcysmom for betaing this for me. And thank you readers, for sticking around and being patient with me. I can't thank you enough.



The Fallen. Once inhabitants of Heaven, cast down into hell for rebelling against God. The once beloved Lucifer was the highest ranking of the fallen. All of these thoughts swam around in my head as I sat there, feeling complete dread encompass me.

Nothing good could come from The Fallen.

I wanted to feel that we had hope, and that everything would work out fine, that we would come out of this on the other side okay. But something deep down was telling me something big and bad, much worse than we thought previously was coming.

I looked around the room, my eyes lingering on each member of my family, Bella, and the Angels. As I looked, really looked at them, I noticed the fear, the worry taking over.

I had to be strong. We all had to be strong. But we were essentially going in blind. Alice wasn't seeing anything much that could help us. The Angels were relying on past interactions and battles that they had with The Fallen and Nephillim.

Even I could sense that deep down the angels were not sure how everything would play out. They still had hope, though.

As light got brighter, casting prisms of light through the window, time seemed to move slower, drag on. Maybe it was because I wanted to be done with all of this, or maybe it could have been the Angels doing, wanting to prolong time before some monumental event takes place. I don't know. I didn't move, or talk. It was silent, the only sound being that of inhales and exhales of everyone in the room.

It felt off.

Everything felt off.

It felt so dark in room full of light. The worry, fear and silence seeping into every part of the room.

My head shot up when I heard Bella's voice. "Raphael? Could it be?"

My mind searched Gabriel's and Michael's, but came up with nothing. They were blocking me purposely.

Carlisle, once a religious man of a strong Catholic upbringing sucked in a sharp breath and looked at the angels, eyes wide. "I don't remember Raphael ever being one of The Fallen. I thought he was like you, an Arch Angel?"

Gabriel looked at Carlisle, and then the others, most likely thinking of the best way to answer that.

"Your human scriptures and Bibles have most of it right, but a lot has changed in the last 200 years, or so. Long after your first Bible was printed, and certainly long after Humans began to lose faith in God and Heaven itself." Gabriel said as he paced through out the room. "Raphael is...was the one God set forth to be the healer of the Arch Angels themselves. But, hmmm, all good things must, at some point, come to an end." Gabriel said, stopping before turning and looking at Michael and Bella, before once more pacing, his sheathed sword at his side swayed with each step he took.

"You see," Gabriel sighs, "To be one of The Fallen you must have done something truly horrendous and against God's orders, His doctrine, His faith. Humans know of the Nephilim. The Fallen and a human procreating, which, as you know, went against God. But Hell gladly took them. Lucifer was all for more soldiers. But I seem to be getting off topic here."

Something, it seems, is deeply bothering Gabriel, Edward. I can't pinpoint it exactly. I am getting only slight feelings from him, brother, but anxiety and maybe a bit of hurt is above all of them. Jasper's thoughts penetrated my head as I looked on at Gabriel as he continues to paced through out the room.

"The Nephilim only scratch the surface when it comes to The Fallen. Raphael was a major player in the wars against Lucifer. When it came to the battle for Heaven over Hell, he was the one at God's side, healing the wounded, saving those that could be saved when needed. God held him in high confidence as well. Not many could say they were in God's inner circle, just because we were of the higher angel's doesn't mean that God favored all of us. We earned those spots, and Raphael certainly had earned his."

Gabriel looked on towards my family, gauging reactions, his eyes passing over all of us.

"But not every one remains good. Even the good have to fall sometimes," Bella whispered, causing Gabriel's head to turn sharply as he looked at her and nodded.

"Raphael, shortly after the last battle with Lucifer caught on to a betrayer of sorts. One who had sided with Lucifer. One no one really suspected, I suppose." Bella said, her hair covering her face. "You see, not only could he heal, but just like the rest of the Arch Angels, he could banish someone, cast them down to hell if permitted. That angel ended up being the angel Azazel."

Carlisle's head snapped up, the name causing a strong reaction. No, it can't be, could it? Could that be why Raphael fell? He thought, and I wondered just where his train thought would lead him.

"Raphael didn't banish him to hell like he was supposed to, no, he banished him to the desert. Your scriptures got part of that right. Azazel hated his existence there, so naturally, Lucifer found him. And this is where it will begin to get a bit sketchy." Bella said, looking on at Gabriel.

Gabriel began to pace the room again, his sword making a soft clanking sound each time he would turn to come back around again. He took his turn to continue the story, "Lucifer took him in and down to hell. He had many years down there, close to a millennia as he waited. We are not quite sure what he waited for exactly. Maybe revenge? Waited for Raphael to finish the job himself? He could freely leave hell, he hadn't been properly cast down there by the righteous ones. He could still go topside, but would never be able to enter Heaven itself ever again. I think that is what ruined him, the fact he could never enter Heaven. About 200 years ago, or so, maybe a bit longer, Raphael descended on that same desert, the exact place he banished Azazel. Azazel was lying in wait, a battle ensued. By the time anyone in heaven noticed Raphael was gone, it was too late. He couldn't be saved. When we found him, Michael and I, Azazel had him by his wings, sword poised to strip them. Azazel was whispering something into Raphael's ear, and with each word that was said, feathers turned from white to black, causing a few feather's to fall."

Gabriel finally sat down, clenching his fist. "Azazel had cursed him, and bound him to hell with each word he spoke, effectively making Raphael one of The Fallen, and binding Raphael to him. So yes, Raphael is one of The Fallen. But I don't think he is the only one here. And I think we have a much bigger problem that we thought we had before."

"So Azazel is here, too, now?" Carlisle asked, his voice sounding small and weak. I've never once thought of Carlisle as weak, I've always thought him strong, but I think with all of this new information that was thrust upon us, he was slowly losing hope.

Bella stood up, walking over to Carlisle. She placed her hands on his head, and down his face as she knelt in front of him, her hands resting on top of his.

"All of the years you have been with Edward, taking care of him as I watched, I have grown to love you how someone would like a Father, and I want you to be that for me. In time. But right now all I want to do is take all your worries off your shoulders. I don't want you to worry, or lose hope. They all look up to you, and never in all these years have I ever seen you falter, or show fear. I need you to be strong, Father, I know you can. I believe in you, and now you need to believe in us for a bit longer." She kissed his cheek and stood up before walking over to me and wrapping her arms around me. The room suddenly felt so much calmer and relaxed than it had a few moments before.

Carlisle looked on, unshed tears overtaking his eyes as a dry sob let out. "Thank you, my daughter"

We sat there for awhile, all of us, in silence, enjoying this new found peace that had been afforded us. Even if it was just for a little while.

Bella sat next to me, wrapping her arms around me, her head on my shoulder as her hair tickled my face while I breathed her in. She is here with me right now. It will be okay, it has to be. She's here right now, and she's okay. I thought, breathing deeply, wanting her scent to imprint itself in my lungs and stay there, never leaving. I wanted a piece of her, however tangible, with me forever.

She held me tighter, as if she was picking up on my thoughts and feelings. She kissed my neck, and whispered in my ear, "I am never leaving you. I will be here, nothing, and I mean nothing will take me from you. Not even Lucifer himself."

A chill ran through me, something heavy settling in my stomach as the air grew colder inside our house. Wisps of air were visible after every exhale. It was afraid to ask how cold it had just become. The Angels shot up and stood up together, weapons drawn.

The windows began to rattle violently. My siblings stood in front of Carlisle and Esme protectively, the Angels, including Bella, stood in front of me.

"Surely, he wouldn't risk coming in the daylight? Not now? Here?" Michael hissed as his sword stayed in front of him, pointing towards the front door.

"Bella, my dear, it seems it is time." Gabriel said, a violent shudder overtaking his body.

What is here? Who is here? Time for what? Rosalie shouted out in her head. I am sure the rest of us had the same thoughts.

A brighter light overtook the house, almost blinding us as a voice boomed, "I know you have them, Gabriel. And I know you are in there. I've come to collect, and you will bow down to me and allow me to take them. You're precious God owes me that much!"

We all began to move closer together, huddling around each other. I wanted my Bella to have no part in this, but I had to remember she is doing what she is meant to do.

"You cannot win this, Gabriel. BOW DOWN TO ME!"

Gabriel sucked in a breath as his thoughts betrayed him, no longer protected from me. Lucifer!


I do hope you enjoyed this update. I look forward to your thoughts. I hope this chapter made up for my long absence.