Yugioh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi.

Atem runs into the hospital with Yugi, Cairo and Yufi following close behind. He wants to catch Mana before she goes into surgery. While the others wait in the waiting room, Atem goes toward Mana's room to see her just getting rolled out to the room where she will be having surgery. He calls her name and rushes after her. She turns her head left and right, looking for the owner of the familiar voice as the doctors roll her bed out toward the room.

He finally reaches her bed and walks alongside it, keeping his eyes on her at all times. He can see that she is very nervous about going into heart surgery, yet relieved to see him there.

"Atem," she says, reaching her hand out to him and he holds it in his.

"Everything's going to be fine," he assures her and she nods. "I promise things will be different when you come out." Mana tilts her head slightly, wondering what he meant by that and she has no time to think for they have finally reached their destination. Her hand slowly slides out of his and he lets go, watching as she goes through the double doors.

He walks back to the waiting room where the others are and Cairo immediately stands up. Although she would never show it in her eyes, he can tell that she is worried for her mother. "Is she gonna be okay?" she asks, looking him directly in the eyes that resemble hers so greatly.

"I promise, your mother will be just fine," he replies and she nods before reluctantly sitting back down next to Yufi who nudges her on the shoulder and nods at her; she nods back.


Mana's eyes flutter open and her vision is blurry. She keeps her sight on one place so that she can get back into focus and soon, everything is clear again. She tries to move but grimaces, feeling a sharp pain on her chest. She slightly pulls her shirt down to see a scar going down her chest. That would be with her for awhile but she doesn't care. She is happy that she finally has a new heart.

The door to her room opens, revealing Atem. "Hey," she says in a hoarse tone.

"How are you feeling?" asks Atem.

"Sore. But that will pass soon enough." He nods before sitting down on the bed facing her. He takes hold of both of her hands, looking her in the eyes.

"Mana. I know what I did in the past was wrong and I want to make it up to you."

"What are you saying?" He reaches into one of his pockets, pulling out a small velvet box. Her eyes widen when he opens the box, revealing a diamond ring. "A-Atem…"

"I want to start all over again and so…Mana, will you marry me again?"

Water builds up in her eyes as she nods her head multiple times. "I want to start over with you too Atem…"

"Is that a yes?"

"Yes. Yes it is," she replies and he slips the ring on her finger before kissing and embracing her.


One year later--

Cairo rushes in front of her parents as they take a stroll down the park. Over the past year and a half, things have gone quite well for them. Atem and Mana have gotten re-married and are now living as a family again with their daughter. But that's not the only thing that has happened.

Their daughter comes rushing back to them and her father stops her so that she won't run into Mana in her condition. Cairo places a hand on her mother's stomach and frowns.

"It's not kicking," says Cairo with a look of disappointment.

Mana chuckles, placing her hand on her stomach along with her daughter. "You just have to be patient that's all." As soon as she says that, they both feel a light bump against their hands and Cairo smiles with excitement.

"It kicked!" Mana only nods with a smile. "Do you think it's a boy or girl?"

"You'll just have to wait and find out," says her father.

Cairo walks backward, keeping her eyes on them with a sort of serious look on her face. "Well…I think it's gonna be a boy," she predicts.

"Oh really?"

"Yes. In fact, I'm certain." Before she continues, something else catches her eye and she dashes off once again, leaving her parents behind.

Atem and Mana only smile before Atem puts his arm around her shoulder. Not only have they come together to be a family again, but very soon a new edition will be added to their family as well very soon. In fact…

Mana suddenly gasps, holding her stomach, causing Atem to immediately go on the alert. She looks up at him and nods, meaning it is that time. It is a good thing that they are heading back to the car anyway. Atem calls Cairo's name and she turns around, only to see car keys being thrown at her and she quickly catches them before looking at her father confusedly.

"Get the car door open!" he shouts at her and she sprints to the car, opening the door and Atem escorts Mana inside. Then he and Cairo get in the car and he zooms off to the hospital.

Mana walks in the hospital screaming in pain as Atem helps her inside and a nurse immediately gets her a wheel chair to sit in and rolls her to the delivery room with her husband by her side. Meanwhile, Cairo waits outside, sitting on a chair at the waiting room. She ponders what she should do at the moment as she hears her mother's cries. Then a thought pops into her head and she stands up, remembering what the fathers on the many movies she's seen does at this time. She starts pacing up and down the halls with her hands behind her back while a man watches her do this.

He bites his nails as he watches her until he jumps up to his feet. "You're making me nervous here!" he yells, causing her to stop. "Why the heck are you pacing around for?"

"My mom's having a baby."

The man sighs and wipes the sweat off his face. "Does it work?"


"My wife's having a baby but I couldn't be in there. And now I'm out here all nervous. So does pacing back and forth work?"

"So far, yes."

"Can I join you?"

"Sure, why not?" she replies and they continue to pace back and forth.


"Cairo Mutou?" calls the nurse and Cairo slowly lifts her head, looking at the nurse. She is sitting all alone in the waiting room and has been waiting for awhile now. But finally she is called into the room. The first thing she sees is her mother who has the baby in her arms. But she wonders why her dad is nowhere in sight.

"Hey Cai," says her mother as she approaches the bed and sees a sleeping baby boy in her arms. His eyes are closed and a fuzz of black hair is on his head.

"Wow, he's so tiny and--wait where's dad?" she asks.

"Here," her father replies, pulling back the curtains to reveal him resting in a bed next to Mana's.

"Geez, what happened?"
"Your father fainted during the birth."

"Funny," Cairo remarks. "You guys first met in the hospital, separated. Now here you guys are again, this time together as a family again."

"True," Atem agrees and he looks over at his newborn, sleeping son with a smile before looking at Mana.

"He's gonna grow up looking just like you."

"Who knows? He may end up looking like you."

Cairo sighs heavily. "Although I am happy about this birth and what not, I do not want to be in or see another hospital ever again."

"Look on the bright side," says her father. "It's because of this hospital that your mother and I are back together again." Mana nods.

"Yeah you're right," says Cairo. At first, she thought they would never get back together again. But because of the hospital she despises so much, they are now back together again and now she has a little brother too.

Sorry for such a long update but I hope you enjoyed! Please Review!