Hello. So, sorry it took me so long, just had really horrible writers block…. Anyway, n-joy and review:

I OWN NOTHING, NADA, GOOSE EGG, NILL, NIX, ZILCH, ZIP! Wow, that is depressing.

Both Harry and Neville were let out of the hospital wing the next day, and the boys went back to their normal routine of wreaking havoc upon the terrified occupants of Hogwarts. When Saturday rolled around, however, everything changed.

Breakfast on Saturdays was always a slow, simple affair. The students that had indeed woken in time monotonously buttered toast and ate eggs, while perusing their post. Draco had stopped opening the letters from his parents after only one week of term, realizing that each letter would only state their disappointment in him. Now, when the handsome eagle owl delivered the elegant green envelope with the curly black calligraphy in front of Draco, he would indifferently set the letter aflame. Harry received many letters from Sirius and Remus alike, both letters very different, they were something like this:


How has your term been? Any girls caught your eye, eh? Have you decided to pull that prank I told you about, the one with the peanut butter filled water balloons in McGonagall's office, it's priceless Harry, it really is. I've just realized that old Snivillus (That was our nickname for Snape) is your teacher and I had an idea. When you father and I were in third year, we turned every article of clothing in his wardrobe lavender, and then we striped his hair to match. I was thinking you could do it again, and it could become a sort of tradition! What do you say? Nothing has been going on here, its rather quiet since you left, Remus keeps bringing home all these books he thinks I should read, little does he know I've charmed his bookmark to jump to a different page after he's left his book. I'll see you for the hols. Good luck, and give 'em hell!

Your Godfather, (the man with stunningly good looks and a killer personality)


The other one went something like this:

Dear Harry,

How have you been Harry? How has school been? I have owled professor Dumbledore and he has sent me the curriculum for all of your classes this year, and as I was looking through them, I thought you might want a little help and guidance. I have enclosed a study schedule for you for each subject. If you follow what I have said and use you spare time every day to study (And don't try and tell me you have no spare time, I've checked your schedule and know you have two hours of free time in the afternoon between 3 and 5 o'clock) you should be just fine this year. Remember Harry, exams may seem far away, but it's never too early to start studying! I have received a very disturbing letter from Minerva McGonagall saying you filled her classroom with balloons, and when she attempted to vanish them, they exploded and got peanut butter everywhere. Now Harry, I don't mean to say you shouldn't have a good time at school, but pranking your teachers is not the way to enjoy yourself. Be good, and don't take any of Sirius' advice. See you at Christmas!


Harry had the vague impression Hermione would get along exceptionally well with Remus. Harry had responded to the man's letter with the dignified response of "I was under the impression the balloons had been your idea when you were at Hogwarts…" Harry had received a very strongly worded letter in reply.

Neville usually received a brief letter from his Gran, telling him to work hard, but it was Ron that got the good mail.

Ron's mother always sent him pies and other home baked goods; which all the boys enjoyed. And his father always sent him some odd muggle contraption that they would eagerly test out.

On this rainy October morning, Ron received the best mail yet. A large package landed on the table in front of him, smashing plates and goblets and sending food flying. When Ron opened it, a letter from his Dad fell out, explaining the gifts. Ron, with the help of Harry and Neville (Draco was busy setting his mail on fire), opened the package. Inside were four sets of the strangest shoes the boys had ever seen. With high tops that laced up and Velcro-ed and wheels on the bottom, the boys were completely stumped.

"How sent you roller blades?"

The boys looked at a groggy Hermione Granger who was looking back with apt curiosity.

"My dad, he works in the misuse of Muggle Artifacts department at the ministry, he always sends me weird muggle things. What did you call them?"

Hermione rolled her eyes,

"They are called Roller blades, you put them on your feet and sort of glide around, they are rather fun."

The boys looked at each other before putting them back in the box.

"Well, we'll try those out later I guess."

It was later. At 11 o'clock the rain had picked up, pounding the outer walls viciously as the boys played chess and read in the common room.

"Hey Ron, lets try those rolly things!"

Ron grabbed the box, and the boys exited the portrait hole, only to walk back in and forcefully drag Draco away from his potions book.

"Come on Malfoy, time to roller blade."

"I don't want to roller blade you eccentric fools, now unhand me, unhand me I say!"

"This does not look like fun."

Draco stood at one end of the hall, roller blades in place while Neville finished strapping his on. Ron and Harry were trying to support themselves on the walls, but failing horribly.

"Okay, lets go!"

The boys all started down the hall, tripping and falling as they went.

"I told you, I don't want to roller blade!"

"Come on party pooper!"

"Ron watch out!"

Neville let go of my tie!"

"Harry! Crawling is cheating!"

Harry stuck out his tongue and stood up, and as they made it safely around the corner, they started to get the hang of it, well, that was until they picked up speed.

"Stop, no, no stop! I don't want to go this fast! Stop you stupid shoes! Stop I say!"

The boys where now hurling down the hall, kids diving to the sides to avoid being run over.


"Brake! I want to BRAKE!"

"Oh shit!"

McGonagall had just emerged from her office, a large stack of papers in her arms.

She looked behind her to see the four boys hurtling towards her and with a small yell she started running, desperate to avoid the extremely uncoordinated boys.

"Run Professor! RUN!"

"Mr. Weasley, stop this this instant! Cease and Disist! Cease and Desist!!!!!"

This was the scene Filch saw when he stepped out of the cupboard, Professor McGonagall running pell-mell down the corridor, papers flying off the stack she was holding, being chased by four boys on wheely shoes.

Severus Snape emerged from a dark corridor, his black cloak billowing behind him. He stopped and checked his watch, and was thinking of where to patrol next when he heard a commotion. Hastening around a corner, he saw Professor McGonagall sprint by, the wind she created ruffling his greasy hair. He looked behind himself as she turned the corridor, completely befuddled, only to turn back around at the sound of yells. Four boys were racing towards him on weely shoes.

"Oh no."

He turned to try and run, but was hit squarely in the back by all four boys, one on top of another.


Multiple groans were heard.

"Ow Neville! That's my head you're currently sitting on!"

"Ron, Ron, your foot is dangerously close to my baby maker!"

"Oh, Sorry."

"Hey Draco, thank you for breaking my fall!"

Draco looked down at Harry.

"I'm on top of you Harry, how could I have broken your fall?"

"Wait, if you're there, then who is under me?"

Harry shifted around and came faced to face with a red professor Snape.

"Oh shit! RUN!"

The boys scrambled up and took off down the hall, Snape close on their heels.

The boys whirled around corners, now glad for the speed the roller blades provided.

"Faster! Faster!"

Neville nearly smashed a window with his wildly flailing arms before he found his balance by grabbing onto Harry. Harry, surprised by the sudden load he was dragging, wasn't quick enough around a corner, and crashed into one of the many suits of armor. The clanking filled the hall as both Harry and the suit fell to the ground.


Ron swiveled around with great difficulty and rushed to dig out his friend,

"Harry, come on, we have to keep moving! We just made a pancake of Snape, he's going to kill us!"

"Right you are Mr. Weasley."

Ron yelped and jumped, a bad idea, seeing he would land on wheels, with another yelp he fell backwards, his eyes screwed up ready for pain, but it never came.

"Wow, this floor is really soft!"

"Er, Ron…. You just crushed Snape."

Ron jumped up in horror.

Snape coughed feebly and barely wheezed out,


Hi again:

So, lets talk about reviews:

They rock, and are fun to read, and make me post sooner, so if we could get a couple, that would be lovely! Special thanks to Jesusfreak100percent, teamfred, KrystaluvsTwilight, NATWEST, l1ttl3 Sakura, cerri 808, campanula1979, Marcy Millen Mays, and Lostinthought92, you guys are wesome!