Digimon World Dusk


Special thanks to: DragonMistress96: Thank you for that longest-review-you've-ever-given-anyone! :) And yeah, I thought that she would. I really wanted to make her a good guy, I despise the thought that Ophanimon could ever be bad. And you're welcome for the motivation! :) They won't be coming in for a few chapters but it will happen, promise!

Disclaimer: Still don't own Digimon.


Kabuterimon had woken up about fifteen minutes ago. He nodded in agreement at Grace's statement.

The thing, whatever it was, was gigantic. Maybe this is what Light Fang thought killed Jonah. And, it was uglier than sin.

Even Koh stared up in shock and had enough nerve to step back in fear. Garurumon positioned herself in front of him, growling. Gaogamon, who had digivolved not ten minutes ago, growled and slipped in front of Grace. "Ch-Chief G-Glare said that it was big, but if he'd said how big I wouldn't have accepted the mission!" Koh exclaimed. His digimon nodded in agreement. He stared at his digivice, sighed, and released his last digimon. "We're gonna need all the help we can get…."

"Hey Ko- wow that is one ugly bug." Coronamon couldn't help but stare at it as it crouched and growled at him.

"You will call me Grimmon and I will take you down!" it growled.

"G-Grimmon?" Grace stammered.

Kabuterimon caught Grimmon's eye as the bug stood motionless in front of Garurumon. "Oh, so you're back for more? Fine. I will take you down along with the others." It growled.

Gaogamon growled, strangely protective. "No, we will take you down before you can hurt any of us! There're six of us here, and only one of you." He said.

Grimmon practically laughed. The Tamers both jolted in surprise. "Four Champions and two rookies. And two little humans. I'm so terrified." He growled. "SandYanmanmon!"

On cue, four flying giant dragonflies zipped in front of Grimmon and fluttered anxiously. "How about this. If you can beat them, you can face me. Go."

The SandYanmamon attacked. "Desert Storm!"

Gaogamon cried out as he leapt between the attacks and the Tamers. "No, Gaogamon!"

"I'm fine… Grace…" Gaogamon said. He struggled to his paws, and leapt to attack. "Spiral Blow!" One of the SandYanmamon cried out and hit the ground. It whimpered, and struggled to get back up, but Coronamon leapt forward and attacked it on the spot, killing it.

Gaogamon whimpered as he limped. He wished he'd had help in taking those attacks. But as long as Grace and Koh were okay, he would be fine.

Lekismon growled angrily. How could they dare hurt her best friend? "Moon Night Bomb!" she cried. A large water bubble grew on her Moon Gloves, and she chucked it between two SandYanmamon.

The two bugs didn't take much damage, but one did fall asleep. Solarmon and Coronamon kept on that.

There were two left. One was buzzing in and trying to take bites out of Garurumon, and the other was flying warily around Kabuterimon.

Grace noticed them glance at each other and smile, and she knew that they had a plan. Garurumon leapt back, flipped over Kabuterimon, and struck the SandYanmamon flying around her buggy friend with a Freeze Fang, and then landed on it, squashing it with her paws. "Electric Storm!" Kabuterimon cried. He dashed at the last enemy, and once in close range, zapped it to death. Their data floated away in the wind.

Gaogamon shook his paws out, and shook his whole body of the sand. He growled at Grimmon, who seemed rather surprised.

Garurumon slinked in front of Koh and growled as well, her fur rising until it was all standing on end. Lekismon and Kabuterimon stepped in front of them, with Coronamon and Solarmon by their sides protectively. Lopmon snuggled further into Grace's hair.

"Well? Ladies first." Kabuterimon spat.

Grimmon smiled. "Alright then. Power Cutter!"

All six digimon gasped in surprise as an attack came almost out of nowhere. Gaogamon hit the ground, his bad leg taking most of his attack. Kabuterimon fell to his knees.

"Kabuterimon, take off!" Koh called.

Kabuterimon glanced back, and smiled again. He jumped up and his wings started beating. He scooped Coronamon into his arms, and then dashed for Solarmon.

With three digimon up in the air and three on the ground, Koh hoped the battle would be in their favor. But no, apparently not.

"Call Dragonfly!"

Kabuterimon screamed as electricity shot through him. He fell to the ground.


Lekismon leapt up and caught the three digimon. On the way down, both Rookies managed to shoot attacks at the evil thing. Grimmon brushed them off as though they were nothing. Lekismon growled. "You will not hurt my friends! Tear Arrow!" An arrow of ice came out of her back, and she caught it and sent it flying toward Grimmon. Grimmon flinched when it stabbed it. He took it, and threw it back at the digimon, hitting all of them with the side and making them hit the ground, surprised. "Doesn't matter. My orders are for these two!" it leapt at the opening, and started to attack Grace and Koh. "No!"

Koh, surprising himself, flung himself in front of Grace protectively. "Don't-"

An attack shot out, and it hit the ground in front of them, sending both Tamers flying back. "Grace, Koh!" Lopmon cried, puffing her ears out and floating to the ground


Koh and Grace struggled to look up at where they had been previously. Koh coughed, and rubbed his aching ribs. "…Terriermon?" Grace asked.

The little rabbit growled. "Grimmon your orders were to not kill them."

"No one orders Grimmon around!"

"Then why are you listening to him?" Terriermon snapped.

Grimmon moved a bit to get a better angle to attack the two teens again and hurt them too badly to be out of the hospital anytime soon. Terriermon positioned himself again directly in front of the Tamers. "Don't even think about!" he growled.

"I listen to him because he pays me well! But I will do what I want."

"No, you will not!" Terriermon snapped. His fur rose. "You will not hurt these children!"

Grace struggled to her knees, and next to her, Koh was almost on his feet. They watched their digimon as Lekismon lifted Solarmon and Coronamon into her arms. The two Tamers took out their digivices, and recalled the Rookies.

"This guy's tough." Lekismon said, hardly listening to Grimmon and Terriermon talk. Kabuterimon nodded. "But we can take 'im."

Garurumon and Gaogamon both nodded. Garurumon was panting, and Gaogamon was still limping a bit. Both were prepared, however, to face and do the impossible.

Grace and Koh were focusing on the conversation. "How do you think Terriermon knows who Grimmon's… leader is?" Koh whispered.

"No clue. I think he's trying to give us a diversion."

"And I think they realize that…"

Grace glanced at their digimon and found them creeping closer to Grimmon. She smiled to herself a little.

Gaogamon had, the minute that Terriermon jumped in, realized that doing so was a diversion. He signaled to him, to get the other digimon's attention, and now was creeping up to it to get the perfect angle to attack. Lekismon's eyes flicked over, and immediately Terriermon and Lopmon knew what that meant. Protect Grace and Koh. Lopmon leapt from in front of Grace- where she'd fallen- to next to Terriermon.

"You think I'm afraid of two rookies?" Grimmon growled.

Lopmon snickered. "You should be!" she giggled. Terriermon growled alongside her. They were trying almost desperately to distract Grimmon so that Gaogamon and the others could get around and surprise it.

They shot off several attacks at it, attacks that Grimmon brushed aside. But, it was keeping him distracted long enough for the others to attack.

The Champions attacked. They leapt, every one of them with strong enough legs to propel them forward with little to no effort. Kabuterimon and Lekismon were trying to hit anywhere that they could. But Garurumon and Gaogamon- whose ancestors were hunters, whose own kinds were still hunters, who were even hunters themselves- had a plan; a destination. They knew what the deciding blow would be. The throat.

Of course, Grimmon noticed them at the last second, and it only had just enough time to spin around, but not enough to defend itself.

Lekismon struck its left arm, effectively taking the feeling out of it. That arm wouldn't be used. Kabuterimon aimed several well-aimed kicks to its back. And Gaogamon and Garurumon leapt onto its unusable arm, and jumped off, both catching it right in the throat.

Grimmon roared angrily, and swung its good arm to knock them off. It was severely injured though; it wouldn't last long. "You cannot defeat me! There will be a day when Light will rule over Darkness, He shall see to that!" it roared. It reached out its one good arm, and attacked all of the digimon, Terriermon and Lopmon included. "Power Cutter!" Lekismon hit the ground, clutching her right arm, growling and wincing in pain. Grimmon had put all its energy into that one attack. Kabuterimon could no longer fly, all his wings were hanging limply, but he managed to land right by the Tamers protectively. Gaogamon found his footing, not able to use his bad leg at all anymore; the pain was too great. Garurumon had a heaping gash in her stomach, but she would be fine. "No, you cannot defeat us! We are destined, I know it! Destined to stop whatever it is that He is doing before the world plummets! Now go away!" she screamed. "Blue Blaster!" "Spiral Blow!" "Moon Night Bomb!" "Electro Shocker!" The digimon, all thankful that they didn't have to move much with those attacks, shot them off. No, they weren't the strongest attacks they'd used, but they didn't have to be.

Grimmon struck the ground, and growled. "The next time we meet, Tamers, you will not stand a chance." It whispered, but finally it stood, and leapt up, beating giant wings and diving off the mountain, probably to find a good place to rest.

Kabuterimon shielded the two Tamers from flying dust that came from the wings of the dark digimon. He panted, and hit his knees.

All around the two humans, their digimon dropped like flies. They were panting or curling into themselves to better heal, or both. Even Terriermon and Lopmon were unable to hold themselves up after the brutal Power Cutter had been delivered.

Grace collapsed to her knees by her most injured digimon, Gaogamon. "You were very brave, Gaogamon," she whispered, taking out her medicinal supplies and bandages.

Gaogamon smiled up at her, struggled up so he was laying on his stomach, and held out his bad paw. "Thank you Grace. I'll do anything that I can to help and protect you." He whispered, licking her face lovingly. Grace laughed. "I know that."

Koh and Grace went around to their digimon, healing them. Finally they fell back against Gaogamon and Garurumon.

Koh stared at her. "What are you gonna do after this?" he asked.

Grace shrugged, and glanced up at the bright, cloudless sky. "I want to know how our parents know each other. Maybe we can figure out how to do what Lekismon said?" she offered.

Koh blinked in confusion, and then remembered. "But how? I mean, so far as I know it's not possible."

Grace rested her head in her hands and sighed. "I… I don't know…" she said. Lopmon crawled into her lap. "What about your grandfather?" she said. She pushed on her arm gently. Grace blinked. "My grandfather? What do you…" She gasped, as she understood what Lopmon meant. "Right! Koh, my grandfather lives in the real world. He's been here before, I know that. And my dad lived here, and we have gone to visit Grandpa once or twice when Dad wasn't so busy. That means that I've done it! I've been to the real world! It is possible! In fact…" she bit her lip. "I know how to figure out how. If we find Guilmon again, we can ask him. He's been there too. He's seen Dad do it; he was old enough to remember. We will get to the Real world!" she insisted.

Koh stared at her in surprise. "You've been there?" he asked, blinking in confusion. Then he smiled softly. "Alright. Tomorrow we can meet, like, here or somewhere and we can go and find him or something. Then we go to the Real World." He said.

Grace nodded. "Okay…" she said. She closed her eyes, and leaned back against Gaogamon's soft fur. She left herself bask in the bright sunshine. She sighed. "I haven't had any friends over in a while…" she thought aloud, opening her eyes once, and then closing them again.

Koh cocked an eyebrow at her. "Me either. 'Course, I don't have all that many friends in Sunshine. They all respect but do what they can to avoid. Especially since I live with Chief Glare." He said, turning around to check the bandage on Garurumon's stomach.

Grace glanced at him. "That's sad." She said. She sat up, letting Gaogamon do the same.

Koh shrugged. "You get used to it."

Grace rubbed her chin in the classic 'thinking' gesture. "You know what? You're gonna stay at my house tonight. Then we can go right away in the morning. After all, I've had Newton over and no one cares. I don't see why you'll be any different."

Koh groaned, and looked at her. "I'm a boy they don't know that well. I haven't known you for more than a month. And I'm Light Fang. All the more reason not to trust me, especially with what Glare did."

"Yeah but you helped me."

"I didn't do anything."

"Yeah. You didn't attack, and you came to help. Glare didn't do that." Grace said. "Oh come on, please? I have a guest room and everything. And then we can head out and look for him. Pleeeaaaase…" she whimpered. She pouted at him, and gave him giant puppy eyes that, as a child, had fooled her father into doing many a thing with her.

Koh sweat dropped, and turned away from her. "No, Grace." He heard her whine. "Grace, you're not a dog." He commented. She whimpered, and whined, sniffing loudly. "Grace!" his composure broke and he glanced at her. "Fine! Fine… but if something goes wrong, like you get blamed for having me over, I will either leave, or won't come over again." He said.

Grace squeaked, throwing her arms around him. "Yeah! Thanks, Koh… It's been lonely lately, especially without Dad and Joanna…" she said.

Koh smiled and rubbed her back. "Yeah, I can imagine." He said.

Grace smiled at him. "Okay, we should go now. We're sitting one-hundred foot ducks." She said, directing to the large digimon surrounding them.

Gaogamon obediently curled closer to himself.

"No, it's fine Gaogamon. I'm just saying. C'mon Koh." She said, standing and holding out a hand for Koh.

Koh smiled and took it. Once they were up, they recalled their digimon.

Grace bit her lip. She looked up at the sky. "How often do you cry for your mama? Do you ever?" she asked.

Koh's eyes softened, and they traveled to the sandy ground. "I… not much anymore. I was pretty young when she died. But it used to be all of the time. Why? Do you still?" he asked. His red eyes glanced up into her violet ones. "Not that it's bad…"

"No, no, of course not. I know that it's not bad. And I… I can't help it. I cry all of the time for him and for the way that he died and the family that he left behind… but I can't help but be happy for him because he's going to go and see the woman that he's always loved. I just wish that I could see him one more time and I wish that he could see me pass my Chief test and I'd just like for him to be there. That'd be nice. You know what I mean?" Grace whispered.

Koh nodded in understanding. "I know exactly what you mean. I sometimes pray that Mom can at least see me when I'm doing something good or something. Just so that she can be proud of me."

Grace watched him. Then she smiled. "I'm sure that she is."

-New place—

Coronamon hopped down from where he'd spent the night, snuggled up to Koh in the guest bed. He yawned. It was pretty early in the morning, but he could hear some commotion from downstairs.

"Lekismon, don't." Wasn't that Gaogamon? What was going on downstairs? He went to the door, and slid it open and closed to let Koh sleep some more- it had been a long night of staying up to talk.

"I have to tell her! I think she knows what we think, certainly Guilmon gave her a clue!" That was Lekismon. What were they talking about? He went down the stairs.

Gaogamon was at the door, Lekismon heading toward Grace's room.

"You're the one that's about to run off." Lekismon mocked, her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, to find proof! Listen, I want it to be true, more than anything. It'd help her so much. But… but there's nothing that we can do without proof! If we tell her, and it turns out it's not true… she'll go into a breakdown again, you know that! You know that! Why would you want to do that to her?" Gaogamon demanded.

Solarmon was watching them, not sure which side to agree with. He bit his lip and turned to the window to look out into the skyline toward Light Fang. Could it ever be true? Could the Chief really be alive?

"Running off won't help either! Listen, you know that she'll find out either way!"

"So why don't you just stay where you are, both of you?" Solarmon whispered.

"Because!" both digimon screeched at him. He quickly hid.

Lekismon almost immediately felt bad. Gaogamon's temper started fading. "Solarmon, I'm sorry, but… I can't keep this anymore. If the Chief is alive, then I want… I want her to at least know that. I just get this feeling that he's around still." She whispered.

"But she's stressed already. Don't you think this'll do more to her? You guys, Joanna's getting out in a week's time. She's been prepping a room for her, and she wants to find a way into the Real World and I just really don't think that this is a good idea. And with everything that Glare is doing to her as well, I'm surprised she hasn't lost her mind yet!" Solarmon whispered innocently. He glanced between his friends. "And I just really don't think that telling her something that maybe isn't true, or going off to find the truth yourself, is going to help anybody. Stay here and help her get over her father before you go and try to do something that'll tear her apart. Please. I can't take care of her by myself."

Gaogamon glanced up towards Grace's room, and then toward the open door. He sat. "I guess… I guess you're right. Maybe we should just leave it as it is." He agreed.

Coronamon stepped out towards them. "…What are you guys talking about? You're going to wake Koh and Grace." He said.

All three of them glanced at him, and he shrank down. Gaogamon glanced up at the other two, and sighed. "Can you keep a secret? In the very least from Grace and Koh?"

Coronamon quickly nodded. "What is it?"

Lekismon licked her lips, and crouched in front of the Rookie. "We think… well, all three of us have a feeling that Grace's dad… that Chief Jonah is alive. Alive, but hurt maybe, certainly trapped and unable to get home. We have to find him, but Solarmon's right. We cannot tell Grace, not matter what we do. And if we tell Koh, he'll probably tell Grace."

Coronamon nodded again. "Really? How do you know?" he asked.

"It's just a feeling. Lekismon had it first, but now all of us have it… even Lopmon and Phascomon. We just want her to be happy but would causing her extreme happiness stress her out and ruin her life more?" Gaogamon replied.

Coronamon's ears went down, and the three partners all seemed to agree with each other.

They all heard the sound of a bed rustling, and soon Grace came trudging down.

With a single flick of her eyelid, Lekismon told Coronamon that if another word were spoken about what they'd been saying, he'd be one deleted digimon.

Fail ending, right? Haha... Okay, I'm sorry, I said more would be in this but it was getting too long of a wait and such... and I just wanted to be done with it. But the rest of what I said last chapter will be in the next chapter, I think. Yeah, it will be, because they're gonna be ninja...

Anyway, thanks for reading, please review!

With Love...

Ja ne! :-)