Hey guys, this is my 1st actual story so please go easy on me and I hope that you enjoy what you are about to read.



"Robin, there's a chaos downtown. Scanners can't detect what it is, all we know right now is that it is a big round object," Cyborg said.

"Let's check it out, Titans move out," I yelled.

I sounded off the alarm and all of a sudden Starfire, Beastboy, and Raven started heading downtown with Robin and Cyborg.

"What is wrong, friend Robin," Starfire asked.

"Star, to tell you the truth we really won't know until we get there," I replied.

As we started to approach the town and we saw that there was a huge crater right in the center of town.

"Whatever it is, it has to be pretty massive," Cyborg said.

"Dude," replied Beastboy.

As we got closer to the crater, our eyes fell upon a round object in the center of it.

"Star, Raven, bring the round thing out of the crater and open it," I commanded.

Soon enough Star flew in to the massive crater and started to bring it out with Raven's help.

When Star set the object down Cyborg, Beast Boy, and I were shocked to see it opening up.

As it opened a figure appeared inside of it.

Once it was completely open, we saw that the figure was a girl about our age.

She had blonde hair with pink streaks, although I couldn't really tell what her eye color was, I think I saw that they were teal.

"Star, is she from your planet," I asked.

"No, I know for a fact that she is not, even though I have never seen all of my people," Star replied.

The girl started to wake and we got ready to embrace her if she happened to be evil.


I opened my eyes and saw 5 teens about my age with weapons.

"Who are you people, what do you want from me!" I yelled.

I was so scared that I hit all them with a anodite bolt, and back they flew.

"We don't want to hurt you, all we want to do is help," said the boy with black spikey hair.

"How can I be sure that you won't harm me with those weapons of yours," I replied starting to get more bolts to from at my hands.

"Titans, hold back," Blackie said.

Spikey got all of strangers to put away or down their weapons as I did the same.

"We can help, but first we need your name," The black haired boy said as he started to come closer.

"Tell me yours first," I said.

"My name's Robin, over there is Cyborg, Beast Boy, Raven, and Starfire," He said pointing them all out.

"Hi," they all said.

"I'm Adriana," I told them while brushing aside some of my hair.

"Well, Adriana, can you tell us what planet you come from," Robin asked.

"I am princess Adriana of Anodine," I said.

"Anodine," Starfire said.

"I've heard of Anodine, is it true that you can make any mess that you make back to normal," She asked very joyful.

"Yes," I replied.

"Robin, she can fix the crater," Starfire said while pointing to it.

"Can you, Adriana, I don't think that the mayor would like a big hole right in the center of town," Robin said.

"Oh, okay, sorry about that," I blushed.

I turn to the crater and used my powers, and soon enough the crater was no more and all was back to normal.

I then walked over to a building that read Arcade Mania.


"Robin, I think Adriana would make a great addition to the team," Cyborg told me.

"I know, ask the others and I will tell Adriana," I replied.

I walked over to where Adriana was and could tell that she was interested in what Arcade Mania meant.

"It's a place where you play games," I told her.

"What kind," Adriana replied.

"Whatever you want," I told her.

"Yo Robin," I heard Cyborg yell, "they said yes."

"What does he mean," Adriana asked.

"We'll show you," I told her.

I grabbed her hand and ran toward the Titans.

"Hey wait guys, Adriana if you don't mind, why are you here," they all asked.

"Well, I just thought that I would take a little vaca," Adriana replied.

"Okay," we all replied.

"Friend Adriana, can you fly," Starfire asked.

"Yes," She replied.

Adriana then took to the sky with Starfire and Raven and she and Star were having a race to the Tower.

Starfire told Adriana what the tower looked like so she couldn't miss it.

As soon as Star was done explaining I watched as I saw the two of them fly at an alarming rate.

Adriana was ahead of Star, but Star was not lacking far behind.

"you guys want to race to," I asked Cyborg and Beast Boy.

"Sure, but last one there has to buy Adriana a pizza," Cyborg replied.

"Deal," Beast Boy and I said in unison.


I was having a blast racing againest Starfire, and looked down to see that the boys were racing too.

I giggled and saw that Robin was in lead, Cyborg was next, and BeastBoy was dead last.

As we came closer and closer to the tower, I could see that everyone was picking up their speed all except for Raven.

She looked like the nonchalant type, not that it was any of my business of what she was and wasn't.

When I looked ahead, I could see that Starfire caught me by surprise and zoomed ahead.

I not gonna let her win I thought, and sure enough I flew my fastest ever and beat everybody to the tower.

I then landed and went over by the waterside and sat down.

The water was so full of life and gleaming that I had the absolute need to jump into the water.

"You can go in the water you know, it is not illegal," I heard a male voice say.

"Yeah, I go with you Adriana," another said.

"No, I don't really feel like it," I replied, quickly changing the subject.

"Oh, okay, anyway I have to go order pizza," Beast Boy said.

He shrugged it off so easily, I felt so horrible.

"What is pizza," I asked.

"Starfire, you and her are both aliens, so why don't you take her to your room and tell her all that you know about Earth right now and I'll buzz you when it is time," Robin said.

"What do you mean when it is time, Robin......" I said although I didn't get to finnish my sentence because Starfire took off to her room.

I had so much to learn about Earth!

Starfire was so fasicinating with her stories about Earth, that when Starfire said it was time to meet up with others.

"Must we go," I said.

"Friend, we will finish this up another time," She replied.

For some strange apparent reason Starfire said that she had to blindfold me and I was very curious as to why.

It seemed as if it was taking a whole century before we finally got to our destination point.

I heard the sound of an opening door and then Starfire told me to take off the blindfold.

"Surprise," Everyone yelled.

I looked around and saw that everyone was here although I didn't know exactly where here was.

"Welcome to your new room, Adriana," Cyborg told me.

"Why, why is all of this stuff like this," I said very shocked.

There were streamers on the walls, ballons, pizza, drinks, music, and etc.

"Well, we all decided that we want you to join our team and become an offical Teen Titan," Robin said.

"You mean, this is my room, and I am part of your team," I said tears starting to from in my eyes.

"Welcome home, friend Adriana, oh what a glorious moment this is," Starfire said while embracing me with a bone crushing hug, seriously.

We all partied in my room for what seemed like forever, and then it was lights out.

I got in my new bed and was ultimately happy, but still bothered by the lie that I told all my new friends earlier.

I couldn't sleep and then finally came to a resolution to tell them all the truth tomorrow.

I fell asleep anixous for tomorrow to come.