Torn between the past and present

Part 21


Hey. This should be the last chapter. I all I'm doing in it, is tying up loose ends. And sorry if this took to long but I got a small case of writers block.


 Reuben sat outside, on one of the benches in the garden. He had been sitting there all day. Thinking over what his parents told him. He had been sitting for hours without being disturbed, so he practically jumped when he felt a hand land on his shoulder. He looked up and saw Heero.

 "Dad, you scared me," he said.

 "Sorry. Mind if I sit down?" Heero asked.

 "No," Reuben said and began looking at the ground, again. Heero sat down next to Reuben.

 "Do you hate us?" Heero asked.

 "No, I upset that you didn't tell us sooner but I don't hate you," Reuben said.

 "I'll also imagine you have a lot of questions too," Heero said.

 "Yeah, like who is my real mother and why did you guys break up?" Reuben asked. Heero sighed.

 "That's what I thought. Your mother's name is Rebecca Johnson. We broke up after she tried…to kill me," Heero said. Reuben looked up, his eyes wide.

 "What?" he whispered. Heero closed his eyes and crossed his arms.

 "We were fighting about you. She wanted to send you to an orphanage and I wanted to keep you. So when I left to get some sleep, she threw a knife at me. I left with you that night," he said. Reuben didn't say anything.

 "Are you going to be alright?" Heero asked softly. Reuben shook his head and began to cry. Heero wrapped his arms around him.


 Amber walked up to the girls' room. She knocked.

 "Who is it?" Sophie asked.

 "It's me," Amber said.

 "Come in," Sophie said. Amber opened the door. Sophie and Samantha laid on the bed. A Garth Brooks and Trisha Yearwood song played on a cd player.

 "Are you two to mad to talk to me?" Amber asked.

 "No ma'am," Sammy said.

 "Alright. Do you want to ask me anything?" Amber asked.

 "Who is our father?" Sophie asked.

 "His name is William Radcliff," Amber answered.

 "Were is he?" Sammy asked.

 "I don't know. I don't even know if he's live," Amber said.

 "How did you meet?" Sophie asked.

 "He was rich and wanted some kind of protection. So my father offered to be some kind of guard for him. My mother and I lived in the mansion with my father and William. We eventually fell in love," Amber said.

 "Are you and daddy goin' to get a divorce?" Sammy asked.

 "We haven't discussed it yet but we probably will," Amber said.

 "I see," Sophie said.


 "Heero wait," Trowa called. Heero turned around to see Trowa coming towards him.

 "Can we talk?" he asked when he reached Heero.

 "Yeah, Where at?" Heero asked.

 "It doesn't matter," Trowa said.

 "Follow me," Heero said. He led Trowa outside to the  garden. Once there he led him to a water fountain.

 "So what is it?" Heero asked.

 "Um it's about Amber…," Trowa said.

 "And you like her, don't you?" Heero asked.

 "Yeah," Trowa said.

 "I see," Heero said.

 "So are we going to start discussing our love life?" Trowa asked after two minutes of silence.

 "I think so," Heero said.


 Relena and Amber sat in the living room. There was no more blood on the walls and floor but Relena could still see it. Could still see her home in blood.

 "How did you live like that?" Relena asked.

 "Reuben, Sammy and Sophie. I devoted myself to them and it helped some. But then Heero and I became friends so the fear of living with a stranger vanished and that also helped," Amber said.

 "But what if one of you fell in love?" Relena  asked.

 "One of us did fall in love Relena. I'm pretty sure Heero told you how he feels about you," Amber said. Relena looked away.

 "I don't know if what he feels for me is real or not," she said.

 "The idiot has been in love with you for as long as I can remember. He really loves you Relena but do you love him?" Amber asked.

 "I don't know. First he doesn't seem to like me and then he does. And then he runs off and gets married and then I find out that it's some kind of convenience marriage and that he doesn't really love the person that he married and that he loves me instead. I don't know if I can love him," Relena said, looking at the floor.  

 "You two remind me of Persephone and Hades," Amber said. Relena looked up.

 "What do you mean?" Relena asked.

 "Well you are unsure about what you feel, scared and unsure about what to do. Kind of like Persephone must have felt after Hades kidnapped her. And Heero is madly in love with you and wants to be with you and would do anything to get you to love him. Hades must have felt the same way about Persephone. In away you two are just like Persephone and Hades," Amber said.
 "It's amazing how true that is," Relena said.

 "Yeah it is. I'm going to find Heero and talk to him," Amber said, getting up.

 "How are the kids taking all this?" Relena asked.

 "Pretty good but it'll take along time before they'll get over it somewhat," Amber said. She left the room.


It had been five years since Amber thought of the day that she told her kids the truth about her and Heero's marriage and today she thought of it. 'Who thinks of their old marriage on their wedding day to someone else?' Amber thought.

 "I still can believe it took you two this long to get married," Relena said. She and Amber sat in front of a mirror in the back of the church.

 "Unlike you, I didn't know I was in love with Trowa," Amber said.

 "Right, I believe you," Relena said. She was curling her hair.

 "Mommy?" a voice asked. Relena looked down to see her three year old daughter standing next to her.

 "Yes Hannah?" Relena asked.

 "When do I throw the flowers on the floor?" Hannah-Marie Elisabeth Yuy asked her mother. Hannah had long coffee brown hair and bright blue eyes.

 "Right after Daddy and I get to the front of the church. Aunt Amber will tell you when to go, won't you?" Relena asked.

 "I will," Amber smiled at Hannah.

 "Okay," Hannah said and walked off.

 "So is Hannah Lowe coming?" Amber asked.

 "I don't know. Heero tried to call her last night but couldn't reach her," Relena said.

 "I hope she can make it," Amber said.

 "Me too," Relena said. The door and Samantha came in. She had let her hair grow past her shoulders. She was taller and was a beautiful nineteen year old woman.

 "Are you ready yet?" Sammy asked.

 "Almost. So are you ready to do this?" Relena asked Amber.

 "Yeah I am," Amber said. All three walked out of the room.


 "Do you Trowa Barton take Amber-Marie Rose Morgan to be your lawful wife? To have and to hold, for better, for worst, for richer, for poor, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" the pastor asked. Trowa and Amber were holding each others hands and looking in to each others eyes.

 "I do," Trowa said.

 "And do you Amber-Marie Rose Morgan take Trowa Barton to be your lawful husband? To have and to hold, for better, for worst,  for richer, for poor, in sickness and in health till death do you part?" the pastor asked.

 "I do," Amber said.

 "I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the pastor said. Trowa lifted Amber's veil and kissed her softly. The guest clapped and they separated.

 "So is this were the happy ending comes?" Relena whispered in to Amber's ear.

 "I wouldn't know the story's not over yet but I think so," Amber whispered back.

 And so ends the story of how Heero, Relena, Amber, and Trowa were torn between the past and present.


I am finally finished with this story. If you have any questions please e-mail me at [email protected] . And does anyone want a sequel because I have some ideas for one. Please review and thanks to everyone that reviewed for all the chapters and stuck with this story and gave it a shot.

Ja ne,
