Torn between the past and the present


Hi. This story some are going to kill for. I'd give ya a summary but that would spoil the surprise. 


Disclaimer: I never own gundam wing and never will.


  Relena Peacecraft was standing in front of Heero Yuy's house. It was the middle of the night and she was with her bother and her best friend's husband. She had golden honey blonde hair and aqua blue eyes. Her hair framed her heart shape face. She wasn't exactly beautiful but never the less she was pretty.

  Millado Peacecraft, Relena's brother, was a stubborn man and didn't want to be where he was. His wife, Lucriza Noin, had to threaten him before he would come. He had long white blonde hair, which he had just start wearing in a pony-tale at the base of his neck. He had ice blue eyes that could stop anyone in their tracks if used in a glare.

  Duo Maxwell, Relena's friend's husband, was the go-for-it-lucky type. He had violet color eyes. His dark brown hair was in a long braid. He was the person who could make all most any one laugh.

  Duo knocked on the door. Soon the door opened to reveal a woman who had to at least be 25 years old. She had blazing red hair and emerald green eyes. Her hair curled and landed on her shoulders. She was about 5ft.5.She had on a cotton robe.

  "Can I help you?" she asked

  "Yes, does Heero Yuy live here?" Millardo said

  "Yes, do you need to speak to him?" the woman asked.

  "Yes ma'am," Millardo said.

  "Ok I'll go get him. Would you like to come in?" the woman asked.

  "Yes. Thank you."

  "Your welcome, Sir."

  As the woman left to go get Heero, the others looked d around the room. It was messier than what Relena would have expected. Soon the woman came back and said, "I'm so sorry. I haven't introduced myself. I'm Amber-Marie Rose Yuy. Everyone calls me Amber for short," Amber smiled sweetly.

  "I'm Millardo Peacecraft and this is my sister Relena Peacecraft and her friend Duo Maxwell. Did you say your last name was 'Yuy'?" Millardo asked calmly.

  "Yes, I'm Heero's wife," Amber said.


Please do not kill me. You can flame me just don't me. There are still more surprises, one or two you RPxHY fans may like. Just so you know I'm a HYxRP fan too.

Ja ne,
