Chapter Six

Tortuga. Both Jack and Teague looked at each other and the compass again and again.

"Are you sure this compass works?" wondered Teague.

"I don't know," admitted Jack. "It's got me things in the past so I think it works."

"Jack, she looks just fine," called Martín.

Jack yelped as he sprinted to him and pushed him aside. Through the spyglass, he observed the only ship in the world made for him. His beloved Black Pearl was in top condition and floated gently against the dock.

"I'm going to kill him," he announced as he shoved the glass against Martín.

"I'll be the one doing that," said Teague.

"Only after me," said Jack, already preparing a longboat for his arrival aboard his ship.

Not even Teague wanted to upset Jack at the moment. There was a bit too much anger and vengeance behind his eyes.

It wasn't long before Jack stepped upon the deck of his Black Pearl. He sighed slowly walked across deck, feeling the contours of his ship. He went to the helm and grasped the wheel.

"I'm so sorry. I'll never let him have you again," he promised.


Jack turned. "Marty, wot are you doing here."

"What are you doing here?" asked Marty.

"Wot do you think I'm doing. I'm taking me ship back," said Jack.

"Mother's love, Jack, you're alive!" cried Gibbs.

Jack's eyes widened. "Mr. Gibbs, wot are you doing here."

"I quit on women. They're nothing but bad luck," said Gibbs.

"Who is all here?" wondered Jack.

"Myself, Marty, Cotton, Mullroy, and Murtogg," replied Gibbs.

"Who are the last two?" asked Jack.

"The odd marines who make terrible pirates," replied Gibbs.

"Oh those two," noted Jack. "Where is Barbossa? I'm going to kill him."

"Faithful Bride," replied Gibbs.

"Where?" Teague growled.

"Faithful Bride," replied Jack.

Teague set his hands on Jack's shoulders. "You wait outside until I'm through with Barbossa. I won't do anything to harm him. You can do that. I want to say a few words to him is all."

"Fine," agreed Jack, his face turning into a pout.

"Jackie don't worry, he'll be just overjoyed to see you," said Teague, his voice rather sarcastic.

"How am I supposed to know when you're through?" wondered Jack.

"You'll know," said Teague. "Come on, let's say hello to your old friend."

Jack's eyes narrowed into a glare as he stormed off the ship.

"I've never seen you two talk so calmly before," admitted Gibbs.

"Josh, come with us, I'll explain along the way," said Teague.

As Teague explained what happened between him and Jack to Gibbs, Jack pushed his way through the crowds of wenches and drunken sailors and the usual pirates lingering on the island.

Teague pushed Jack against the side of the tavern. "Wait until I'm done."

Jack grumbled as he folded his arms. "Fine."

"Thank you," replied Teague.

He walked in the tavern, whistling A Pirate's Life. Glancing at the faces, he spotted Barbossa at the bar with women on each side of his arm as well as sailors pleading to join the crew. He casually approached the pirate.

"Hector Barbossa, it has been a while," he noted.

Barbossa smiled at him. "Teague, out and about. Don't see you from the Cove often."

"Yes, I was wondering if you knew where Jack was," noted Teague.

"Why would he be here?" asked Barbossa.

"I don't know. Perhaps he's here somewhere because his ship is here," noted Teague. Barbossa's eyes widened. "Truly, where the Black Pearl lies Jack Sparrow is not far. I need to collect his review of the Caribbean."

"I don't know where Jack is at the moment," Barbossa told him.

Teague nodded. He sat beside Barbossa. "I'll wait. Jack will come by eventually."

Barbossa nodded with a forced smile. He turned away and looked at his crew who slowly began piling toward the corners of the room.

"You seem like something is wrong," noted Teague.

"Nothing's wrong," said Barbossa. "Everything is in order."

"Not quite," said Teague.

"What makes you say that?" asked Barbossa.

Edward Teague swung the compass around his fingers. "Perhaps it may be that I have Jack's compass, the charts Jack acquired from Sao Feng, Jack's bandana and hat, or that I braided his hair a few days ago as well as set the beads back in it. Perhaps not everything is in order because Jack has been with me in Shipwreck Cove for over a month." He looked at Barbossa who had terror on his face. "Tell me, how is it Jack didn't sail here on the Pearl."

Barbossa shrugged innocently. "That surely is remarkably interesting."

Teague nodded. "So it is. Do you have anything to say because I have a few words?"

"Not that I can think of at the moment," said Barbossa.

Teague nodded once more. He finished the rum in the bottle beside him before saying his few words.

Once the words came from his mouth every sailor in the room began to blush and turn away. Such nature of foul language had never before entered the ears of every sailor in the room.

Barbossa sat at the bar, his face going more and more pale and eyes widening with terror.

Outside, a crowd began to build near the door in wonder as to who had such mouth of words to say. Some were devastated at the nature of Teague, others admired him, and there were those who would never see a father more caring of his son.

As soon as Teague's mouth closed and he ordered a drink, the room roared with wild clapping and cheering.

Barbossa sat on his stool questioning if it was wise to breathe near Teague.

"You can come in now Jack. I've said all I wanted," called Teague.

Jack Sparrow entered the tavern with Scarlett and Giselle on either side of him, under his arms. They walked just as dignified as he did.

"Excuse me ladies," said Jack as he approached Barbossa.

He punched Barbossa in the face as hard and with as much force as his arm allowed. He then smiled.

"Hello Hector," he greeted.

Barbossa clutched his nose.

"Now as I was saying how about that ride I promised," Jack said as he turned toward the ladies again.

"Oh, Edward, I'm glad you told Jack," said Giselle.

"Finally," added Scarlett.

Teague bowed his head in appreciation.

"Jack Sparrow," a female called.

Jack turned his head to the voice.

Anamaria walked up to him and slapped him across the face.

Scarlett and Giselle clapped.

"I deserved that didn't I?" asked Jack.

Anamaria began to beat on him.

"Ana, don't kill him. He's been through a lot lately," said Teague as he pulled her away.

"He's been through a lot?" asked Anamaria, sarcasm in her voice.

"Well yes," said Teague. "He lost the Pearl again, had to put up with me as well as several injuries, and we've done quite a bit of mental harm to each other for the past month and he nearly died again. He's still recovering."

"That's all in the past," noted Anamaria. "He doesn't have to carry a child in his stomach for the next seven months."

Jack's eyes widened as he mouth dropped. He looked at his father. "Did I mention Barbossa took the ship the second day? There was a night between when I arrived and left. Almost immediately after arriving I found her and we had a night together." He looked at her stomach. "Are you sure? You don't look fat."

"I'm sure. I haven't gone through something women are supposed to in two months," said Anamaria.

Jack shrugged. "Oh well, that just means you'll have to come with me, marry me, and help me raise the little one."

Anamaria pointed a threatening finger at him then she slowly dropped it realizing what Jack said.

"I'm sorry," said Jack. "I should have done this a long time ago."

He dropped to a knee. Looking at her he raised his forefinger. He glanced at the rings on his fingers for several moments before settling on the one on his pinky, his mother's diamond ring.

"Will you marry me?" he asked. "Please. I'll try to be a good husband. Really I will. I don't know if I can be, but I'll try."

Anamaria looked at him with tears in her eyes. "You want to marry me?"

"You don't want me to marry you then?" asked Jack, his body slumping. He stood with disappointment on his face. "If that's how you want it then all right."

He shrugged as he walked past her.

"Jack!" Anamaria cried as she rushed to him.

She whipped him around then yanked his lips against hers. She took the ring from in his palm and set in on her finger before pulling Jack against her more.

Teague smiled at the scene. He glanced around the room. "Turn away. Give my son some decent privacy."

Talk immediately resumed as well as the small fights.

"Yes, yes of course I'll marry you," whispered Anamaria.

"There is one small thing," said Jack, showing her the tiny amount his fingers. "I'm going to drink Aqua de Vida and be immortal."

"Then you and I will have the longest marriage," said Anamaria before kissing Jack again.

Jack pulled her away. "Second actually. Will and Elizabeth married before us and they're going to live just as long,"

"Whatever," said Anamaria as she kissed him again and again.

"I have a feeling we are never going to get the ride," noted Giselle.

"No," Scarlett said with a sigh.

Giselle smiled as she looked at the two. "It's very romantic though."

Barbossa looked at Teague. "Does this mean I can go?"

Teague shrugged. "Jack, what do you want to do about him?"

Jack pushed Anamaria aside. "Excuse me luv." Still with her hand in his causing her to follow him, Jack approached Barbossa again. "I have a new title for you. Governor Barbossa of Rumrunner's Island."

Barbossa groaned as he covered his aching nose again.

Like Will told Teague, he returned to the world of the living to check on Jack who had never been better in his life.

Jack was immortal along with his father.

As for Anamaria, she agreed to take immortality after the baby was born and no longer depended on her for food. The island in the middle of nowhere would always wait for her.

By request, Will gladly married Jack and Anamaria by condition they go to a small island in the Bahamas and stay with Elizabeth for a few months.

Anamaria thought it most appropriate. She knew Elizabeth was going to need female company and another friend other than her cousin.

Even Jack approved. He was frightened nearly to death while Anamaria was at sea. He didn't want anything to happen to his wife and little one.

Will was simply relieved Elizabeth didn't have to raise their child alone. He felt terrible enough she was pregnant and he was never around. With Anamaria and Jack everything was going to be fine again.

Jack did have one small request. Seeing as he knew nothing about children and raising anyone, he wished his father to stay and help.

Much to his regret and delight, more regret than delight at the moment, Teague found himself watching his Star of Madagascar sail back to Shipwreck Cove with him not on it. He stood at the dock below the cliff where Elizabeth and her cousin lived.

He always hoped Jack would become his son once again, but never, not once, did he imagine Jack becoming a father.

Father and son. The very idea of it still brought chills through his spine and what frightened him the most was that it wasn't happening to him, but Jack.

PS: i am still writing Beyond the Horizon. It's taking longer than i thought. Sorry!!