black heart01: Hi there people! I have another nagging story inside my crazy head again. I know, I know... I haven't even updated my Musician yet and here I am making another one. HEHEHE.

Sasuke: Why do you even bother writing. No one reads it anyway.

(black heart01 secretly whispering to Sakura-chan)

Sakura suddenly burst out laughing. Sasuke notices both girls looking at him and laughing.

Sasuke: What's with that look?!

Sakura: Umm... Sasuke-kun... Your zipper is opened! (points at his pants)

Sasuke: What the-

black heart01: I love it when I embarass Sasuke-Kun! (evil smirk)

Disclaimer: black heart01 does not own Naruto.

Chapter 1- Black-capped Stranger

7:20 am - Early Monday morning...

"Damn! I'm gonna be late again!" cursed by an angry raven-haired boy, as he took another sharp turn in a corner.

"SASUKE-KUUUN!" distant screams were heard in the hallways of the building.

"They don't give up easily, do they?" he whispered, hoarsely under his breath as he ran faster, looking behind as the screams were getting louder-


He accidentally bumped into someone.

"Itai!" the person squeaked,sprawled on the floor a few meters away from him.

"Hn," he groaned as he picked himself up and checked on his victim.

At first, he thought that the person was unconscious but then the stranger started to also picked himself up, hands supporting his body to a sitting position. The person was wearing a rather large, blue, jersey jacket along with a black sports cap with a pink "S" on it and underneath the jacket were a pair of white shorts. On his feet, the person wore a pair of white sneakers, with blue edges.

He couldn't look better at the person because his bangs were covering his face. He got more curious as he saw strands of pink hair framing the person's face-


Great! he thought, he almost forgot the reason why he crashed into this person.

Just then, he spotted the janitor's closet opened and before he could think of what he's doing, he suddenly grabbed hold of the person's wrist (who was in the process of standing up) and pulled the stranger with him inside the door and locked it.

"Hey! W-Wha-" he clamped his palm on his (pink-haired person) mouth to keep him quiet, then pressed his ear on the door. He heard the much louder screams of girls calling out of his name pass for about 5 minutes, then heaved a sigh of relief when it was gone.

Finally! His mind somehow rejoiced, as he went out the small stockroom, he felt someone struggling in his arms. He forgot that he was still holding this black-capped person.



"Mmph!" is the only sound the stranger could he quickly let go of the person, his breathing came back to normal, he coughed lightly and glared at him with those emerald eyes.

He knew it was his fault and that he should apologize. But when he was about to say it, the school bell rang all over the place, meaning that homeroom should be starting so, instead of saying "sorry", he end up muttering "Gotta go!" before he quickly sprinted to class on the other side of the hall, not even wasting time to throw another glance at the fuming person. The last thing he heard was the word "Jerk!" before he turned on another corner.

Sounded like a girl to me, he thought.

8:30 am

One hour have passed, still, no sign of their teacher.

I can't believe that I'd come more early than this Kakashi-sensei, thought the Uchiha boy. And to think that I was actually worried about being late. Oh well, at least there aren't any much fan girls here.

"Oi! Teme, why the long face?" asked the blue-eyed blonde next to him.

"Shut up, Dobe!" he eyed Naruto, his childhood friend, with an irritated glare.

But the boy wasn't affected as he matched Sasuke's look with an angry one, which started a few minutes of "staring game". Naruto was able to read the raven-haired boy's mind and his face broke into a grin.

"Let me guess the reason why you came in late is because your fan girls had almost cornered you, right? And if I'm correct, you actually ran for cover all the way to the halls of this building, huh?" Naruto stated as if he was there to witness it personally.

"Hn," was his one-syllable reply.

"I'll take that as a "yes", then." said Naruto, proudly.

Moments later, Naruto was pushed out of his seat as one of Sasuke's fan girl, Karin, came barging at the conversing friends.

"Hey! What's wrong with you?!" the blonde barked, angrily at the red-headed girl, who was now clinging on Sasuke.

"I'm the only one who should sit next to him! Right, Sasuke-kun?" Karin crooned to Sasuke after throwing a glare to Naruto.

"Hn," the Uchiha groaned as he tried very hard to take the girl off his arm. But after a few minutes, he gave didn't like the idea of having a torn uniform while he's in school.

I might as well burn it later, he thought, glaring at the annoying girl. And wash my arm with chlorine.

"No! Sasuke-kun should sit next to me!" a girl shouted.

"No! He should be next to me!" and another one.

"Sasuke-kun, I have a nice seat here!" and so on.

"Hey!Sasuke-kun prefers my seat!" and so forth...

The next thing that they knew, all of Sasuke's fan girls surrounded the boy's seat making Naruto unable to have a view of his friend.

"Oi! Tem-" Naruto tried to call out his name but failed when he got trampled on by some fan girls.

Stupid girls, Naruto thought.

"Dai jo bu?" asked a voice.

"H-huh?" he looked up to meet a pair of emerald eyes.

"I was asking, if you were alright." the stranger smiled at him warmly.

"Hai." Naruto said quietly, having a tint of red on his face, as he tried to stand up.

"Here. Let me help you." the person took out a hand and helped him to stand up.

"Arigatou!" thanked Naruto.

"Already making friends, I see?" a man with silver hair and a mask that covers his mouth, spoke.

"Kakashi-sensei!" exclaimed a startled Naruto.

"Yo!" the so-called teacher greeted.

"So this is my class, huh?" the stranger asked Kakashi.

"Uh-huh." he answered, nodding his head.

"Okay." the person shrugged, while scanning the room.

I guess I better start homeroom, thought Kakashi.

He coughed loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. He quickly caught the attention of his students. The room became quiet.

"Good morning, everyone!" he greeted.

"Ohayou, Kakashi-sensei!" everyone chorused.

"Well, you can still sit anywhere you want right this second, because I want to introduce someone." he said "But don't get your hopes up high 'cause I have made you guys a seating arrangement." he added, causing the fan girls to whine and complain.

"Quiet." he said simply while he put his index finger on his lips. Everyone did what they were told. Except for Naruto, who was still standing with the stranger.

"Hey, Sensei! What's your reason this time for being tardy on the first day of school?" asked Naruto, suspiciously.

"Well...Umm... Ah! I came to pick up the new student here." Kakashi excused, pointing at the said person.

"Liar!" they all said accusingly at their teacher which made the silver-haired man laugh nervously.

"Interesting." the stranger whispered a comment, smirking.

That time, Sasuke was able to recognize the black-capped person, when Naruto sat back next to him.

Hey,isn't that...? he thought, as he remembered his encounter with the guy, this morning.

"Enough with this. Before for I completely forget, let us welcome your new classmate," he nodded at the stranger, indicating to come in front and meet the class.

"This is Ms. Sakura Haruno." Kakashi continued.

"Yo!" the girl smiled, making a peace sign on one hand and the other hidden on her back.

So, she's a girl, after all, the Uchiha mused, completely embarrassed with himself as he had a flashback of what he did to the girl a few hours ago, but kept it with himself.

Instead of everyone greeting the new comer, they ended up asking her the first questions that entered their heads, mostly the fan girls.

"She's a girl?!"

"How come you're wearing that?!"

"Aren't you supposed to wear a uniform?!"

"Do you have any sense of fashion?!"

"Don't you know it's not right for a girl to wear boy's clothes?!"

"It's so unfair! She gets to wear what she wants and we don't?!"

More questions about the girl's clothing was asked, but surprisingly, she didn't seem unnerved. She was just smiling there waiting for everyone to finish their questions and when they were, she asked.

"Are you done?" Sakura Haruno, asked.

"H-Hai!" they said, completely off-guard at the girl's cheery disposition.

"First of all, yes, I am a girl. Second, I'm wearing this outfit because it feels comfortable. Third, Yeah, I think I'm supposed to wear the uniform. Fourth, I think everyone has sense of fashion and I believe I have my own, thank you!. Fifth, No, I think girls can wear boy's clothes, you wear jeans, right?. Sixth, I'm sorry I didn't know you'd think its unfair if I wear what I want. I just thought, since it's first day or the reason that I'm new here, it's okay to wear what I prefer..."

The girl kept on answering the questions thrown at her a moment ago. "Is there anything that I've missed?" she asked, still smiling.

Everybody shook their heads quietly and totally amazed of the girl's memory.

"But we won't allow you in class without you wearing our uniform!" Karin yelled, dislike can be easily sensed in her voice. It was probably because she saw Sasuke staring at the newcomer, interestingly.

"Yeah, she's right!" all of the fan girls, said. Following their Sasuke Fan Club president.

"But... I'm really not comfortable on girl's clothes. Especially, when I have to wear skirts..." the girl reasoned out, sweat dropping. "Can't you cut me a slack or something? Just for this day?"

"NO! If you're not on your uniform, then you better not to go to class at all!" shouted Karin, still noticing the Uchiha's attention to the Haruno girl.

Sakura bit her lower lip as if preventing herself to burst out crying. But instead, she walked on, towards the door.

"Fine! But don't laugh at me when I come in wearing that ridiculous, girly outfit later!" she turned the knob and shut it close behind her.

They all heard her complaining to herself on the door and then a shifting sound came next.

I wonder why she doesn't like 'girly clothes'. Despite the fact that she is a girl, Sasuke thought as he stare blankly at the door, where the girl exited.

Everybody got surprised when they heard Karin giggling exaggeratedly.

"Maybe she looks fat! That's why she wears that baggy jacket!" she said then bursted out giggling crazily.

"Or she might have large legs! Yeah, that would be reason she doesn't like wearing skirts!" a fan girl said.

"She could be hairy-skinned! Gross!" another girl said.

More insults were said by the insecure girls about Sakura, with the said girl not knowing. About 20 seconds later, they heard someone knock on the door.

"It's me. I'm done changing. Unfortunately," the girl said on the other side of the door.

"That was fast," they all thought.

"You can come right in then, Ms. Haruno." said Kakashi, sweatdropping.

Surprised was an understatement for everybody's reaction when the door opened. Even for Sasuke who doesn't seem to care at all, had a glint of admiration in his eyes.

"Is she for real?" the boy thought.

blackheart01: Thanks for reading!

Please forgive my spelling, sentence or grammar errors in the story.