Tittle: Irreversible
Ouran High School Host Club isnt mine, the characters arent mine. I wish they were but I think it is better that I didnt because the host club would be completely different.
Warnings: Violence
Couples: Hikaru/Kaoru, Haruhi/ Tamaki
Summary: Life can change within seconds. How will Kaoru and Hikaru deal when one event causes both their lives to change for the worse
It was shocking how fast life can change. Fourteen hours ago Kaoru was giggling in brother's arms, now he was lying awkwardly in the hallway. Four hours ago Kaoru and Hikaru parted. Now Hikaru was safety back at home while Kaoru was dying on the filthy floors of their high school. Three hours ago Kaoru finally packed up his backpack and started to head home. Three hours later and Kaoru was still trying to leave. Here he was collapsed in the second story hallway, the walls covered with his blood from his failed attempts of escaping.
He was wheezing, and his hands were bloody as it gripped his chest. His chest was heaving as his head spun. Blood dripped out of his mouth and traveled down his chin before oozing out on the floor beneath it. His mouth was parted as drool dripped down as well, his petite body shaking from the pain. He was cold, his pants shoved into his mouth, refusing to let him make any sound, choking him as he struggled to catch his breath. His face held bruises and his nose was swollen and red.
Three hours ago, four hours ago, two hours ago, his mind kept snapping snippets of the day, showing him how much he had fallen in such a short day.
Four hours ago he was happy. Four hours ago Hikaru and stolen Kaoru away from their clients and hiding in the dirty bathroom kissed him. Kaoru then kissed him and then again and again until their heard a female's voice asking if they are okay from beyond the door. Hikaru winked at Kaoru and kissed him again.
An hour ago he was running down the hall, hands tied together by ropes, tear marks on his face as the click of a loaded gun could be heard. Screaming for help, screaming for help, no one was there to hear his screams.
Five hours ago Hikaru bought him ice cream. It was freezing cold outside and Kaoru didn't want the ice cream but since that bought the ice cream he ate it happily and shivered afterwards for minutes until Hikaru gave Kaoru his jacket.
Thirty minutes ago Kaoru tripped down the third story staircase, his body getting banged up as a figure walked calmly down the stairs behind him. Kaoru never felt as much fear as he did while he was falling. The figure was walking without a glance of humanity. It terrified him.
Four hours and thirty minutes ago, Hikaru licked his cheek and ran a hand though his hair making their clients scream and Kaoru close his eyes in ecstasy. Kaoru wrapped his arms around his brother and kissed Hikaru's cheek whispering words of love to him and making the clients nearly faint with excitement. Hikaru giggled and kissed the tip of his nose.
Three hours ago, Kaoru was struggling with, not only his school bag but with Hikaru's also, since Hikaru left it when he took Haruhi home. Kaoru had just gotten his headphones on when he heard a noise coming from one of the empty classrooms.
One hour ago he was crying and inching himself forward as the figure watched him, his pant legs dangling out of his mouth. The figure watched with limited interest seeming more interested in the gun in their hand. Kaoru whimpered as he crawled out of the room and figure following him without interest.
Four hours and fifteen minutes ago Hikaru and Haruhi were talking, Kaoru watching them with interested eyes knowing that he was telling her about the big surprise. When Hikaru declared he was leaving and walking Haruhi home Kaoru said have fun. Hikaru frowned and asked Hunny privately if Kaoru could go over to his house for a while, Hunny of course agreed happily. Kaoru was not as happy and denied the invitation.
Fourteen minutes ago Kaoru felt the cold touch of the gun on his naked chest and his eyes watered as he was pushed up from the floor and slammed against the wall. He was shivering as he stared up at the security cameras, begging that one of the night watchers be watching this from their security office. His eyes dilated when pain exploded within him and blood splattered on the wall behind him. He was still staring at the camera, his shocked expression forever glued to the camera and as his body fell he was still staring up at the camera pleading for the object to find him help.
Twelve hours ago Kaoru awoke to a kiss upon his forehead and a hug. Kaoru opened his eyes and smiled at his brother who just rubbed his head against his.
Three and a half hours ago Kaoru was punched in his face and he screamed for his brother to save him and he waited foolishly for his brother to come. He never did.
Ten minutes ago Kaoru struggled to get to the door and ended up with his head smashed against a window instead. Blood rushed from his head as he crumbled to the ground, his eyes alert with pain and horror.
Thirteen minutes ago Kaoru was smiling as Hikaru danced around the kitchen making breakfast by himself. Hikaru declared that he felt like making breakfast for the greatest brother in the world and even if the food was burnt and tasted gross Kaoru ate every last bit of it just because Hikaru was so proud to be making him breakfast. Even when the food made him nauseous, the kiss that Hikaru had planted on his lips afterwards was totally worth it. Kaoru would eat a billion years of bad tasting food if Hikaru would keep kissing him.
Two hours ago his head was pounding and his pants were cut off. He squealed and screamed in agony. A metal bat caused him to become quickly mute.
Seven hours ago while the twins were running to their class, Hikaru asked Kaoru if he would stay away from home until eight. He said that he had a huge surprise for Kaoru and he didn't want him knowing what that was until then. Kaoru nodded and kissed his brother quickly before Hikaru opened the door to their English class, and as their teachers yelled at them for being late, they still had identical smiles on their faces.
Right now he was dying, blood building up in his mouth causing him to suffocate. His body was jerking and he knew if he could just turn over, lay on his stomach than he could breathe again but his body wasn't moving.
He wondered as he laid there dying what that big surprise was that his brother had planned. He felt regret for not knowing what that surprise was and he wondered why he didn't go to Hunny's house when Hunny had asked. If he did then everything would be fine.
His fingers twitched as he gagged on his blood and his eyes were getting hazy and the blood didn't stop coming. Warm tears washed the blood from his face as he laid there seeing pictures of his friends and family flash before his eyes. Eventually the images changed from all their friends and family to just Hikaru. Pictures flashed, Hikaru lying in bed naked, Hikaru smiling, Hikaru dancing, Hikaru showering. His thoughts were all about Hikaru and he wondered what Hikaru will do once his body was found. What will happen to the school? Two rooms on the third floor was destroyed, blood, scratches, and bullet holes. The third and second story hallway was covered in blood, and the staircase was dripping with his blood. Would they close the school down?
His eyes rolled and his lungs screamed in outrage as it struggled to find air and Kaoru couldn't stop jerking. He couldn't breath, he couldn't breath, oh shit he was dying. A scream could be heard from somewhere behind him and he couldn't stop jerking and his hands were turning blue and he felt so lightheaded. He felt someone rolling him over and the blood that he was suffocating on dropped out of his mouth and he laid there gasping.
Nervous hands stopped inches from him when Kaoru let out a whimper. His breathing was still harsh and someone was yelling at him to stay with them but he couldn't, he just couldn't. He closed his eyes as heard the principle calling for the ambulance. Kaoru wanted to tell him that it was too late but his mouth wasn't working now too. One more panicked scream from the principle and Kaoru closed his eyes, blood still dripping from his chest, his legs, his mouth.
Was it good? Should I continue?
Thanks for reading.