AN: Guess who finally got inspired? ;) Enjoy!

WARNING: Strong language (aka cussing)

This might work out well. He wasn't allowed to have them in his lab any more. Which was quite stupid in his opinion, he'd made them, treated them. Why shouldn't he have access to his specimens?

So he'd managed to swap an injection instead.

The flu was going around the compound and even the generals were prone to catch a sniffle. All of them were under a mandate to being inoculated. And a simple flu shot was safe for even the changed Firsts.

One innocent little needle had been swapped out with his own concoction. He couldn't add mako to it, sadly, or he'd be found out by the green glow, but he could add his own little…. mix.

He wondered which one of the Firsts would get that particular needle. His own creation could be taken down a peg or two and reminded of his place. That feline could also stand some humiliation.

Hojo smirked. One of the wolves would be a good choice. Either the pup would be driven nearly insane by the hormone mix and have to be held until it passed by the others or that honor-and-dreams fool would become victim to his instincts.

The scientist laughed.

He wondered if the general would hunt the bitch for food or rutting.

"You sure you're okay 'Geal?"

"Yes Puppy, go ahead and have fun. It's just a little itchy is all."

"That's normal. He'll be fine, Puppy."

Sephiroth and Genesis had left to attend a play of Loveless under the Plate and the two pups had plans to go see a game of some sort with a few of the cadets and 3rds.

Honestly, both the doctor and the general were looking forward to a little quiet.

"Ok then, bye guys!"

Cloud followed Zack out the door, offering a wave and a sympathetic smile before closing the door behind him.


Angeal laughed as the doctor flopped dramatically on the armchair.

Time for a night of film noir.


The room was dark and the TV scene was showing the classic blue after the movie had run its way through. Stretching the kinks out of her neck she looked around, wondering what had woken her up.

Then she heard it again.


Heat was boiling in his veins. It had started as an itch that could be ignored and gotten worse. Now it was at the point his blood was burning, but for what he didn't know.

The doctor had slipped off to sleep a while ago and he left the room to escape the noise from the TV. His skin wouldn't stop itching!

A low growl came from his throat.

Out in the living room he heard the doctor wake up, and shift a bit in her chair.

Reason was leaving him as he walked back towards the sounds of the television. The female was there, stretching and shifting, but not running. Running meant prey. Was this female not-prey?

Another low growl left him.


He… knew that name, it was his, one of them. The female-not-wolf was his, was part of Pack.

Female was not-prey?

Female was running-bird.

Running-bird was prey.

Female running-bird prey?

His skin itched more now, and the burning was worse.

The female looked towards him, not seeing him but having an idea of where he was, head tilted in confusion and concern, but not fear. Not yet.

He stalked forward towards the female running-bird. Prey, or not-prey? Pack? Yes, Pack.



Fear was slinking in a bit, crest rising up from downy and tail flaring as she stood. The female could fight. He remembered this. Might not win, but would not go down easy.

She spotted him, eyes wide and pupils dilating as adrenaline rushed her system. Her scent hit his nose and the boiling became intolerable. The female running-bird stood, light and ready on clawed toes, ready to defend but not attack. Running-bird was Pack. Running-bird was prey. One choice. Not-prey?


Growling, he made his choice and lunged.
