Jonathan's eyes fluttered open when the first rays of light hit his face. He had slept soundly through out the whole night and was reluctant to wake. He turned on his side to face Jervis and block out the bright spring day shinning through the old window with no use. Instead he was met with a small pile of cloths and a lovely hand written note. He stretched out one long arm to snatch it up and read what it said. It took a second for his eyes to adjust but he read the fine handwriting.
I hope the cloths fit you. If not I'll find you something else.
Love Jervis
He glared at the note and set it back down. "Did Tetch even sleep, since it certainly feels like he didn't" He noted to himself but quickly added. "Not that I should care." Crane picked up the cloths and identified them as a black sweater and black flannel pants that looked like they would fit his tall and thin frame. He raised an eyebrow as he found socks and a pair of boxers as well. His harsh green eyes scanned the once creepy room, which for some reason still held its charm, for any sign of a bathroom. They quickly fell onto a door other then the one he entered.
Out of some strange paranoia that Jervis would come in while he was changing Jonathan locked the normal looking bathroom door behind him. He urinated, washed his hands, and face then stripped off his blue Arkham suit and put on the spare change of cloths. When done he quickly examined himself. The cloths had fit his skinny frame so perfectly, it almost frightened him that a mad man knew his exact body type, like he had studied him.
A wave of paranoia past through him. For some odd reason he feared the shorter man not for what he did with his mind control chips but for the potential he could do with the madness he saw in the "innocent" baby blue eyes. "If he touches me," he thought to comfort himself. "I'll kill him without a second thought." He smiled a harsh almost wicked smile at it but in his mind his other personality scarecrow remarked his displease in that but he shook it off and unlocked the door.
It didn't take long for him to get down the long gothic hallway and down the old staircase but the while time he pondered over Jervis's looks. The man was attractive in his own way with shoulder length blonde hair that always got in his face. Beautiful blue eyes that showed innocence and childlike wonder, along with insanity and rage. His face was covered in freckles and his smile was perfect except for a small over bite. Jervis was a head or more shorter then Jonathan and was petite in body type.
All in all, the Mad Hatter was attractive but the fact that he was dangerously insane and Jonathan considered himself straight kept him from ever thinking about the shorter man in any sexual way. He continued to walk to where he remembered as the kitchen until he heard his "friend" calling his name
"Hello Jonathan. Did you sleep well, dear?" he turned around and looked at Jervis who was in the same cloths as last night but was holding a broom.
"Yeah. Did you sleep at all?" he asked with little concern in his voice.
"No actually. I decided to clean out part of a room that I had my eye on for maybe a library." Jonathan zoned out as he felt his stomach rumble.
"Are you hungry?" Jervis asked as he walked over to where Jonathan was standing. He glared at Tetch. Something in his eyes told him Jervis was planning something.
"Yes." He muttered as he took a step back only to find his back was up against a wall.