One More Time, With Feeling

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, J.K Rowling does, I simply play with her world.

A/N: Just a warning, this is yet another redo fic, but that is really just the background, not the focus of the story. This is mostly a family fic, and it does contain corporal punishment after this chapter. If that offends you, then I suggest reading another story. There are plenty out there with a similar plot line.

Chapter 1


Here We Go Again


Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, US edition, page 704.

Voldemort and Harry looked at each other, and now Voldemort tilted his head a little to the side, considering the boy standing before him, and a singularly mirthless smile curled the lipless mouth.

"Harry Potter," he said very softly. His voice might have been part of the pitting fire. "The Boy Who Lived"

None of the Death Eaters moved. They were waiting: Everything was waiting. Hagrid was struggling, and Bellatrix was panting, and Harry thought inexplicably of Ginny, and her blazing look, and the feel of her lips on his-

Voldemort had raised his wand. His head was still tilted to one side, like a curious child, wondering what would happen if he proceeded. Harry looked back into the red eyes, and wanted it to happen now, quickly, while he could still stand, before he lost control, before he betrayed fear-

He saw the mouth move and a flash of green light, and everything was gone.


"Boy! Get up! Up! Up! Up!"

Harry awoke with a start, not aware of his surroundings. His head crashed into the ceiling.

'Wha?' He thought dazed. His eyes slowly adjusted to the low lighting. Looking around he quickly deduced his whereabouts.

The cupboard under the stairs.

Harry rubbed his eyes before opening them again to study his surroundings. Unfortunately the image before him didn't change; somehow he was in that bloody cupboard again. He didn't even think that he could fit in there anymore.

Dazed and confused, Harry nearly jumped out of his skin when someone pounded on the cupboard door.

A shrill voice called out, "Get up, you worthless lazy boy! Vernon needs to leave soon, and I won't have your stalling making him late for work. If you're not in the kitchen cooking within five minutes, then don't expect any meals today."

"Yes, Aunt Petunia," Harry said automatically.

Petunia left with a huff, leaving a confused Harry still in his cupboard.

'I can't still be in my cupboard,' he thought. 'I haven't lived in that thing since I was eleven. What's going on?'

Harry soon realized that he wouldn't get any answers sitting in the cupboard, so he made his way out to the kitchen.

Petunia leveled him with a glare and said, "It's about time! Well? Why are you standing around lollygagging? Start cooking! You don't want Vernon to waste away, do you?"

Harry seriously doubted that anything short of a life-long fasting could make Vernon waste away, but even still, Harry got to work on breakfast. That, at least, was a constant.

Harry made his way to the stove, and his eyes widened as he realized that the stove seemed taller than usual. 'Did the Dursleys get a new stove?' Inspecting the appliance quickly dashed those thoughts. He would recognize that stove anywhere. After all, he had been cooking on it for the last twelve years!

Petunia's piercing voice brought Harry back to the present, and he began to cook. His body was on autopilot, going through the familiar motions of cooking while his mind was a flurry of confusing thoughts. He distinctly recalled Voldemort hitting him with the killing curse. Did that mean that he was dead? Was this Hell?

Harry plated the cooked food and placed the heavily laden plates on the table before sitting down.

"What are you doing?!?" Petunia's shrill voice asked menacingly. "Get up! You've been uncooperative all morning, dragging your feet and all, why Vernon will barely have anytime to eat at all! You don't deserve any meals today."

Harry stared at his Aunt, dumbfounded. She hadn't treated him this badly since before he got his Hogwarts letter. Harry shook off his confusion at the situation and glared at Petunia. He wouldn't be pushed around anymore!

"You don't dare. Dumbledore..."

All the blood drained out of Petunia's face. Her voice quivered as she said, "How do you know that name?"

The previous feelings of bewilderment came back in full force, with this latest bit adding to it, making everything all the more confusing.

"How could I not? He was the headmaster to my school," Harry asked. Nothing was making sense.

Petunia snapped out of her stupor, suddenly grabbed Harry's wrist, and led him to the cupboard under the stairs. The only thing that Harry could think as he was thrown into the cupboard was how much bigger his Aunt seemed.

"You stay in there. Vernon doesn't have time now, but he'll stomp out your freakishness later," Petunia spat out. Then she was gone.

Harry sat in the familiar darkness, utterly lost. He tried the door once to determine that it was locked. Giving a mental shrug, he lay down on the small cot. Exhaustion took over as he fell asleep. Perhaps when he woke up, he would find that this was all a nightmare.


Dumbledore was enjoying a delightful lemon sherbet when one of his myriad of elegant silver instruments started spinning and glowing an ominous red. Alarmed, the elderly wizard investigated. He instantly paled as he realized the significance.

The blood wards were failing!

This would not do, not do at all! Harry would be in danger if his mother's protection were lost. Dumbledore sprung into action, racing over to the fireplace and throwing a pinch of floo powder into the fire.

"Severus Snape!" Dumbledore called out and then stuck his head into the green flames.

A few minutes later, the aged wizard pulled his head out of the fireplace, only to have the dark Potions Master come through a moment later.

"You needed to see me, Albus?" Snape asked.

"Severus, I need for you to investigate the wards on number four Privet drive in Surrey. If you can find out why they are failing and fix it, then do so. If not, I want you to retrieve Harry Potter and bring him here," Dumbledore said calmly, although he was inwardly panicking.

Snape's face darkened. "Potter! Why-"

Dumbledore cut the man off, impatiently. "Severus, please, just do as I say."

Snape didn't miss the pleading tone in the other wizard's voice. Holding back his protests, he nodded his head. "When do I need to go?"

"Now, if possible. The wards are weakening at an alarming rate. They could collapse at any moment," Dumbledore said anxiously.

Snape bit back a sigh and nodded. "Very well."

It was as he turned to leave that Dumbledore's voice called out. "And Severus? If possible, please try to be inconspicuous."

Snape gave another nod and then headed for the castle gates to get out of the anti-apparition wards.


Harry decided that if this was the afterlife, then he must have done something wrong. He had always thought that when he died that he would see his parents again. But this... if this was Hell, it didn't seem so bad on the surface, but it seemed things would soon get worse.

Harry didn't really like the sound of Vernon coming to 'stomp the freakishness out of him'. Aside from the occasional slap or manhandling, Vernon had never touched him. His stomach grumbled, reminding him of all his missed meals. Judging by how weak he felt, he must have missed more meals then the ones his Aunt had denied him that day. Harry wondered if this was a part of his Hell. He remembered the hunger-filled days from his childhood, but Harry felt more annoyed by it than tortured. He had thought that he had put that behind him now that he was free of the Dursleys.

But 'was' happened to be the operative word. It looked like he couldn't say that anymore. This really must be a subtle Hell.

Harry heard the unmistakable sound of Vernon coming home and tensed up. Would Vernon really beat him? Harry didn't want to find out!

He heard his Aunt discuss his earlier 'odd' behavior from the morning in a hushed tone that Harry had to strain to hear. His Uncle's louder reply filled him with relief, and then a sense of dread. Vernon wanted only to eat dinner and then sleep. He would 'take care' of Harry the next day since it would be Saturday.

Well, that sounded ominous, didn't it? But Harry had no intention of being there in the morning. He had long ago figured out the trick to opening the cupboard door even when it was locked. Now he just had to wait until they were all asleep.

Even though he had slept most of the day, Harry's body was wreaked with fatigue and hunger. It was likely trying to conserve energy by demanding sleep so much. Harry decided that he could sleep and still wake up before the Dursleys, so with that in mind, he rolled over and fell into a troubled sleep.


Snape grumbled as he reached the edge of the castle's wards.

Bloody Potter!

Of course it had to be Potter; the entire wizarding world revolved around the bloody boy-who-lived. He shuddered at the thought of the day the pampered brat would come to Hogwarts. Just like his arrogant father, he would probably act like he owned the school. Severus' mood darkened as he Apparated to Surrey and made his way to Number four Privet drive.

It was rather late at night, so Snape figured it would be safe to pull out his wand. After performing a number of diagnostic spells, the only thing he was able to determine was that the wards were indeed failing. Why Dumbledore had sent HIM was beyond Severus. He was no ward specialist. Still, there might be something wrong with the boy himself. He would have to check in on him to be certain.

Severus incanted the spell that would tell him the status of the occupants of the house, specifically how many people there were and whether they were conscious or not. Satisfied that all four occupants were asleep, Severus made his way into the house.

"Point me Harry Potter," he incanted in a whisper. Oddly enough, the wand pointed to the boot cupboard under the stairs. Strange, but he couldn't possibly be...

Severus made his way to the cupboard, idly noting the lock on it. A quick "Alohomora" opened the door with an audible click. Snape muttered "Lumos" and illuminated the small space. Despite all his most pessimistic expectations, he was still surprised at what he found. A small dirty little boy, in what could only be described as rags, was unmistakably the spawn of James Potter. Severus was completely shocked, why was the boy living in conditions like this? Shouldn't the boy be spoiled rotten?

Severus was broken out of his thoughts by the surprised gasp. "Snape?"


Harry awoke to the unmistakable sound of the cupboard door being opened. He stiffened. Had he overslept? Was Vernon coming to 'teach him a lesson'? Harry's eyes flew open, fully prepared to look for an escape route. He had to squint as the bright light flooded his eyes. After his eyes adjusted, he immediately recognized the figure standing before him.

"Snape?" he gasped.

That seemed to knock the man for a loop. Snape looked sharply at Harry. "You know me, Potter?"

Harry didn't understand why Snape sounded so confused.

"You only had me for six years in your classroom, how could I not know you?" Harry asked incredulously. "Sir," he added awkwardly.

"What are you blathering about? I've never met you before! And you're too young to attend Hogwarts! Now tell me how you know me," Snape demanded.

Harry's eyes unfocused as he tried to comprehend everything. Nothing made sense! Why was Snape here in his personal Hell? And why didn't Snape know him? He wished someone could tell him what was going on...

"Dumbledore," Harry muttered absentmindedly. Dumbledore would know.

"What?" Snape snapped. Had Dumbledore had contact with the brat? If so, why didn't HE check on the wards.

Grabbing the boy by the arm, he said, "Come, Potter, we're going to go see the headmaster."

Snape ignored the boy's inquiring look and comment when he asked, "But I thought you were the headmaster?" Hoping that this would all be explained soon, Snape Apparated them both to the gates of Hogwarts.


Harry couldn't help but squirm a bit as the two wizards stared down at him. After being dragged to the headmaster's office he found himself before a very much alive Dumbledore. Harry supposed that if this were the afterlife, it would make sense for Dumbledore to be there, and upon thinking on it, it made sense for Snape to be there as well. After all, the man had just died. But what made no sense was the fact that the pair seemed to know nothing about what brought Harry to the afterlife. He ended up recounting everything about his latest encounter with Voldemort. Harry almost jumped when Dumbledore spoke up.

"What year is it, Harry?" the elderly man asked.

Harry looked at Dumbledore strangely. What was with all these weird questions? "1998, sir."

Snape and Dumbledore shared a significant glance.

"Harry? Please look at me," Dumbledore instructed, and Harry obeyed without thinking.

Harry could feel the gentle push of Legilimency. Deciding that he had nothing to lose, he opened a way for Dumbledore, letting him see whatever he wanted. After a moment, he felt the presence recede. Dumbledore looked pensive and stared intently at Harry over his folded hands.

"Are you familiar with time travel, Harry?" Dumbledore asked.

Harry blinked. "Yes, sir, there was that incident with the Time-Turner..."

"A Time-Turner can only turn back time a few hours," Dumbledore interrupted. "Harry, the year is 1989. I believe you have traveled to the past."

Harry gaped at the man. That was impossible! He should be dead, not 9 years in the past! "But why am I not dead? I was hit by the killing curse."

"I don't pretend to know everything about magic, my boy. Sometimes it works in mysterious ways," Dumbledore said.

Harry looked up at his old mentor. "So now what?"

"As ironic as it may seem, I do not believe we can look back, we most look forward." Dumbledore said mysteriously. "Preserving the timeline is no longer an option. If this had happened before, Harry would remember it. This may very well have created a divergent timeline."

"Why don't we just obliviate the brat and be done with it?" Snape asked impatiently.

Dumbledore shot the man an admonishing look before turning back to Harry. "That is not an option. To obliviate so many years, especially in a small child would be an open invitation for brain damage. No, fate has given us a unique opportunity. I feel we must use it."

"Harry, do you know what a Pensieve is?" Seeing the boy nod, Dumbledore continued. "We'll have to have you put your memories into the Pensieve sometime, so that we can make the most of your experiences. They say 'forewarned is forearmed', after all."

Well that made sense, if you were going to mess with time, might as well make the most of it.

"But that can be done later. For now we need to figure out what to do about your living situation. I now understand why the wards are failing. You have not only already turned seventeen once, but you no longer consider it home. You cannot remain there. The wards will fail sooner or later. That brings up the question of who should take you in..." Dumbledore trailed off as he looked at his Potions professor.

Harry, not liking where this was going, spoke up. "How about Sirius Black?"



Shocking new evidence has come forward that proves Sirius Black innocent of all charges. The true perpetrator was found to be Peter Pettigrew, former posthumous holder of a third order of Merlin. Albus Dumbledore discovered Pettigrew was an unregistered animagus and living in hiding as a household pet to a wizarding family...

Sirius folded the paper and stuck it under his arm. He couldn't help but feel a huge swell of satisfaction. He didn't care how Dumbledore had figured out not only that Peter was the secret keeper, but also that he was in hiding, living as a rat. All he really knew was that one day he was in Azkaban, fighting off insanity, and the next he was free and pardoned of all charges.

Being reunited with the only other remaining true marauder had lifted his spirits while in the hospital. The effects of eight years in that hellhole had taken its toll. Thankfully, a week later, the healers pronounced him fit to go about a daily routine. He just had to take it easy and take lots of nutritional potions.

That had been a relief, but now there was the question of what to do with himself. Frankly, his previous life had been shattered even before going to Azkaban. Sirius didn't have long to ponder his situation, because right out of the hospital Dumbledore requested a meeting. Who was he to deny the man who had saved him from that hellhole anything?

Sirius could barely sit still in anticipation. He didn't really know what to expect, but he had a feeling that it was huge. Sirius was so wound up that he nearly jumped when Remus burst into the room.

Slightly out of breath, Remus wheezed out, "Sorry I'm late."

Dumbledore looked up and smiled. "Quite alright, my boy. Now that you are here, we can begin." Not waiting for a reaction, he took out his wand and levitated a large stone basin onto his desk.

"First, I want you to look at the memories contained in here, before you ask me any questions." Dumbledore gestured toward the pensieve.

"Sir? What is this about?" Remus asked, puzzled.

Dumbledore simply smiled with the ever present twinkle in his eye and said, "Look, and I think you will figure it out."

The two younger men shared a glance and then shrugged. They really had nothing to lose. Looking into the watery surface, the pair fell in.

Remus and Sirius gaped at what seemed to be an eleven-year-old James Potter face off against Voldemort in the form of a possessed professor. They watched horrified as Quirral tried to kill the boy that they quickly realized was Harry Potter. The memory ended with Harry's touch disintegrating the possessed man, and then every thing went black.

They were abruptly pulled into the scene of a slightly older Harry Potter being taunted by the memory of a sixteen-year-old Voldemort. They felt utterly helpless as the boy battled a gigantic basilisk. They panicked when Harry's arm was pierced by the giant snake's fang and realized that the boy was dying.

Unbelievable relief flooded through them when they saw the boy being healed by Fawks.

The memory ended, and they were whisked away again.

This time they saw hundreds of dementors surrounding two figures. Sirius started as he realized that one of those figures was himself. Harry pulled out his wand and incanted


A huge silvery shape flew out from the boy's wand and charged at the dementors

The two men could only stare dumbfounded and gasp in a hushed whisper. "Prongs?"

The memory went on to show the boy using a Time-Turner with a girl to free a hippogriff and the memory Sirius Black.

Then the scene shifted again.

They watched Harry's name come out of the fire and all the tasks that followed. They couldn't help but grieve with the boy when his companion was murdered before his eyes. They seethed with rage as the image of their former friend cut into the boy to gain some of his blood for the potion to revive Voldemort.

The following duel left them on edge as they watched Harry narrowly escape death once again. Their eyes teared up as they saw James and Lily appear from Voldemort's wand. They couldn't help but feel their hearts wrench as the boy made his way back to safety and cried into the embrace of a motherly figure.

The scene changed again.

This time they watched as a fifteen-year-old Harry raced to the ministry, five other teenagers in tow. Remus watched in horror as the memory Sirius fell into the veil of death, and Sirius couldn't help but feel an odd sense of detachment as he watched his other self die.

They watched as the memory Remus tried to hold back Harry from following his godfather, and then they watched in horror as Harry attempted to use an unforgivable.

They barely had time to process all of that before seeing Voldemort possess Harry. They cheered when Harry threw the madman out of his head.

The events that followed were Harry being whisked off to Dumbledore's office and being told of the prophecy.

Suddenly everything made sense, why Harry had to face off against the madman so many times.

The scene shifted again. This time it flitted through the year showing snippets of Tom Riddle's life and an explanation of the Horcruxes.

Just when the pair didn't think anything could shock them anymore, they watched as Severus Snape hit Dumbledore with a killing curse.

The scene changed. They watched a series of events. First, they saw Harry and his two friends hunting down the remaining Horcruxes and destroying them. Then they watched as Snape was bitten by Voldemort's pet snake. The dying man somehow put his memories into the Pensieve, and they learned why he murdered Dumbledore.

They couldn't help but feel a sense of helplessness as Harry walked to his death and offered no resistance when Voldemort fired the killing curse at the boy.

Suddenly they found themselves back in Dumbledore's office, with the man looking expectantly at them.

"Wha-" Sirius' mind was awhirl.

"What was that?" Remus finished.

"That was a possible future," Dumbledore answered, and then dropped the bombshell on them. "Harry has traveled back in time."


Harry waited impatiently in the side room to Dumbledore's office. Wishing he had some extendable ears, he pushed his ear against the door. Cursing at thick doors, Harry could only make out some vague sounds. What struck him the most was the sound of surprise that was in Sirius' voice.


Harry was bubbling with excitement at the thought of seeing Sirius again. He was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly found himself sprawled on the floor of Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore looked at the sheepish boy with amusement. He should have expected that the boy would be curious, but it was still an entertaining surprise when he opened the door only to find the child falling forward.

"Why don't you come in, Harry?" Dumbledore invited.

Harry stood up and tried to nonchalantly make his way to the chair between the gapping men.

"Harry?" Sirius rasped out.

Harry couldn't contain himself anymore. He flung himself into the stunned man. Grabbing hold of him, Harry couldn't stop the tears that flowed through his eyes. "I'm sorry, Sirius! So sorry!"

Harry hadn't really allowed himself to feel grief for Sirius. He always had the threat of Voldemort looming over his head. He had decided after Cedric's death that he would have to put his grief behind him until Voldemort was stopped.

But seeing Sirius, alive and well, Harry couldn't stop the flow of emotions. He felt Sirius return the embrace, and then Harry broke down and sobbed. He cried in grief as well as relief.

It seemed like eternity as Harry clung to Sirius like a lifeline. All the pent up emotion drained out of him, making him feel empty, but in a good way. Relieved of a burden would be a better way of putting it.

Sirius waited until Harry had calmed down a little to guide the boy over to one of the chairs. He sat down and pulled the still crying boy into his lap. Harry buried his face into his godfather's chest and drank up the comfort.

When he had calmed down, he blushed furiously as he realized he was in his godfather's lap.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled and tried to pull away.

Sirius held on tight to Harry. "You have nothing to be sorry for."

Harry looked tortured. "But I got you killed! It was my fault!"

"I seem to remember that it was Bellatrix who cast the spell," Sirius said confused.

"But if I hadn't fallen for that stupid trap, you would never have been there! It was all my fault!" Harry argued.

"Listen, Harry. It. Was. Not. Your. Fault," Sirius said sternly. "I don't ever want you to blame yourself for that again, you hear me?"

"But-" Harry opened his mouth to protest.

Sirius interrupted. "No, Harry. There are no 'buts' about it. It wasn't your fault. I certainly don't blame you, so why should you do so?"

Harry clamped down on his mouth, and then leaned into Sirius' shoulder for comfort.

Dumbledore hated to break up the moment, but he felt that they really needed to get back to the issue at hand. Clearing his throat, he spoke up.

"Sirius, Remus, as I've told you, Harry has come from the future. That presents us with two problems. One is the issue of Harry's guardian. Sirius, I believe you would have no trouble taking guardianship of Harry, if you're willing, that is."

"You even have to ask?" Sirius said incredulously. "Of course I'll take him in; he's my godson after all."

Dumbledore smiled, pleased. "Good, the paperwork has already gone though. But then that brings us to the other matter at hand." He paused to gather his thoughts. "Harry's little jaunt through time can never be revealed to the public, or more specifically, to the Ministry. Despite the fact that the trip was unintentional, Harry could still be charged with tampering with the timeline and sent to Azkaban."

The group paled at that. Harry hadn't realized that fact. He remembered that Hermione had told him that unauthorized time travel was illegal, but he hadn't really thought about the ramifications.

"Of course we'll keep Harry's secret." Remus spoke up.

The dumbfounded Sirius nodded vigorously.

Dumbledore relaxed a little at that, before turning to Harry.

"Good, to do so, though, you will have to act your parts. Harry, I can understand that you may stand out as a little mature for your age, but you will have to try to embrace your child self. I believe that you have not just traveled back in time, but that your younger self and future self have also merged, not just replaced one another. You might find yourself feeling more childish as time goes on, and you should not fight it."

Harry frowned, but nodded.

Dumbledore then turned to Sirius and Remus.

"You will both need to treat Harry like a child, especially when he acts like one. Mentally, Harry will fluctuate between his elder self and his younger self until his magic stabilizes. Remus, I'd like you to help out with raising Harry. You cannot gain guardianship of Harry, but you can be a part of his life. Sirius will need the help while he is recovering."

Remus wanted to protest that it felt too much like charity, but acknowledged the issue. Turning to the headmaster, he nodded in agreement. "But what about my... Condition?" he asked worriedly.

"Don't worry about that. Severus will be brewing you Wolfsbane potion to take. You should be perfectly safe around Harry," Dumbledore assured the man.

"Please tell him that I appreciate it," Remus said in relief.

Dumbledore nodded, and then looked at the group pleased. "Good! Now, I think you will have a busy day ahead of you. We've managed to procure the Potter manor. I'd like you all to move in today."

Sirius and Remus smiled with nostalgia as they remembered the summers they spent there with James and his parents.

Harry looked up curiously. "Potter Manor?"

"It was the home of your grandparents. When they died, James moved out, not being able to stand the memories. But it is still one of your properties, and it has been well kept," Dumbledore explained.

Harry nodded, but was annoyed that once again he seemed to know less about himself, then, everyone else.

Dumbledore held out a ridiculously bright sock. "Take this Portkey; it will take you to Potter Manor. I've hooked it up to the Floo Network, so you will be able to get to Diagon Alley to shop for things. The floo is password protected, and the password is currently 'lemon drop'. You can change it whenever you want, but please inform me."

The group nodded, and then grabbed onto the portkey. Dumbledore said the pass code, and they were all whisked away.


Harry was amazed at the size of Potter Manor; it really was huge. The best thing about it was that they had their own Quidditch pitch!

Harry didn't have much time to explore, because Sirius and Remus quickly learned that Harry owned nothing but the clothes on his back. And so, Harry was dragged off to Diagon Alley to buy what seemed like a lifetime's worth of clothes. They didn't stop there. Remus also took them to the bookstore and insisted that Harry buy some educational books. He was stopped from taking anything on a subject that used a wand, however. Remus explained that he would not be using magic until he was physically eleven again. Harry pouted a bit at Remus' choices. History, Herbology, and, ick, Potions.

It was Sirius that dragged them off to the Quidditch store. Harry happily followed his godfather. He was happy that they had purchased a set of Quidditch balls, but was disappointed when Remus vetoed Harry getting the top of the line broom, and instead insisted that they buy a training broom.

Harry was a little embarrassed when they took him to the toy store, but soon found himself interested in a game called 'quick snitches'.

They finally settled down and went to Florean's for some ice cream before heading home.

After the long day, Harry couldn't help himself from yawning throughout dinner. They all retired to the living room to do some quiet reading. Yes, even Sirius. Harry soon found that he couldn't keep his eyes open.

At around 9:00, Sirius looked up and chuckled. Harry looked so cute when he was asleep. Remus took care to bookmark the page Harry was at while Sirius scooped the boy up into his arms.

Harry woke up just as Sirius was putting him in bed. Harry blushed furiously as Sirius pulled the covers up to his chin and kissed him on the forehead. Despite feeling mortified, Harry couldn't help the warm feeling that grew in his chest. When Remus came in to repeat Sirius' last action, Harry felt even more embarrassed, but he also felt comforted somehow.

With the warm feeling in his chest, Harry drifted off into a peaceful sleep.


A/N: I know I am making this seem too easy, but it's because the 'redo' plot is just the background. This is really going to be more a family type fic then anything else.