AN: Finally I am posting this! Heres chapter 5, sorry if Eric seems out of charecter, but he only had like 2 lines in the whole movie so I wasnt sure how to capture his personality. oh well! please read :)

Nikko showed up at band rehearsal feeling completely torn. He wanted to stay with Courtney, but he wanted to go on tour with Flux and become a rock star.

"Nikko, finally! You're late!" Amy said. "Let's get started."

"Sorry." Nikko mumbled.

Nils went over to him and patted his back. "We just need you to focus, man. The tour starts right after the summer ends and we need to sound perfect if we want to get a record deal."

"I just.. Don't know what to tell Courtney." Nikko said.

"You haven't told her?" asked Eric.

"Not exactly." Nikko admitted. "She's just so excited about going to college and she thinks I'm going with her. She has our whole future planned out."

Amy set down her bass. "Nikko, you aren't backing out are you? You have to go on tour."

Nikko sat down on the couch. "I want to be with Courtney, she's the only girl I've ever really cared about…. No offence, Amy."

"None. Taken." She replied icily.

Nils went to sit by him. "Nikko, I know that you like her a lot. And she is kind of cool. But you need to think in the long run."

"What do you mean?" Nikko asked.

"Imagine that you went off to that LA school with Courtney." Nils said. "Will it really be any different from high school? She is going to do show choir, or musicals, or whatever music nerds like to do. And she's going to drag you with her."

Nikko looked down. "But I'll be with her, and she wants me to be happy."

Nils rolled his eyes. "Nikko. Courtney wants herself to be happy. And she wants you to be her lap dog."

Eric agreed with Nils. "Dude, you are in a band now, you're not going to join another one when you're at school. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity."

"Guys I see what you're saying.." Nikko said. "But maybe it's better that I go to college."

"You can go to college anytime." Nils said. "But you can only be a rock star once. If you give it up now, then it's over. If you had never met Courtney, would you still be applying for college?"

"No.." he admitted.

"Then why are you letting a girl decide your future?" Nils asked. "You have a chance to really be somebody, don't let Courtney ruin it for you."

Nikko still had doubts. "Guys, there will be other chances for me to be in a band. Courtney is once in a lifetime."

Amy raised her eyebrows. "You can try to convince yourself anyway you want, Nikko, but I can see what you're trying to do. You are afraid to make it to the big time, so you're using Courtney as an excuse to back out. You are ruining your life. You were going to leave high school a legend, now you're leaving a joke. It's pathetic."

Nikko stared at he. "Go to hell, Amy."

Amy laughed, not put off at all by the insult.

Nils sighed. "Amy said it kinda harsh." He stopped to glare at her, "But she is right. You have to tell Courtney."

Nikko abruptly stood up and stormed out of the room.

He hated to think it to himself, but he knew that Amy was right. He had to end things with Courtney so that he could start thinking about his future. Nikko knew that he would hurt her, but it was better for the long run.

As he walked away from his band's garage, he felt his cell phone vibrate in his pocket.

It was Courtney.

He quickly answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Nikko!" she said. "Hey can we do something together tonight, there's something I need to tell you… it's important."

Her voice sounded excited.

Nikko closed his eyes. "Me too, there's something I need to talk to you about. Can you come over tonight? At eight? Stavros is on a business trip."

"That's perfect!" Courtney said. "I'll see you at eight. Bye Nikko."

She hung up.

Nikko sat in his living room, his leg shaking. He didn't know how to tell her. Would she be angry? Obviously she would break up with him. He knew that tonight would be the end. He couldn't put it off any longer. He had to tell her the truth. He wasn't going to college with her.

Right at 8 o clock he heard his door buzz.

He opened the door and Courtney looked as beautiful as ever. Her hair was flowing around her, she was dressed in a stunning outfit and she had a big smile on her face.

She walked through the doorway, past him, into his bedroom. He followed reluctantly.

They both sat down at the edge of the bed, Courtney took both of his hands.

"Nikko, I just realized something today, and I really need to tell you." She began. "It's alright if you don't feel the same way."

Nikko nodded robotically, guilt overcoming him,

"I… I love you Nikko." She said.

He looked up. That was not what he was expecting to hear. "You do?"

She nodded happily. "Yes, very much so. I'm so glad I got that off my chest."

She leaned in to kiss him, and he kissed her back eagerly. Both of his hands were on her waist, she locked his arms around her neck kissing him with more and more enthusiasm.

Slowly she backed away, Nikko opened his eyes.

"What did you want to tell me?" she asked. "On the phone you said you had to tell me something…"

Nikko furrowed his eyebrows and looked deep into her eyes. She looked so euphoric, there was no way he could tell her the truth. That he didn't have a future with her.

"Just that…" he cleared his throat. "I love you too."

Courtney smiled. "And you're going to LA with me?"

"Umm… yeah I finally turned in my application." He lied again.

"Oh, Nikko! This is so perfect, everything is coming together." She kissed him again. "Now I know that you truly care about me."

He held her tightly against him and began to kiss her again. She responded by putting her hands to her chest, and slowly undoing each of the buttons.

He frowned. "Courtney, are you sure?"

"Absolutely." Courtney kissed his again; Nikko slowly removed her top, then gently pushed her flat on his bed.

He let his body touch every inch of hers as he started to kiss her neck. She showed no signs of stopping him.

Sneak peak:

"Wow Nikko really can't stop lying to you, can he?" Amy sneered.

Courtney turned around so that she couldn't see the tears leaking at the rims of her eyes.

AN: If you look back at my Twilight stories, I used to write much more erotic love scenes, but now I want to be a more classy writer :)

I would really really really love some reviews, if you have some constructive criticism that would be helpful too, it won't hurt my feelings or whatever :) I read all my reviews and I respond to the ones that allow me to!