A young boy not much older than six winters playing unattended in the snow, grabbing handfuls of the untainted powder and tossing it above his head, purely to see the marvel of it fall once more to the ground around him. In his mind the snow did not die as long as he kept it afloat, forever falling carelessly in the light breeze that blew about the boys silky locks. He took heed that he could not keep up with the process he had started forever, realising this fact he allowed the remnants of his play to fall, crashing to earth around him. Standing to leave he abandoned them to their undeniable fate, ignoring the flake's protests of his departure, as he brushed off his gloved hands on a trouser leg, several icy flakes danced around him begging he reconsider, in a last attempt to draw him back... where as they had been a mere plaything to the child, he had been the life-provider to them allowing them to fly free.

Even though their lives had been amusing to him for a while, in the end their existence had purely been a game. He'd toyed with their lives for amusement and now he was done, it was so easy to discard them, abandon them, forget them. To leave them lying there until they slowly submitted to their fate, a slow death as the sun rose high above them... they meant nothing... he made his departure, they realised there mistake to trust him, love him... they were nothing...

...nothing in his eyes...


He smiled at the feeling of holding the power of life or death within his grasp. Not feeling remotely guilty over the death sentence he'd handed the beautiful flakes, the boy continued on his way...

Just a really short paragraph.

lol I'm not really a writer as you can probably tell, but sometimes I just type random things up, I just delete them after i type them though- this one of the only things I saved, this was just a thought I had of what Krad would have been like as a child...