The Legend of Zelda: Passage of Soul

Disclaimer: I do not own Legend of Zelda or Pokemon Mystery Dungeon


The day was bright and chilly. I was sitting in my backyard, not doing anything special. My name is Zelda Galesten. Now people just call me Zelly. I am about 15, with my mother's sea-green eyes, and my dad's bronze hair which goes down to my butt. As for looks, think Saria, only older and hotter with Malon's hair-style. Anyway, I'm an only child, who lives with her family in countryside of Virgina. My mom's a police officer and my dad researches old myths and the super natrual. And me? Well, after I get home from school, mom and dad are still at work,sometimes, I don't see them for days. So I'm suck at home with nothing to do, except playing Twilight Princess and Pokemon. Sure, I would love to get some family time with my folks, but, let's face it: they'er busy. Sometimes I'd wish I could go to the TP world. But, little did I know that I was about get my wish granted, but not in the way I would have wanted. So this is my story........

Well how was it? Review please! And no flames or smarty pants crap! Until next time, enjoy.