a/n: Eh, what the heck. Here's the fluffy epilogue. I warn you, this is so fluffy it makes the Easter Bunny look like it needs Rogaine. You have been warned. Thanks to all who came on the journey. Hope you enjoyed!

How To Woo A Ghost


First Date

On their first date, they take the train into London. To pass the time, they play cards and listen to each others' I-Pods. She has agreed to try Nat King Cole if he'll listen to Katy Perry. At first, it annoyed the hell out of him, but now it isn't too bad. She's no Billie Holliday, that's for sure.

They spend some time in Regent's Park, feeding the swans even though the signs say not to-- "What are they gonna do, kill us?" Annie quips-- and then head down into the tourist hub of the city, Piccadilly Circus. Annie tries to play it cool, but Mitchell can see she's mesmerized by the busy-ness of it all. "I haven't been since I was a kid," she admits to him. "My dad was so scared I'd get lost that he wouldn't let go of my hand the whole time."

That sort of ruins his plan to try and hold her hand-- he may not have dated a girl properly in a long time, but even he knows you're not supposed to remind her of her dad-- so instead they make a detour into Ripley's Believe It Or Not and are completely grossed out by the stuff they see. It's a bit funny, a ghost and a vampire being grossed out by anything, but it makes them feel normal for a change, and they soon have each other in hysterics mimicking what George's reactions to some of the displays would be.

Afterward, they go to a show. It's one of the dozen based off a movie and the music is so saccharine that Mitchell can hardly sit still, but Annie is clearly loving it, so he grits his teeth and bears it, and after intermission when he finally gets to hold her hand, the whole thing suddenly seems fantastic to him, brilliant even.

When the show is over they walk along the Thames, comparing favorites, and discover they both like chocolate, red, and monkeys, though he teases her mercilessly when she says her favorite movie is Legally Blonde and she thinks he must have made up Buster Keaton because she's never heard of him. The only time he lets go of her hand is to give her his jacket, which she takes with a smile, even though she reminds him she'd a bit beyond needing it. It doesn't matter; she looks so good in it he thinks she should make it a permanent part of her ensemble.

On the train ride home, she rests her head on his shoulder and asks to hear a story about when he was a kid, so he tells her about the time he convinced his sister to let him wash her hair with mud. When she finishes laughing, he asks her to tell him about her happiest moment. She does, but first asks, "You mean besides today?", which makes him grin the rest of the way home.

Back at the house, he pulls out The General to prove that Buster Keaton does, in fact, exist, and he and Annie laugh so hard watching it that George pokes his head out of his room and calls out that they had best take things to the bedroom if they're going to do anything "inappropriate," which makes them both laugh even harder while George continues to sputter from the top of the staircase before finally giving up and slamming his door.

All in all, it's a pretty damn perfect day.