When I opened my eyes pain ripped through my head and I winced at the sheer volume of it but soon it became nonessential as the smell of blood death made it self known. I groaned as my body protested me sitting up but that pain was forgotten too as the scene before me made me shake in fear. I was in the middle of a battle field but as I looked closely I realized this was not the remains of a battle but a bloody slaughter. I get up on shaky legs and start walking trying not to trip on the body parts trying to find my way out of this place till I see someone standing.

"um, ano…" I watched the person turn around I hold back a grasp I look into a face that looks very much like mine except her eyes looked insane and her smile matched them.

"What? I didn't…"

"Hinata-chan don't you think they deserved to die? To slaughter them like the pigs they are? Don't you remember doing this?"

Pain exploded in my head and I collapsed onto my knees and let out a scream that pierced the red and black sky before there was complete darkness.

I tried catching my breath as I ran my hand through my hair like I had the ability to erase my nightmare from my memory.

A nightmare Hinata-chan or a memory?

"Shut up."

Careful you start talking out loud people will start to talk even more about you. Don't you remember I'm inside of you?

'Leave me alone'

Why would I do that? Tick tock Hinata, you're running out of time.

'I said shut up!'

I won't Hinata because you need me and in time you'll remember how I got here and you'll make the right decision.

"Hinata-chan are you listening?"

I open my eyes to see Hokage-sama, Sakura-chan and Naruto-kun standing on the side of my bed looking at me strangely.

"How did I get here the last thing I remember is being in your office for some reason."

"Hinata-chan you don't remember anything?" I frown but nothing but the nightmare comes to mind.

Poor little girl you still think it was just a nightmare Hinata?

'Be quiet.'


"Hinata we found you in the middle of what was a blood bath. I sent you on an embassy mission and when you were late I sent anbu to find you. I think you must have stumbled upon the bandits dealing with the Akatsuki and you witnessed their slaughter, so it's probably best you don't remember."

"Blood bath?"

"Yeah I heard from Kakashi that the bodies were torn apart and none of the head were connected it was-"

"Shut up Naruto-baka she doesn't need a trigger to her memory!" I watched as Sakura hit Naruto-kun on the head and the two of them kept fighting while holding back smiles.

Hmm jealous are we?


Don't lie to me Hinata, remember I'm in your head and I see what you see but the difference between us is I don't tell myself lies.

What are you talking about?

Can't you see your boyfriend is still in love with Sakura? Or is you also can't see your best friend is in love with him to?

Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!

"Will you two stop it already?" I wince at the words that come out of my mouth and the meaning behind them but they take my words to mean I was referring to the noise level.

"Gomen Hinata-chan we'll leave you to get some rest! I'll be back to take you out for dinner!" I watched them leave and I wanted to call them back so I would be so damn lonely but my voice wouldn't work.

My, my don't you know your never alone anymore Hinata.

I hate you! What did you make me do?

Make you do? No Hinata I just make you realize you're potential. You killed those men because they dared to try and rape you and for once you let your true power show.

No I wouldn't kill recklessly like that.

Hinata my little innocent naïve girl, when you will see that I'm right? I've been telling you for the last two months that you're more then this, more then what they think you are and one of these days the mask you have created in front of these fools will fall off.

You're wrong.

No Hinata you deserve better then this life, you have the power inside of you if you let it out! Everyone here is hurting you and you stand there and take it like a good fucking little girl because that's what you've always done!

Enough let me sleep

Whether you're awake or sleeping I'm always here Hinata, I'll be waiting, Tick tock.

As I walked out into the street the setting sun made me smile slightly but once it turned the sky a blood red I stopped in horror and in shock.

"Not again.."

I waited but nothing of the usual came when with the red skies I'm use to and I frown in confusion.

Oh it's just a sunset Hinata, are we getting paranoid?

Fuck off.

You better catch up to the love birds, it seems they forgot about you!

I blink as I realize I saw Naruto and Sakura far ahead of the street and anger spikes its way into my body before I calm my self and catch up with them.

I slide into the booth beside Naruto who gives me a big smile before returning his attention to Sakura.

Doesn't it piss you off?

Not listening.

I mean you've been going out for what a year and he still looks at her like she's his fucking goddess and your just a something to pass the time with-

I am not listening to you so shut the fuck up.

You know you could make him suffer for the pain he's caused you and while you're at it beat the shit out of the pink haired bitch… Sounds so tempting doesn't it, Hinata?

They're my friends and I will not hurt them.

If they're your friends then shouldn't they notice they're hurting you? Or maybe the fact that you look like shit in the past two months and you're acting so much better?

Better? You're making me into a bitter and hateful killer!

Me? Hinata I can only make true your deepest desires and urges and only when you have those can I only then persuade you to listen to my advice.

I am not that person.

Oh look the bitch is leaving and your boyfriend looks like he's going to cry!! Are going to sit here like a good little bitch or are going- no never mind because you're just a coward! Hinata do want to know the real reason he came to the hospital everyday? Are you going to start listening when I tell you he only came to see her? Tick Tock!

"I'm leaving."

I get up and turn to set money on the table but naruto snaps out of Sakura gazing to catch me by the wrist and words fly out of mouth again.

"Huh why are you leaving?"

"You're pissing me off Naruto…Feh, you're so fucking stupid sometimes you know that? I'm your girlfriend and yet you still sit there and flirt and act all in love with another woman! I'm tired of you and the uncertainty. So till you make up your mind stay away from me."

Hahahhaha you finally tossed the fucker! It took you long enough!

Shut the fuck up, I'm not in the mood.

I leave quickly out of the door and make my way back to the complex ignoring Naruto's pleas for me to come back and when I get there I find my father waiting for me.

"Hinata come to the dojo now."

His back is turned so why don't take your fist and pump it into his heart and kill the bastard?

I am not like that!

Fine wait till he turns around then kill him! Tick tock, time is running out!

Ugh! I really hate you.

I was brought out my conversation to see we had stopped in the dojo and I see my sister standing in the middle of the dojo while main hyuuga crowded the sidelines.

"Hinata its time we decided your fate, you will fight your sister and this time I will not allow you to forfeit and take the punishment. You will fight or will you die tonight."

The bastard wants to get you killed! Tell me Hinata how fair is this huh? If you win they'll stop you from seriously hurting their fucking spoiled golden child while she wins she makes her first kill! You know what have to do don't you Hinata?

I don't want to fight her.

'Come Hinata, its time I finish this once and for all. I will erase the mistake that was you and this clan will be cleansed from shame."

Hoho are going to take this Hinata? Fight the bitch, I know your itching to kill I can fell your fingers twitching with excitement!

I walk down the steps into the lowered floor to stand across from Hanabi as I let my mind slip and I open the door for my insanity to take control.

Good choice Hinata.

I won't lose all of my control so stay the fuck out of this Madara.

hinata thoughts

Madara inside of hinata

So please review and if you don't understand you will later!!