TITLE: The Healer's Touch.

AUTHOR: Alyssa C

CATEGORY: Action/Adventure and knowing me, Drama and Angst.


RATING: M to be safe.

WARNINGS: There will be violence, bad language and more than friendly interaction between two women. All the best things in life. ;) If you find same sex relationships between women offending, please turn the other way. Warnings about myself: I take a long time to put chapters up unfortunately.

FEEDBACK: Oh please, please, please! Will do tricks for reviews.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Kim Possible or any of its characters. All original characters are the property of the author but they are fair game if they are worthy. I do not make any money out of this.

AN: This story is set just before So The Drama and is a sequel to The Touch of Green Fire. I debated for along time whether I was going to write a sequel to it but decided finally that I'll write this for those who wanted a little bit more from TGF. Besides, the idea hit me, I couldn't ignore it. This carries on about three weeks after TGF happened. I have a Beta this time round who will hopefully help me with the format problems I had with TGF. :P If there are any problems now, I can share the blame! A big thank you to Tenchi Knight for taking on the monstrous task of working with fickle little me. For the record; my spelling of Kimberly as Kimberlee is intentional. Also, I have reposted a Beta'd version of TGF. Once again, all honours go to Tenchi Knight.

Chapter 01: A Parent's Perspective.

It all started with an appointment.

Dr. Ann Possible, a slim woman with greying red hair and clear blue eyes, pinched the bridge of her nose before she took a deep breath and shifted upright in her chair.
"I'm sorry Mr. Monsieur," she said, keeping her voice level. "But, let me get this straight. You want me to perform a lobotomy on your son?"

An elderly gentleman was sitting across from her with a steady gaze and a touch of greying hair. He smiled at her, though the warmth of it never touched his eyes, and patted the boy next to him on the shoulder. He was a sullen looking youth, tall with light eyes that he kept firmly fixed on his knees.

"That is correct Dr. Possible," the man said with a slightly accented voice. "I have outlined it all in my folder."

The doctor grimaced and touched the papers in front of her. "Yes," she said dryly glancing at the pair. "You have done quite a lot of research on this I see." She opened the folder, paged through it a bit then closed it and sat up. "Mr. Monsieur, this is a highly unusual request and, I have to say, the first that I've ever had from a healthy patient. You've told me exactly what you want me to do but, however I cannot understand why you want me to do it."

Mr. Monsieur smiled and sat back, spreading his hand around the room. "Because you are the best Dr. Possible," he pointed out. "As you know, this is a very delicate procedure and I believe that you are the only person who I'll trust with my son's life."

Ann shook her head and folded her hands in front of her. "You misunderstand me, Mr. Monsieur," she said. "I'm not asking why you want me to do it personally; I meant why is it you want the procedure done if you know that it's a risky procedure."

The man smiled, still watching her with a sharp look in his gaze. "Because of its effects dear doctor," he said. "For centuries, lobotomies have been used to control people's personalities. Change it. Yes, I know the official use of it has fallen out of practice but its advantages are still there. Its effects cannot be obtained by any other medical procedure. Believe me, I've looked into everything."

Ann was silent for a few moments, taking note the unnatural stillness of the man's son. He was sitting there quietly while his father was suggesting subjecting him to unnecessary brain surgery. Her stomach twisted suddenly with a sense of foreboding.

"Mr. Monsieur," she said levelly. "The side-effects of this kind of procedure are very harsh. Mood swings, a chance of increased aggressiveness, personality changes, and the possibility of complete mental retardation. I doubt it's anything you want to put your son through unnecessarily."

The man shook his head like a school master would to a particularly dim student. "It's the side effects I'm interested in." he motioned to his son. "Look at my boy Dr. Possible. He's a timid creature at the best of times, with no aspirations to power or success. He lacks aggressiveness, assertiveness, and a strong will of his own. This surgery will change that, making him fit to inherit the family business."

Ann frowned and crossed her arms. "And what is that exactly?" she asked levelly, making her client smile.

"Hostile takeovers," Mr. Monsieur said mildly. "Business ventures, corporate campaigns, and other things of the sort. It's all very technical you understand."

Ann's eyes narrowed a fraction but she took a quick breath and relaxed her body and face. "Of course," she said and straightened the folder. "Mr. Monsieur, has it ever occurred to you that your son might not want to do this, that he might have dreams of his own?"

Mr. Monsieur snorted. "Of course not," he snapped. "He is my son. He will inherit the family business. And, it is important that he is fit to do so."

Surprised by the man's insistence, Ann sat back and sighed. "Mr. Monsieur," she said gently. "Your son is fit now. Look at him. He is a strong, healthy young man. He has his own dreams, his own ideals. I am a parent myself and believe me; we cannot make our children into what we want them to be. The best thing we can do is teach them everything we know, let them make their own choices and mistakes and be there to help them when they fall."

The man considered her a moment then said levelly. "Are you saying this as the mother of the famous teen hero?"

Ann hesitated before retorting with a question of her own. "Have you met her?"

Mr. Monsieur smiled. "No my dear," he said. "I have merely read about her exploits. She is a child to be proud of."

Instead of flattered, Ann felt somewhat threatened and tried to hide it by saying nonchalantly. "As is your son I'm sure Mr. Monsieur," she said. "Really, this surgery is unnecessary."

The gentleman snorted and sat up straighter. "Your opinion is beside the point," he snapped. "All you need to tell me Dr. Possible is whether or not you are going to do it."

Surprised by his bluntness Ann blinked and bit her lip. Considering her options she shook her head. "No," she said clearly. "No Mr. Monsieur, I don't believe that I can do this. To be frank, it's unethical. If you believe that there is fault with your son I can recommend a good family..." She didn't get to finish her sentence because Mr. Monsieur stood up. She paused what she was saying and stared at the man as he smiled at her and placed a hand on his son's shoulder.

"A family psychiatrist or social worker won't fix my problem," he said smoothly. "I'm truly sorry to hear that you won't help me Dr. Possible. As I said before, you are the best. I don't think I'll trust my son's life in anybody else's hands."

Ann looked up at him for a few moments then carefully stood up, trying to catch the young man's gaze. He didn't look at her, merely stood up and went to stand beside his father. He was taller than the older man with a darker complexion and dark hair.

When she couldn't meet his gaze Ann sighed and nodded. "I'm sorry I can't help you," she said evenly. "But, you have to consider the unethical nature to what you plan to do, Mr. Monsieur."

The man merely smiled at her and put the Panama hat that he had had on her desk on his head. "I consider the bigger picture Dr. Possible," he said. "It's a shame that you won't. Thank you for your time."


The appointment haunted her the whole day.

Knowing that it was one of those evenings that her work would follow her home, Ann decided to sooth herself by buying Take-Out for the family. Fatty foods did wonders for the worries of work.

The Monsieurs stayed with her. Try as she might, she could not bring her head around the intention of the father to change his son. And with such a radical procedure, no less! Lobotomies had been outlawed in medicine after the 1980s although sometimes similar procedures had been used in medicine. In the 1930s to 1950s it had been one of the main procedures to control and treat mental illness and schizophrenia. Plainly put, it was a barbaric practice that gave the patient a form of controlled brain damage. Ann refused to believe otherwise and that there was any medical advantage in it. Time and medicine had changed a lot and it had shaken her to her core that anybody would be willing to do that to their children.

The house was quiet when she returned home. The boys, she knew, were at soccer practice with their father but she wasn't entirely sure where her eldest was. Kim's schedule was even more erratic than hers and she was fully aware of the fact that if her daughter wasn't at home there was a very good chance that she was on another continent. It had taken her a long time to get use to it, but she had accepted the fact that her daughter would never live an ordinary teenage life.

In view of the day she had, she felt deeply grateful that her daughter had the confidence to pursue her interests.

Ann felt the overwhelming urge to hug her eldest and set off to see if the teenager was home. Although she was always worried about her daughter, her concern had been ever present the past few weeks. It had been three weeks since Shego had escaped from the hospital and the event seemed to have changed her daughter profoundly. Her iron-hard core of right and wrong had been shook, the equilibrium that she believed in toppled. Although she didn't speak of it, Ann could see that her daughter was still haunted by those events. Whatever had happened in the Top Secret facility had left its mark on both her daughter and her best friend. Ron's presence at Kim's side was more constant the past few weeks and he treated her with a gentleness that she had never needed before.

They were growing up, Ann decided with a motherly ache in her heart as she reached Kim's attic door. Her little girl and her goofy shadow was walking ever closer to the cruel world of adulthood.

She knocked twice and pulled it down upon hearing a muffled call from her daughter. Kim was sitting in front of her computer again, browsing through what appeared to be wedding dresses. Ann smiled and went in.

"Still looking for a Prom dress?" she queried as her daughter turned to smile at her. "Have you decided on a colour yet?"

Kim smiled at her mother before she turned back to her computer. "I'm still browsing," she said. "I was thinking about black, but that might remind people of that little emotion disturbance incident. Bonnie's had her wardrobe planned for weeks." She grinned suddenly. "She broke up with Brick today... for the second time."

Ann rested her hand over her daughter's shoulders and looked at the computer screen. "I thought you said that they made up a few days ago?"

Kim nodded and flicked to another picture. "They did, Bonnie loves the drama."

Ann smiled slightly, shaking her head at the childhood rivalry. "I like that one," she said casually. "Are you going with Ron?"

Her daughter stiffened underneath her touch and went quiet, staring at the screen. Ann frowned and sat back.

"Did somebody else ask you?" She kept her tone neutral.

Kim sighed and shook her head, turning away from the computer to look at her mother. "I haven't had a real boyfriend in years mum," she said. "Guys don't... ask me to that kind of stuff."

Unsure of the seriousness in Kim's tone, Ann smiled lightly. "It's probably because they always assume that you go with Ron," she said. "You two are tight."

Kim shook her head and looked at the floor. "It's not that," she said. "They know we're not dating." She sighed. "I just... Mum, do you think that... I scare guys?"

The question took her completely by surprise. "Scare guys?" she queried. "Darling, where does this come from?"

Kim shrugged uncomfortably and turned back to her computer. "I've just been... wondering why I don't have a boyfriend. That's all."

Ann sighed and stood up again to put her arm around her daughter's head. "Lots of people don't have boyfriends in school honey," she said. "It doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with you. I hardly dated when I was in school."

Kim snorted. "Yes," she said dryly. "But, you were a straight A student mum, slaving your way through academia to get enough scholarships to last you through university. I'm not that dedicated."

The woman smiled and planted a kiss on her daughter's head. "But you are dedicated to save the world. Don't worry about this alright? The right person will come one day." She was silent for a moment then tapped her daughter on her shoulder. "Stand up and give your mother a hug, she needs it."

Clearly glad for the change of subject, Kim stood up and allowed her mother to embrace her. "How was your day?" she asked. "You feel tense."

Ann shook her head and held her daughter tighter before letting her go. "I just had a rough day," she said. "A client upset me. But that's irrelevant now." She pushed a piece of hair out of her daughter's face and kissed her on the forehead. "I just felt like telling you I love you and that I'm happy with you just the way you are, boyfriend or no."


The next evening, she had all but forgotten about her encounter.

"I've just been to see your husband, Mrs. Torres," Mrs. Dr. Possible was talking on her mobile as she walked out of the hospital's ambulance bay. "And the initial tests are all very positive... No, I can understand that you can't be here. It's a long journey and really, your husband won't be conscious for at least another two days... That's why I gave you my mobile number. Please, feel free to phone me at any time... Yes, thank you. You too..."

She hung up and slipped her phone into her pocket, reaching instead for her car keys. It was very late and she had just finished and emergency operation on a victim of a brain aneurism. Tired, and distracted by her own thoughts, she didn't see the paramedic until the young woman was right in front of her.

Ann gasped surprised and blinked at the curly haired blond woman. "Doctor?" the young woman said with a professional measure of concern in her voice. "Please, could you come and help us quickly."

Ann blinked at her and then at the only ambulance in the bay. Slipping into physician mode she nodded and hurried to the ambulance alongside the woman. "He's convulsing," the paramedic said. "We can't move him until he's stabilized. My colleague's gone in to get the emergency staff. We could use an extra hand."

Ann nodded and allowed herself to be pulled into the ambulance by another paramedic. "What's happened?" She looked at the gurney and realized with cold surprise that it was empty. "Where's...?"

There was a click close to her ear, followed closely by a very harp sting. Ann gasped and slapped at the spot immediately. A part of her knew that something was very wrong immediately, but shock made her sluggish as she turned to stare at the woman who had called her. She had just lowered her hand to her waist, a 10 ml syringe much akin to what diabetics used for insulin injections in her hand.

"What's going on?" Ann managed to stammer as the doors were closed behind the woman. "What was that?!"

The woman put the syringe down and looked beyond Ann to her colleague. "Let's get her on the gurney. Dr. Possible, just relax."

The man behind her reached for her shoulders but in a burst of adrenaline Ann swung and tried to punch him. "What's going on?!" She demanded even as she felt a sudden sinking sensation travel through her body. The man smoothly wrapped his arms around her, prohibiting her from struggling as her limbs started feeling heavier. "What was that?!"

The woman made a soothing sound and bent down to pick up her legs. Before Ann could do anything she felt herself lifted onto the gurney and strapped down. She struggled against the restraints, but it was increasingly hard to focus. She knew that she should've screamed but she could not make a sound past the fear constricting her throat. Blinking tears she looked up to see the man slip through to the front to a sit next to another unknown paramedic. The woman joined her at her head and put a gentle hand on her forehead.

"Just relax, we're not going to hurt you," she said again and rubbed at her tears. "I gave you some Valium, Dr. Possible, just to make the journey shorter."

Ann blinked, her vision becoming more and more unfocused, and tried to turn her head away from the woman's touch. "Let me go," she managed - her voice soft. "Please, what's this about? Just... let me go."

Her pleas fell on deaf ears as the blond reached behind her and got out a saline IV. Ann felt her eyes drift shut at the same time she felt her coat sleeve rolled up and a sharp sting of a needle in her forearm. She fought for consciousness and jerked against the restraints one more time, managing to word one last plea.

"Let me go."


To Be Continued...