Chapter 24
A name for her
The composure, the cold façade and the little but significant characteristics of his character were only memories the moment those words reached his ears. He knew the meaning, he understood what was expected and asked of him but… he couldn't move, he couldn't act.
At some point in the future, his reaction and his actions would be the main topic in the conversation between Captains and it would be the foundations of the jokes about him (jokes told by Ukitake, Kyouraku and Kenpachi).But for now, he was only acting on instinct, fear and insecurity. He was the child his position never allowed him to be.
The blue sky and the shining light of the sun were suddenly covered up by the dark clouds that appeared above Soul Society; it was so sudden that many inexperienced shinigami feared it may be the sign of another 'Aizen,' another war. But the people who knew about Toshiro's power and people near him understood it was his way to show that he had lost control, if momentarily, of his power.
Zaraki Kenpachi looked at the young man in front of him and he couldn't help, or he didn't even want to hide, the big grin that formed on his face and the dark and amused laughed that left his mouth. Beside him the Espada, Grimmjaw, lifted an eyebrow, impressed by the 'shrimp' that moments ago had fought against him with restrained and calculated movements.
"Are you going to stand like a dumbass over there or are you going to do something?" he asked, and the way he uttered the question was evidence that he could care less for what was happening or who was having a baby. The only thing he cared about was the power the shrimp was showing and he was too tired and hungry to do anything at all.
Toshiro regained his composure and turned around to glare at the Espada; whether he did it intentionally or not, a path of ice joined him to Grimmjaw and Kenpachi, both of whom didn't move a muscle to prevent the cold touching their legs and covering them up to their knees.
Ichigo opened his eyes in surprise; he had never seen Toshiro like that, and for him it was kind of obvious that the young man was affected by the news. And even like that, it seemed like he was doing nothing at all to go to Rangiku.
"Pray that what is happening has nothing to do with you two jumping on us while training," was all Toshiro said.
Kenpachi smirked just like Grimmjaw; Yumichika had a gleam of interest in his eyes while watching them. Yachiru was unaware of what was happening because she was playing with the snowflakes that had started falling around them.
In a moment of realization Toshiro's body language changed. It was subtle for a moment, then it was visible for all of the present crowd. His eyes went open wide, Hyourinmaru was trembling in his hand and a wave of understanding hit him hard.
Hitsugaya Toshiro finally understood the news the man from the Fourth Division had brought and the news finally sank into his head.
Rangiku was in labor, she was about to give birth to a child, to his child. He was about to be a father.
With a speed Ichigo didn't know Toshiro possessed, he left the group still resting in the Tenth division training grounds.
He ignored the cuts, his blood, the dust and the dizziness he was feeling at the moment and concentrated solely on his goal. Inside him, he could feel Hyorinmaru moving around and trying to catch something, anything, from Rangiku and Haineko. But his efforts were futile. Something or someone was preventing his zanpakutou reaching Haineko and he couldn't feel Rangiku's presence.
Do…Do you think anything bad happened? was Hyorinmaru's question. Toshiro hurried while shaking his head.
'No, don't worry, you'll see when we arrive. They will be there laughing at us for worrying so much,' he said trying to reassure Hyorinmaru as well as himself.
Nothing else was said until they arrived to the Fourth division and, once again, at not feeling her near, he lost control of his cold reiatsu that was making a beautiful and cold path behind him. He watched the surprised, fearful, and respectful looks he got when entering the Fourth division barracks. But he ignored them and decided to walk directly to Unohana's office to look for some answers and the room Rangiku was in so he could join her.
A trembling, yet brave form stood in front of him, stopping him. Toshiro looked at the young man who was trembling slightly; his eyes were looking at him with traces of fear but determination to carry out his orders.
"I-I'm s-sorry sir, b-but Unohana-taichou t-told us to not…not l-let you in," he said, flinching when Toshiro narrowed his eyes at him.
"What do you mean?" anger, fear and anxiety, he was about to pass through the young man when a hand on his shoulder stopped him.
Turning around abruptly, annoyed by the interruption, he realized it had been Kyouraku who stopped him. The man was looking down at him with a gentle smile and was sending him with his eyes a silent order: stay calm.
"Please, Toshiro-kun, you're not only scaring Yamada-san but everyone in the waiting room," said Kyouraku with a prefect and clam voice that woke Toshiro of whatever mood he was in.
For the first time, since hearing about Rangiku, he calmed slightly and looked around to see all the faces looking at him. Some with fear, others with curiosity, and the ones with more experience and age had a disapproving look on their faces.
Toshiro breathed in and out deeply before turning around to Hanataro, who was waiting for… well, he was waiting for anything the Captain of the Tenth division threw at him. He didn't think that whatever Hitsugaya-taichou may do was worse that those times he had to deal with the Eleventh division.
"I apologize for my behavior, I'm just…" Toshiro trailed off, he didn't think it necessary to explain himself, since his actions spoke loudly.
Hanataro sighed in relief, and noticing the look from Toshiro and Kyouraku, he smiled weakly. "I-its okay, sir. I…I have dealt w-with worse things."
A moment of horror, of realization of what he had said, Hanataro was ready to panic when Kyouraku offered him another smile.
"The eleventh division, eh?" Kyouraku asked with a hint of amusement in his voice, trying to reassure the young man that he hadn't offended either Toshiro or him by the comment. Looking at the nervous boy in front of him Toshiro decided to offer the same courtesy and he let out a strained smile.
"Don't worry…" Toshiro trailed off, not remembering the name of the boy.
"I'm Yamada Hanataro," said the boy, bowing at Toshiro. "A-and…if you don't mind I can take care of your wounds, sir."
An offer that Toshiro could tell was a distraction to the purpose of his visit to the fourth, he felt Kyouraku's hand squeeze his shoulder softly and Toshiro realized that it was better to take Hanataro's offer.
"Very well," he said; he wanted to add the question that was aching to be uttered but remained silent.
"You did make a beautiful mess, didn't you Toshiro-kun?" asked Kyouraku following the young Taichou and Hanataro to a small room. Toshiro frowned and he sent a questioning glance at Kyouraku. The man laughed and with a finger signaled the entrance of the Fourth division and the waiting room in which was a thin layer of ice that some people were already trying to clean up.
Toshiro's eyes opened wide at the sight, "I…it was me?"
"Yes, I'm surprised you didn't notice. You must be really worried." Toshiro lowered his gaze and evaded Kyouraku's curious eyes.
"I promised her I was going to be there when the moment arrived," was all Toshiro said, sitting on the hospital bed while Hanataro started taking care of his cuts and wounds.
Kyouraku sent a sympathetic look to Toshiro; beside him Nanao was watching the state Toshiro was in. Toshiro, for his part, had lowered his eyes to the ground; inside him Hyorinmaru was the one acting on the feelings coming from his master; both of them ignorant of the weather they had unleashed outside the protective walls of the Fourth division.
"I promised her that I wouldn't leave her alone." Voice fill with sorrow, he lifted his eyes and turned to Hanataro, who gulped slightly under the pressure of the look.
"Would you explain to me why I'm not allowed in there, with Rangiku?"
"I…I don't know much, sir. B-but…Unohana-taichou ordered me t-to tell you that…for the moment you were to stay outside," said Hanataro, his voice regaining some control when he started talking about things he had a mild knowledge of.
"It's something that may go for hours or that could happen right now. But they need a peaceful atmosphere, in the case of shinigami; it means that the erratic reiatsu from a nervous father could be problematic for the erratic reiatsu coming from both mother and child that are trying to cope with the… well with the process of birth."
Toshiro's eyebrow twitched and his eyes glared at Hanataro, who just realized what he had said. Beside them Kyouraku was chuckling and even Nanao had an amused smile, Toshiro turned to them; clearly he wasn't amused at all.
"I'm not nervous," he said, trying to convince himself and the others. Hanataro tried to say that he agreed with Toshiro, while Kyouraku and Nanao didn't even try to agree with him.
"Of course you're not," said Kyouraku mockingly. "The path of ice from your squad to this one is just a mere coincidence."
Another twitch from his eyebrow and a low growl escaped his mouth. Kyouraku was about to make another comment when the hand from Nanao stopped him, he turned to her and saw her smile; Kyouraku smiled back, letting her take a step forward.
"We could feel your reiatsu and the others that were with you." Toshiro looked at Nanao who was talking to him in a calm voice. "I don't think Rangiku would be any better if she saw you in that state."
A sighed, a quick glance to his clothes, hands and the visible things in his body. Nanao was right, his clothes were in a really bad condition and there was dried blood around them and his hands along with the cuts. Rangiku was stress enough, he knew it and if she saw him like that…while she was in labor…
"I guess… it's for the better," he said with his voice filled with uncertainty.
"Don't worry, she is in good hands. Isane-san and Unohana-taichou are the best after all," said Kyouraku, trying to reassure Toshiro. The young man nodded his head but his feelings towards the situation were clear and they weren't about to change, at least until he was beside her and their little princess.
"If you want sir, I can go to your place and bring you something to dress in?" asked Nanao.
"That's a good idea, Nanao-chan! You go to Toshiro's place while I make sure he eats something while waiting. I bet he hasn't any lunch yet."
Toshiro was about to protest but apparently things had been decided already. He nodded at Nanao, who left shortly after, then turned to Kyouraku with curiosity in his eyes.
"You want to know how it happened."
"Yes. Why no one called me when she…" he couldn't finish the sentence, the memory of a scary Rangiku filled his mind, a memory of the day she had made him promise to not leave her alone the day of the birth.
They had just left Unohana's office and the woman had explained the basics of what was going to happen when Rangiku was ready to give birth to their child. She even showed them some videos about it, and Rangiku had been fascinated and scared at the same time. She had hugged Toshiro that day; she had sobbed a little and had told him she wasn't ready, that she wasn't intended to carry a child or to even give birth to one. Toshiro had laughed and had reassured her; he told her how brave she was and had confessed that he couldn't imagine himself in that position, but her… she was a warrior queen. She smiled at his compliment and the conviction behind his words. It was there when she made him promise that queen or not, she wasn't about to do anything unless he was with her. After all, she said with a playful smile on her face, the earlier worries about childbirth forgotten for the time being, what is a powerful, beautiful and brave warrior queen without her cute, strong and noble ice king?
"It happened so fast." Toshiro shook the memory away and turned his attention to Kyouraku. "We were taking lunch, she had been a little strange since we picked her up at your division, but I didn't pay it any mind; my Nanao-chan, however, was alert. When Rangiku complained of some kind of pain and discomfort she was the one to call Isane-san. After that…it was too fast, Rangiku and I, well, we thought Nanao-chan was exaggerating. Apparently she was not."
Toshiro nodded and he took a mental note to thank Nanao later. Once Hanataro took care of all his wounds and Nanao brought clean clothes to Toshiro he accepted, albeit reluctantly, to go for something to eat while they wait in the Fourth division for some kind of news about Rangiku.
It was late in the afternoon.
His back was resting against the wall, beside him the open doors that lead to a hall filled with many other doors, one of them leading to the woman that had ignited in him, a long time ago, a fire he had never thought possible in a person with an icy personality like him.
He could heard the sounds form the small waiting room that was a few feet away from him, he could sense the looks of worry and sympathy from his colleagues, from the people he had come to identify as friends and family. But he stood there impassive and indifferent to anything that wasn't the hall to his right and the memories.
Memories that never left, memories of her and that fateful night in which a light in the middle of a ballroom lit her and made his mind aware of what his heart already knew by then: that she was beautiful and that he had fallen in love with her. He remembered how he thought it was impossible, how he tried to deny it while his blood boiled at the intimate contact he saw between her and Ichimaru.
He remembered those days, weeks, even months in which he wonder how he had let her charms, her beauty, her smiles, her perfume, her presence shake his world. How he had let her enter in his heart like he had never let anyone before.
Not even Hinamori had done it. He had loved Hinamori, yes. He had thought of her, marriage, a family… but those were only thoughts of a future, of a life he thought he was obliged to have.
But now, the woman inside one of those rooms was the one he imagined himself with. He didn't feel oblige to have a life with her; he wanted a life with her. She was the only one he could think about day and night. And she was there, forging a miracle, having a baby. But not just any baby, his baby.
Once again the sound of the room reached his ears at the same time of some others coming from the hall. He tensed up and moved slightly, his teal eyes focusing on the hall, looking at each one of the doors, trying to identify the one he was interested in.
A flick of reiatsu. Her reiatsu.
Hyorinmaru stopped pacing around; he looked at Toshiro with apprehension, waiting for an order from him, waiting for a movement or any indication of what to do next.
A hand on his shoulder, however, stopped whatever he was about to do and when he turned around he saw the concerned face of Ukitake looking down at him and shaking his head in a silent order. For a moment Toshiro looked at him with anger before that anger transformed into desperation and nervousness. Ukitake let a gentle smile appear on his face. Just like Kyouraku had done earlier.
"Don't worry, she is in good hands," he said with the tone of voice he used to talk to him. A tone of voice that in other circumstances would result in irritation, but now was comforting.
"We prepared for this." Without knowing why or understanding exactly what he was doing, Toshiro started talking. He felt the need to explain to Ukitake why he was so nervous, why he felt so unsecure, why he had lost control the way he did.
"We came here with her and listened to the talks and advice Unohana-taichou had. I read about it, I know it's not easy and that sometimes it takes time…" Ukitake hid the amused smiled he was sure was trying to appear on his face.
"Well, if you have read about it, then you must understand how difficult it is. We, men, can only imagine what it feels like to give birth to a child."
"I know that! I know! But that doesn't mean…"
"That you shouldn't feel terrified? That you want to be there?" asked Ukitake, Toshiro nodded his head and let out a sigh of relief when he noticed Ukitake's understanding. "Believe me, Toshiro-kun, she must be feeling relief knowing that you're here and your presence must be reaching hers to calm her down."
Toshiro lifted his face to Ukitake and narrowed his eyes at his words. Once again, Toshiro felt the coldness in the room. It wasn't like the one invading the room the first moment he entered, but it was cold enough to make the people in the room shiver a little.
"Sorry, I didn't mean…" said Toshiro looking aside and controlling the leak in his reiatsu; once again he felt her, weak and distant. Not wanting to let go of her, not wanting to let the conflicted feelings inside him go out of control, he closed his eyes and with Hyorinmaru looked for the little ribbon that belong to Rangiku's presence, her small amount of reiatsu that was looking for him…and once he found it he let his own reiatsu join hers.
And, finally, he felt at peace.
He stood there letting his presence reassure her; console her the only way he could at the moment. Ukitake watched amazed at what had happened and his eyes drifted for a moment to Kurosaki Ichigo and Rukia. It was extraordinary, two young people like them, like Ichigo and Toshiro, two powerful shinigami who probably didn't understand or know the limits or the reach of their powers. Of their union with the people that awakened in them feelings that many others only dreamt to have.
Ukitake shook his head, he wished Yama-jii would be there, watching as the new generation became more powerful and the future fell into the hands of such honourable, loyal and lovable (cute) warriors as were Toshiro and Ichigo.
Once again Ukitake turned to Toshiro; he noticed a smile on his relaxed face. The young prodigy probably was happy to finally know by his own means that Rangiku was fine and that she was only a little…occupied to attend him right now. He chuckled when Sogyo and Kotowaru made him know that his comment was out of place while demanding to know what had happened to Haineko-chan.
They waited for a long time; night was approaching fast and if any of them had gone outside they would have noticed the small layer of snow all around Seireitei. The small snowflakes that had changed from a cold, depressing and angry storm to a more calm, peaceful and almost joyful and pleasant snowfall.
The first ones to notice some kind of change were, of course, Toshiro and Ukitake.
Toshiro felt it before he heard it, another fluctuation this time stronger than the others, silence and then…the sound of low, muffled cries. Toshiro turned his paled face and opened his eyes to Ukitake; the man was looking at him with a surprised expression. The cries were almost imperceptible, however loud enough for both men to hear them. Which could only mean the room were the cries were coming from was near.
Toshiro stood there, not knowing what to do until he felt a push. Turning around he saw a smiling Ukitake who pushed him softly once again.
"Congratulations," was all the man could say before Toshiro turned around and ran down the hall looking the right room.
It wasn't that difficult to find the room or enter it.
He watched as the people inside the room moved around at a fast pace; one of them he recognized. It was Isane and she was holding something in her arms. Toshiro could only stand there and watch as he recognized what, or rather whom, she was holding.
Isane turned around with the little girl in her arms. The girl was crying loudly, moving as much as she could. Fussy and angry from the very moment these strangers took her away from the warm presence of her mother.
Toshiro couldn't move. It was strange how his reactions, fast and accurate in battle, were failing him now. Isane walked towards Toshiro, the woman had a tiny smile on her face while she gave the girl to Toshiro.
Out of instinct more than practice or real knowledge, Toshiro held the little and restless bundle of life in his arms.
She calmed herself the moment he had her in his arms; she stopped moving around, irritated, and her cries of protest gave way to her now relaxed and peaceful behaviour. Isane, as well as the other people in the room, were surprised.
"We've been trying to calm her down for a while now. She's been restless since we took her away from Rangiku-san," said Isane; her smile grew at the sight of Toshiro and his baby girl. He hadn't taken his eyes from her, and Isane wasn't even sure he was listening to her. "Congratulations, Hitsugaya-taichou, you're going to be a great father."
Isane let him alone with the baby, though her words had reached Toshiro's ears, and he had smiled at her declaration.
His eyes remained on the little girl now sleeping peacefully in his arms. A warm and fuzzy feeling filled his chest the moment he could have her in his arms, the moment he felt the small presence of reiatsu on her. The same reiatsu he had the fortune of feeling those times Haineko had allowed it.
He looked at her hair, it was short but already was showing the distinctive colour of Rangiku's hair. She was small and warm and her little hands were closed in a strong fist, pulled out in front of her chest. Her eyes were closed so he didn't know if she had his or Rangiku's eye colour or maybe she had a combination of colours of both their eyes. Her nose was just like his, and that thought almost made him laugh because he didn't know how his nose looked like, he just knew she had her nose just like he knew that her tiny little mouth put out in a small pout was like Rangiku's.
She was perfect.
Look at her Toshiro; she is so beautiful and cute, said Hyorinmaru, and Toshiro could hear the broken tone in his voice and the soft sobs from him.
'Were you crying?' he asked, Hyorinmaru was silent for a moment but the ice dragon couldn't hide his face fast enough for Toshiro to not notice the tears. Besides, he had a handkerchief on his tail.
I…I…couldn't help it! How could you not cry??? Look at her!! After all the hours of angst and wondering what had happened!! Toshiro smiled with sympathy at Hyorinmaru, but he decided not to mention the subject anymore.
'She is beautiful, isn't she?'
As beautiful as her mother and as cute as you.
Toshiro didn't say anything, just for that moment, for that day he was going to ignore that comment and take it like a compliment.
"Excuse me, Hitsugaya-taichou?" Reluctantly, Toshiro lifted his face and looked at Isane.
"Yes?" Toshiro hugged his daughter against him in a protective manner fearing that maybe the woman was there to take his daughter away from him. Isane smiled at his gesture and was about to talk when realization hit Toshiro's eyes and the woman frowned slightly at his change of attitude.
"Rangiku! What happened to her? Where is she?" His sudden change and restlessness made the girl in his arms move uncomfortably in protest by the rude gesture that had disturbed her sleep.
"She is okay, she is resting right now." It wasn't Isane who answered, but Unohana. Toshiro turned to her and the Captain of the fourth division couldn't help but smile at the young man in front of her, his face a mask of concern and in his arms a small and sleepy girl.
"Can I see her?" he asked already preparing a way to protest if the woman denied him the right to see Rangiku.
"Of course, however," she said before Toshiro was taken to Rangiku's room, "she needs to rest. She is sleeping right now and your daughter needs that rest as well, Hitsugaya-taichou. "
Toshiro nodded his head and with the girl in his arms he went to Rangiku.
He neared the bed in which Rangiku was sleeping peacefully, she had bags under her eyes and it was evident in her paled and restless face that she needed to rest.
"Look who's here, Hime," said Toshiro with a soft voice, meant only for the girl that was just as asleep as her mother.
He had the urge to caress Rangiku's face but was afraid of letting go for a moment of the baby in his arms. He frowned, annoyed by his dilemma; his eyes drifted for a moment to the crib beside Rangiku's bed and then his eyes fell on his daughter. With a sigh he lifted her a little and kissed her forehead before letting her in the crib. She moved slightly and a soft sound akin to a sob left her mouth before going back to her sleeping state.
Toshiro smiled and concentrated once again on the form of the little girl, looking around and making sure that he wasn't about to be interrupted he leaned in and kissed her forehead once again. Then he turned to Rangiku and did the same. Rangiku stirred and a more relaxed and rested expression appeared on her face. The connection he had made earlier in the afternoon hadn't broke at all, if anything it was stronger than before now that he was close to her.
He grabbed her hand in his and chuckled; he wished he could laugh out loud as he wanted to do, but for the moment the soft laugh was enough. He felt happy like he had never felt before.
"I knew you could do it." He whispered to a sleeping Rangiku. Lifting her hand to his lips he kissed the back of her hand. "And now we're a family, my family."
The events of the day, his training session, the lack of sleep the night before and the turmoil of emotions of the day caught up to him. He felt tired, but the bed wasn't appropriate for two people, besides he didn't want to bother her. Reluctantly, he let go of her hand and brought a chair, putting it as close to the bed and the crib as he could. He sat there for a long time, not really aware of the moment he fall asleep.
At some point in the night (or was it earlier in the morning, it was still dark) she woke up.
She had felt the people that came in and out during the night but she wasn't aware of them, too tired to pay them any mind.
In the brief moment in which she felt her whole body protest in pain and tiredness, she remembered why she was there. With fear she sat up, turning around ready to scream for some answers when she saw him…and her.
Both of them were fast asleep.
He was sitting in a chair, his head hanging in an uncomfortable position, his mouth opened slightly and a little trace of spit could be seen. He must be really tired if he had fallen asleep in that (undignified) position. Then her eyes turned to the little crib and the small form that was breathing evenly and whose mouth was opened slightly, just like his.
Then, she felt it. The same feeling she got when her baby was about to be born and she knew, without a doubt, that it was him. That both their reiatsu where intertwined in the last sign of confidence, trust, and love.
She smiled and could feel the tears forming in her eyes; never before…she had never felt that way, she had never felt so secure, so protected, so… loved. And it was him, all thanks to him.
She looked at them once again and had to wonder how that first meeting between the both of them had been. What was his reaction when he saw her, when he saw the little person he had been talking to that he was so ready to have in his arms.
Her eyes turned to his sleeping form and she regretted not having a camera with her to imprint that memory in paper and show to whoever was interested in the cute sight of Hitsugaya Toshiro sleeping with spit coming out of his mouth and a hand resting lazily in the crib where his daughter was sleeping as well.
She turned her attention to the little girl sleeping there and a sudden urge for holding her in her arms invaded her. She had held her for a short time after she finally was born and then Isane had taken her away from her… so cruel. She and Haineko may have protested if it wasn't because they were so worn out. She bit her lower lip, she could just stand up and pick her up…but she was sleeping!! She couldn't wake her up just because she wanted to hold her, to finally have her in her arms after nine months of waiting, could she?
Rangiku didn't have to wake her up because the baby woke up on her own. At first she let out a low sob, moving her hands and her little body. Then she started crying.
The moment Rangiku moved to try and get to her Toshiro had already woken up and was standing beside the crib. He was talking softly to the baby. Lifting his eyes, he looked surprised at seeing Rangiku awake and in a sitting position, looking at him and the baby with worry in her eyes.
"I want to hold her," she said, voice filled with impatience. Toshiro nodded and lifted the baby in his arms, careful in each one of his movements.
She calmed herself for a moment, but it was obvious in the way she cried and moved that something else was bothering her. Rangiku held her close to her chest and hugged her the only way a mother could hold a child, though inexperienced and quite lost as to what the crying girl may want from her.
"Maybe she is hungry," ventured Toshiro. Rangiku looked at him and then at the baby in her arms. She blushed slightly when she noticed that she did know what she had to do, but was unsure as to how to do it.
Just at that moment Isane appeared in the room. She looked at both parents and smiled, trying to contain her giggle at the lost look on both of them.
"Do you know what is going on?" asked Isane in a gentle voice. Toshiro and Rangiku looked at each other before returning their eyes to Isane.
"I…I think she is hungry," said Rangiku. Isane nodded, and noticing the blush on Rangiku's face, she understood.
"Want me to help you?"
"Yes, please," said Rangiku with a grateful look. Isane neared the bed and started instructing Rangiku as to what to do; Rangiku noticed that it was different receiving orders and instructions versus doing it.
Toshiro couldn't help the curiosity that grew inside him the moment he imagined Rangiku feeding their baby. He had heard of it, had seen it in pictures and videos…but, the real experience was…different, and he couldn't help but blush really hard the moment he saw Rangiku breastfeeding the baby.
"Oh, look at you, you're blushing!" said Rangiku in a teasing tone. Toshiro shook his head and looked indignantly at Rangiku, who was laughing, while Isane hid her own giggles.
"W-well…you can't blame me!" he said. "I…well, you…this is…"
"Oh, come on, this is nothing you haven't seen before." The comment made him even redder than before and he glared intently at Rangiku as she smiled sweetly at him.
"It's not that and you know it!" he bark out, his voice interrupting the breakfast of the baby girl, and she protested softly at the interruption.
"Sorry, it was just the perfect opportunity," said Rangiku.
"Well, you shouldn't say anything, if I remember correctly you blushed too."
"Ah, but my reasons were different."
"Argh, you're impossible," said Toshiro, a little frustrated, though his lips lifted slightly and his eyes were gleaming with contentment.
"It seems like everything is normal with you and the baby and you're doing a good job, Rangiku-san," said Isane.
"Really? This is…is weird, but I wanted to thank you, for everything," said Rangiku. Isane waved her hand and smiled at the woman.
"It's okay, I actually felt honoured that I could participate in the birth," said Isane. "I 'm going to let the others know that you three are awake and fine. If you'll excuse me."
Once Isane left, Toshiro sat beside Rangiku and kissed her cheek while putting his arm around her shoulders and letting his head rest against hers. Rangiku smiled softly and both of them watched their daughter while she eagerly ate the milk offered by Rangiku.
"She is beautiful," said Rangiku, her voice filled with emotion. Toshiro nodded and let his other hand caress the cheek of their daughter.
"How does it feel?" he asked suddenly, moving away from Rangiku so he could look at her face.
"What?" she asked, confused. Toshiro blushed once again and signalled the baby and her uncovered breast with his head. "Oh, you mean…."
"Yes," he said before she could finish the sentence. Rangiku could tell he was slightly embarrassed and she would say to him that there was no need for him to be embarrassed at all if it wasn't for the fact that she felt a little uncomfortable as well.
"It feels…weird." Toshiro looked at her and nodded his head. That explanation was good enough for him, at least until they got used to it.
Toshiro looked at Rangiku for a moment, and then remembering Isane's words he looked at the door and performed the spell to produce the Kyoumon, mirror gate, the same one he had used a long time ago to protect an unconscious Hinamori.
Rangiku sent him a questioning glance, curious as to why he had used it on the door of their room.
"Well, Isane said she was going to tell the others you were awake," said Toshiro with a serious and protective gesture, "I just…don't want anyone entering the room while you're feeding her."
Rangiku laughed at his explanation and Toshiro rolled his eyes while she teased him for being so protective and, of course, jealous. He didn't say anything, merely enjoyed the presence of the most important women in his life, so he took her teasing with the occasional growling and scowl.
"I think I owe you an apology," he said suddenly after their daughter was satisfied and her eyes were looking curiously at Rangiku, while Rangiku keep making funny noises and talking to her in a soft and sweet voice.
"Apology? Why?"
"I promised you I was going to be there, remember?" Rangiku looked up at Toshiro, whose attention was on the both of them. A soft smiled appeared on Rangiku's face and she let out a giggle.
"I went berserk," she said, both amused and serious. Toshiro sent her a confused and incredulous look. "Okay, maybe not berserk, but I was being stubborn. I told Isane that I wouldn't let anything happen until you were there."
"Really?" asked Toshiro, shocked and not quite believing Rangiku's words.
"Yes, I told them that someone should inform you or I wouldn't cooperate at all but then Unohana-taichou arrived and this little princess didn't want to wait at all. She seems to be in a hurry," said Rangiku, turning her eyes to her daughter. She had her eyes opened and was moving her little hands, closing and opening her hands and looking at Rangiku with her big, teal eyes.
Toshiro chuckled; he could imagine Rangiku trying to wait for him, it made him feel…well, bad because he knew she could be difficult to deal with if she wanted to, but at the same time he felt important and needed.
Looking down at the now awake girl, his eyes went wide open with surprise at the sight, "Hey! She has my eyes!"
"Yes, and she has my hair, though I can see some white locks," mumbled Rangiku, hugging her against her chest.
Toshiro smiled softly and kissed Rangiku on her forehead while he carefully grabbed one of their daughter's hands.
"She is beautiful. Both of you," he mumbled with a tone filled with warmth and happiness. Rangiku smiled and turned around so she could kiss Toshiro on the lips.
"Now, we really need a name for her," said Rangiku, resting her head on Toshiro's shoulder.
However, her name wouldn't be decided until later that day.
Ichigo and Nel burst in the room, startling everyone by the… force they used to enter the room. Nel was bouncing, excited with a big grin adorning her childish expression. Ichigo was behind her, tired but content by the mere fact that Nel seemed to be happy.
Toshiro, however, couldn't smile or be as happy as the newcomers were. They had entered the room, making as much noise as they could and in the end they had woken up the baby who a moment ago was sleeping peacefully in Rangiku's arms.
"Kurosaki! What is the meaning of this??" Toshiro hissed out under his breath, sending a murderous glare to Ichigo, who was unaware of Toshiro's mood.
"Snow!! Tons and tons of snow!" exclaimed Nel, but her voice wasn't as loud as it could have been. She was looking with curiosity at Rangiku who was rocking something in her arms, the same something that was crying.
She walked towards the bed as Rangiku sent her a tired but gentle smile and Nel, tilting her head, tried to catch a glimpse of the little form in Rangiku's arms. Suddenly she felt a pair of arms under her armpit and lifted her enough for her to see the baby girl sobbing slightly in her mother's arms. Her eyes opened wide at the sight of something as new to her as the white and cold substance that she had discovered the day before – a newborn baby.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to," said Ichigo, smiling sheepishly at Rangiku. Toshiro huffed behind him not liking the way he was being ignored. "But after Nel got to see the snow... she said she wanted Chibi-chan to see it as well. Even after Rukia explained to her that he probably knew the snow and was the cause of it."
"What do you mean?" asked Rangiku confused, she turned to Toshiro but the young man was just as confused as her.
"Don't tell me you guys don't know…" said Ichigo. Seeing the same confusion in both faces, he settled Nel on the bed and went to one of the closest windows and opened the hospital curtains wide for them to see the snowflakes still falling in Soul Society.
Toshiro neared the window and watched the white substance cover the fourth division yard. The morning sky was a mix of white, grey and blue.
"Oh, she's so cute!!" exclaimed Nel out loud; she covered her mouth with her hands as soon as she saw the little frown in the girl's forehead and the sound of what may have been soft sobs. "Sorry."
"It's okay, she was sleeping and now is a little grumpy because… well…"
"Because Kurosaki woke her up," said Toshiro walking towards the bed.
"Is not my fault," said Ichigo, following Toshiro and looking at the baby in Rangiku's arms. "There was something at the door that almost didn't let us in."
"Yeah, the mirror gate," said Toshiro. "How did you get past it?"
"I don't know. Anyway, why did you have that thing there?"
"Well, I didn't want uninvited guests to enter, mainly when Rangiku was feeding my daughter." A soft blush and understanding crossed Ichigo's face.
"I see and I totally understand."
Another soft sob of discomfort from the baby and Toshiro went immediately to her. With a shared smile, Rangiku handed her to him and Toshiro stood up with his daughter in his arms. Looking at Ichigo and lifting an eyebrow at him, he let the captain of the fifth division have a close look at her. Ichigo smiled and leaned in to find teal eyes looking directly at him, the little frown and the rather grumpy attitude still present in the baby's expression.
"You know, with her looking at me like that…I can see the resemblance." Toshiro narrowed his eyes but made a sign to Ichigo to explain his comment. "Well, she has the same scowling expression as you."
Rangiku giggled and Nel followed her soon after; Toshiro didn't know if he should be annoyed or just content. After all, Ichigo was implying another characteristic between his little princess and him.
"You're just taking advantage of the fact that I'm way too happy and relaxed to do anything at all to you," he finally said. Ichigo laughed and shrugged his shoulders. He wasn't about to deny or confirm anything; he was sure Toshiro appreciated his comment, only he didn't want to admit it.
"Wait, you said something about Toshiro being the cause of the snow, why?" Ichigo turned to Rangiku; beside her Nel stood up on the bed; she was trying to catch another glance at the baby now in Toshiro's arms.
"Nel, sit down, you may fall off the bed or over Rangiku-san." Nel pursed her lips for a moment and then sat up.
Toshiro watched with amusement as a concerned expression appeared on Ichigo's face when he uttered those words to Nel. He didn't know that Ichigo could have that voice filled with…parental authority. It made him smile and look down at the little girl that was moving her arms and closing and opening her hands with her eyes glued to her own movements; would he have that same tone when talking to her? When trying to protect her?
While Toshiro was thinking about those things, Ichigo started to narrate the events before they were informed about Rangiku. Ichigo was a harsh narrator, he didn't pay attention to the small details but to the bigger and meaningful ones and Rangiku was a good listener as long as she had a good story. And her expressions were a perfect match to the events. She gasped in surprise when Ichigo mentioned the savage way Grimmjaw and Kenpachi appeared. She giggled when he mentioned Yachiru or the taunting comments Grimmjaw used against him and Toshiro. And she frowned when she got an idea of the wounds Toshiro may have had.
"Why you didn't say anything?" she asked him. Toshiro merely shrugged.
"It wasn't important; I was more worried about you."
"You bet he was," said Ichigo. Rangiku turned to him, eager to hear the rest of the story. "When he heard about you being in labour he stood there for a long time, not doing anything, but his reiatsu had gone out of control."
Rangiku narrowed her eyes; she looked at Ichigo and then at Toshiro, not believing completely what Ichigo had said. Hitsugaya Toshiro never lost control. Whatever the situation was he never lost control. Right?
The embarrassed expression he was showing right at the moment told her otherwise. After that, Ichigo finished his story with the wild weather that was following Toshiro while he made his way to the Fourth division and how little by little things were back to 'normal' and there was only the presence of a soft and soothing snowfall.
"You guys…it seems like you've never seen snow," commented Ichigo. "I know Nel and Grimmjaw had never seen it, but the others…"
"Well, it's not as if we haven't seen it; you have to admit that it is quite strange seeing snow in the middle of May, on a sunny day," said Toshio as he made his way to the window, his daughter still in his arms.
"That and even in the middle of winter it's not that common," continued Rangiku, "Besides, Toshiro's control over the weather had a distinctive feature. It's not like normal weather that can be harsh and unpredictable, when he controls it, his presence and his mood can be...sensed."
"His mood?"
"Yeah, when I tried to change or control the weather," mumbled Toshiro, glancing at Rangiku, who smiled slightly; she remembered the few times he stopped strong storms only for her sake (though he always made her repay the favour, usually with office work). "Well, it seems to 'reflect' my mood or the intensity of the emotions I may have at the moment."
"So when you finally were calm and all…"started Ichigo, Toshiro nodded.
"That's why the snow is stopping. I wasn't even paying attention."
Well, I was, commented Hyorinmaru. But I just thought that something special had to happen today, you know? Something to match our little princess' birth! And that was the snow; white, pure and cold.
Rangiku smiled and thanked Hyourinmaru. By his actions, she had to agree with him, there must be something else to make that day even more special and unique.
"What's her name?" asked Nel curiously, stopping whatever Ichigo was about to say. Toshiro and Rangiku looked at each other but neither of them knew how to answer.
"You don't have a name?!" exclaimed Ichigo, "I thought you'd already chosen one!"
"No we don't," said Rangiku, "but we did think of something and now…"
She trailed off and looked over at Toshiro, who didn't understand the look she was sending his way. "Rangiku wanted her name to have '-Hime' in it."
"Okay and…" Ichigo looked at each other and then noticed he was in the middle of a silent conversation, so he decided to remain silent for the moment.
Rangiku's lips lifted at her sides and her eyes looked behind Toshiro, who turned around to watch outside the window once again. Silence filled the room, and even Nel understood that there was something, that something was about to happen, even though she didn't understand what it was.
With her daughter in his arms he neared the window, and in there he saw the snow falling and just like that he knew that it was his fault that snow was falling in Seireitei in the middle of May, when it was even stranger that such an event happened around winter time.
"It seems like you like to work a lot of miracles, eh?" he said, kissing the girl on her forehead and smiling softly at her, understanding what Rangiku wanted to say with her look.
"Yuki…" Toshiro turned his head to look at Rangiku when she uttered the word with a pensive look on her face.
"…Hime?" he looked at the girl in his arms, the little girl that was now looking at him intently and whose hands were trying to get a hold of his face. Toshiro chuckled and held her even closer; she wasn't even a day old and she already meant the world to him. Leaning down he kissed her forehead softly. Yukihime.
It's perfect! I think it suits her perfectly!
I also like it, better than Hyorinmaru's proposals.
Toshiro nodded, grateful by his zanpakutou's and Hainekos' approval. Then, turning around, Toshiro locked eyes with Rangiku, whose smile was just as big as his had been a moment ago. He tilted his head to the side and indicated with that movement the window in which the snow could be seen.
"I like it," he said, making his way towards Rangiku. "And Hyorinmaru and Haineko agree with us."
"Are you sure?" she asked, though she had already made a decision regarding the name. It was all Toshiro and she wanted. She was now their little princess, their Snow Princess.
"Yes," he replied, excited by the idea. Rangiku nodded her head and giggled slightly at his obvious excitement.
"Then, Yukihime it is!" she exclaimed, laughing happily at the confused expression from Nel and Ichigo.
"What? What happened?" asked Nel and Ichigo was just as curious.
Toshiro looked at Ichigo and then showed the little girl to him, "Nel, Ichigo please be the first ones to officially meet our daughter, Hitsugaya Yukihime."
Weeks later things had gone back to normal.
Again, as normal as things could be in Soul Society.
Ukitake and Kyouraku (along with Nanao) were the proud holders of the title of grandparents, that Rangiku had given to them the first time they went to visit her and Yukihime. While Ichigo and Rukia held the title of god-parents.
Rukia was so excited and affected by the sight of the newborn girl that she had asked (more like demanded) Ichigo for one.
"I want a baby," she said; her comment made Ichigo and Byakuya cough and try to breathe after choking on their own spit.
"Rukia, I don't think this is the time, the place or even the right topic to be talking about at the moment," said Byakuya, who was wearing a sour look and sending a heated glare to Ichigo.
"I agree with Byakuya, I don't think this is the time."
"And personally, I don't think this conversation should take place at any moment in the near future," continued Byakuya, this time Ichigo turned to him.
"What do you mean?" he asked narrowing his eyes, Byakuya stood up at his full height and looked down at Ichigo, ready to make clear his thoughts about Ichigo having babies with Rukia.
"What I mean is that one Kurosaki is enough for the Real world and this one," said Byakuya. "I am sure that if my sister, Rukia, wants a baby I can provide her with better…bidders."
At the moment, Byakuya and Ichigo were entangled in what Kyouraku and Ukitake called 'family banter,' though Toshiro couldn't agree with them and thought it was Byakuya's way to get rid of Ichigo. Rukia, of course, as it was the custom in those 'banters,' was ignored.
"Oh yeah?" exclaimed Ichigo defiantly. Byakuya lifted a single eyebrow but otherwise his face didn't show any other emotion.
"Yes," was his simple answer. Toshiro rolled his eyes. He knew what was about to happen, he could see the fire that appeared in Ichigo's eyes and the way he grabbed Rukia's hand.
"Let's go Rukia," he said, turning around and walking away with Rukia. Byakuya was left, perplexed, until he heard Ichigo's voice once gain. "Let's go make a baby!"
Ichigo disappeared (which was wise of him), leaving Byakuya behind with a stunned expression and what seemed to be a twitching eyebrow.
"Are we really going to…" asked Rukia once they had stopped at Ichigo's division.
"What? No, of course not!" exclaimed Ichigo, Rukia looked disappointed for a moment, then she glared at Ichigo. "So, you said all those things to make Nii-sama mad?"
"Well, of course! What else would I…?" Ichigo trailed off, he turned around noticing, too late, his mistake.
"So, you don't want to have kids with me?" she didn't wait for an answer before turning around and leaving.
"What did you do this time, Taichou?" asked Hinamori. Ichigo turned to her, rather offended.
"What makes you think I did anything at all, Momo?" Hinamori remained silent for a moment and looked aside. "Okay, okay…it seems like today I'm sleeping on the couch. If Byakuya comes here, tell him I left to the Real World. That may keep him away from me for a while."
Though as far as Toshiro knew, Ichigo didn't sleep on the sofa at his division that day, whatever he had done or said had convinced Rukia that Ichigo did want kids in the near future. Toshiro had to admit that being friends with Ichigo turned out to be…exciting; there was something or someone there to make things interesting.
Finally, Unohana-taichou was satisfied enough to let Rangiku and Yukihime go to their home, where Toshiro was expecting them with opened arms and a lot of gifts for both of them to appreciate.
It was hard at first, to get used to a baby in their lives, to waking up in the middle of the night and work the next day. But, they wouldn't want it any other way.
Toshiro wouldn't want it any other way. He loved it, all of it; all the things he had built up the last year and that lead him to the company of the most important beings in his life. To hear them laugh, talk or babble, to see their eyes light up the moment he entered the room or the sight of both of them fast asleep on the bed, cuddled up against each other.
Rangiku welcomed the cold air from the night while she let her back rest against a column. From her position she could see the pond and the dark sky of the night. The door of her room was open, revealing Toshiro sitting beside the baby crib with a book in his hands.
She could feel the side of her lips tug upwards in the form of a small smile. It was some kind of…ritual every night from the last few weeks since they brought Yuki home. Either it was she or him with a fairytale book in their hands, beside Yuki telling her one of the tales while she fell asleep with the soothing voices of either of her parents talking to her.
She let her eyes drift to Toshiro, who was talking animatedly to the baby.
He looked so prepared.
He had never doubted; he had never backed away from his duties as a Captain and now as a father. But then again, even when Yuki wasn't born he had never faltered. She knew that, even if his princess was unplanned he was ready to be a father, to be a husband…just like he had been ready to be a shinigami, to be a Captain. She embraced herself and lowered her face to hide her tears. She wasn't ready, was she? Why was she thinking this now? Why did she feel so out of place, so unprepared to be a mother?
A hand under her chin lifted her face slowly and soon she found herself looking directly in Toshiro's eyes. She saw the concern and the confusion, the wish to make everything better for her. She smiled and wiped her tears away and let his arms embrace her and hold her against him with softness that contradicted his firm gasp on her.
"What is it? Are you okay?" She giggled, he was always like that. Worried about her, even before all the events leading to their relationship, he was always paying attention to her.
"I can't believe your concern made snow in Soul Society," she mumbled against his neck. He rolled his eyes knowing that her comment was a way to evade his question.
"We decided that was an unfortunate incident, not really my fault since Hyorinmaru took part in it."
She giggled and untangled herself from him to look at him carefully in the same way he was looking at her. "I was thinking how brave you are. How prepared you are to be a father while me…I don't think I can," she said, closing her eyes and smiling at Toshiro, as if trying to reassure him that even through her doubts of her ability she wasn't about to step aside or leave him alone.
Toshiro tilted his head to the side and let his eyes roam over her face and her body. She was so beautiful under the light of the moon reflected in her icy blue eyes, in the light coming from them every time she smiled and the reflections of her hair. Her face relaxed and with that playful expression always present in her, that smile that could be honest, bitter or mischievous at the same time.
She was beautiful. She always had been.
And him? He was lucky. Lucky to be beside her, to share those little but meaningful moments with her.
He let his hand softly caress the uncovered skin from her neck to her collarbone. So warm. So different from his own skin that always preserved certain coldness in it. He took a step forward, hypnotised by her, by her own hand that was moving around him the same way his hand was teasing her skin. She flashed him a big grin and leaned in to meet his lips.
"I was scared, you know?" he mumbled, reluctant to admit it, not that Rangiku believed him that much.
"Really? Why?" she asked, trying to determine if she believed him or not, though his expression was an indicator of his honesty.
"Well, what if I'm not a good father? What if I'm not prepared? Or if I failed both of you?" he said. "I was even scared that my height was…that…you wouldn't…"
Rangiku smiled softly and passed an arm around his shoulders from behind, bringing his back in contact with her breast.
"Now, I believe you, the moment you mention that issue of yours with your height..." he let out a low growl and turned to face Rangiku.
"I was afraid I may lose you, that I wasn't enough for either of you."
She believed him, mainly because Hitsugaya Toshiro would never admit any of those things out loud in jest. Even to her.
"But then…I remembered that it was you who I was starting my family with," he whispered. Slowly a smile, a real one, made his appearance on his face. "I stopped being afraid. Thank you."
Rangiku looked under the light of the moon that was shining up in the sky of Soul Society. He was relaxed, calm and happy; the feelings and state of mind she had come to identify every time she (and now, Yukihime) were beside him.
"You don't have to thank me," she said, sighing deeply when his hand made contact with her cheek and he took a step closer to her. "If anything, I'm the one who should be thankful."
"Why is that?" he asked, a playful smile in place and his cold breath making contact with the
uncovered skin under her neck. She shivered but let a smile of her own appear.
"For letting me be part of your family, for giving me the opportunity to finally have one of my own." A kiss, deep and passionate, one that made her shiver and made his mind foggy. "For loving me."
A flicker of disappointment when he broke the kiss, then a cocky smile, "You're welcome."
Rangiku laughed while her arms trapped him in a deadly hug that he didn't stop, but rather enjoyed. She loved him, of that she didn't have a doubt, not after all the things they had lived through together the last nine months. And, well, the last century. Like always, if he was ready to take this new path, she was as ready as him. They both would learn, eventually. And for the time being their love for each other and for Yukihime was more than enough.
"You're so sure of yourself, Hitsugaya-taichou," she said, teasing him with her voice and her sudden caress.
"Well, I have to be; otherwise no one would take me seriously, Matsumoto-fukutaichou," he said, accepting her teasing, enjoying her attentions.
"So, what would you do for me to take you seriously?" A wiggle of her eyebrows and an amused smile.
He rolled his eyes, it was quite obvious what she wanted and when, but he shook his head. "Not with Yuki in the room."
She huffed and pouted stopping her teasing with her hands to cross her arms. Toshiro snickered because she had just confirmed to him what she wanted.
How can you refuse her???!!! Toshiro almost, almost, said he couldn't, that he was ready to give in. But he stopped; after all, Yukihime was sleeping peacefully in their room. Someone had to be strong.
"I guess you're right," she said and Toshiro narrowed his eyes, Rangiku almost never gave up so easily, she always had a plan B, or C, etc., to make him give in to her wishes.
"I know, I'm always right," he said, teasing her. She glared at him; then, a familiar gleam.
"But…when we finally…you know…" Yeah, unfortunately he knew, and he was just as eager as her but, really they couldn't do it with their daughter sleeping in the same room.(Keep telling yourself that, maybe you convinced yourself.) "I want another baby."
He almost fainted, really. He didn't expect those words to leave her mouth; he looked at her and saw decision in her.
"I want another baby!! Of course not right away. Maybe wait for Yukihime to be a couple years old," she said, a finger on her chin in a thoughtful manner. Then, "Oh! We can have tons of babies and make our own squad!!"
Now he knew she was talking nonsense, usually the outcome of Orihime's visits. But he smiled and was very careful to not nod his head or agree in any way, who knows when or if she was going to use that little action against him in the future. He wasn't against the idea of another baby, but he really didn't want a complete squad.
"I think you're tired, we'll talk about another baby later, and I promise you that the wait is going to be worth it," he said, but at that moment she turned to him with a mischievous look on her face which made him wary and afraid of his destiny.
"Good, because this was your last opportunity to have sex with me."
"What do you mean?" again he felt as if he was about to faint; her smile only grew when she noticed the effect her words were having on him, well not only her words, she hadn't stopped teasing him with her hands.
"I mean that we're not going to have sex until after the wedding." She walked away leaving a dumbstruck Hitsugaya There with one thought in his mind. 'Four months??!!'
It's your own fault… commented Hyorinmaru, rather amused; behind him Haineko was looking at him with the same expression as her Mistress.
Do you know, my lovely dragon, that if your Master is not having any, the same thing goes for you, don't you?
What??!! Toshiro smirked, at least he wasn't about to suffer alone.
Toshiro caught up with Rangiku in the room, grabbing her by the arm and turning her around so she was facing him once again. He narrowed his eyes wanting to wipe away the cocky smile of hers. Then, calming a little, he smiled.
"You won't be able to wait." He let go of her and crossed his arms.
"If I can wait that long, next time we're going to have a boy." He blinked and blinked then laughed, amused by her words.
"You know, we can't really decide what the sex of the baby is going to be, right?"
"Well, then we have to keep trying until we have a boy." He shook his head and couldn't help but think how weird that conversation was, but that he believed she would try until they had a boy. Again, he wasn't against the idea…everything o make her (and him) happy.
"You really want another baby?" he asked; this time he was rather excited though shy about the situation.
Rangiku nodded her head and went to the crib in which Yukihime was sleeping with her pink blanket and the stuffed dragon beside her.
"I wouldn't mind having a big family," she mumbled, serious this time. "And a cat…or maybe a dog?"
There was a long moment of silence in which Toshiro watched Rangiku caress Yukihime, then leant in to kiss her softly. He followed her with his eyes until she was ready to go to bed; it wasn't an uncomfortable silence but rather a contemplative one. He didn't know what Rangiku could be thinking about, but he had an idea.
A big family.
He smiled and joined Rangiku in their bed; he hovered above her for a moment before leaning in and kissing her softly on the lips, a feather like touch of his lips against hers.
"As you wish, Rangiku. We can have a big family with both a cat and a dog," was his mumbled reply. One last kiss, deep and passionate, before he settled himself on the bed and welcomed with open arms a sleepy Rangiku as she cuddled up against him. Both of them enjoyed the soothing presence of the other.
Author's Note:
Well, this it (longer than I expected). This is the final chapter of my story. I have to say this took a lot of time mainly because I didn't know how to end it, some things turned out the way I want them to, some others change, and this is the final result.
I enjoyed writing this story and I hope all of you enjoy it as much as I did. I read once that you couldn't complete a story or actually made one without having peple to thank for their comments, support,etc. So...
I want to thank Rachel Noelle who helped me out with my grammar, spelling and some other things that probably wouldn't look good if she hasn't taken a look at it first.
I also want to thank SoaringHellButtefly for her comment and for allowing me use the name she had create for Toshiro and Rangiku's daughter.
And finally I want to thank all the pleople who read this story, to each one of you for your reviews, alerts, favorites, C2. So yeah, Thank You so much for reading, while I have an epilogue for the story I'm going to publish it as a one-shot, so if you have request or something like that I wouldn't mind hearing it.
Now I would love to read some of your comments about the story, critiques (but not flames) improvments I can do to my writing or my future stories. Things like that.
So, don't forget to review!