"Just admit it Doctor you did." Rose said to him as they walked down the path.

It was an early Saturday afternoon and the Doctor and Rose had decided to go out for a walk and some lunch. They had just gorged themselves on cottage pie, the Doctor treated himself to a pint of Guinness, he had never really drunk alcohol from earth before, but he had to admit he quite liked it. Rose just had a coke; she wasn't really in the mood for a drink. As they walked through the calm forest hand in hand, they began to reminisce about old times.

"I didn't." he protested turning his head away from her, trying to hide the grin that was emerging on his face.

He had made it completely obvious that he was lying, but he still insisted that she was wrong.

"It's nothing to be ashamed of Doctor, everyone cried when Bambie's mother died."

"What makes you so sure you're right?" he quizzed her, his grin forming into a subtle laugh.

"You sent me out of the theatre to go and get you a tissue." She said, her intonation rising.

"Well Miss Tyler you wanted to go to the premier of the film, you had to make the sacrifices."

She laughed faintly at his stubbornness and the increasing embarrassment that could be witnessed on his reddening face. A few moments passed before anyone spoke again.

"So are you going to admit it?" Rose asked

The Doctor looked from the trail in front of him, to the sight of a rather smug smirk on Rose's face.

"I didn't"

"Arrgh, Doctor!" she exclaimed.

She looked back at him to find that cute teasing smile smudged across his face.

She slipped her hand out of the Doctor's, much to his disappointment, and stepped away from him slightly.

"Ok fine. If you won't admit it then there will be no handholding. No cuddles. No kisses. And definitely no sex." She vowed, before walking ahead of him slightly.

They were both trying their best not to laugh; neither of them were taking each other seriously. Of course Rose wouldn't hold his hand or kiss him until he confessed, but they both knew that he would at some point.

They continued walking for another 10 minuets or so, both occasionally looking at one another to see if the other was looking at them. They had somehow got themselves into one of those childish moods where they'd wind one another up until eventually one of them gave up; it was usually the Doctor who gave up first. He deviously slowly moved towards her, carefully looking at his surroundings to see if anyone was around. The path was isolated with only the two to them, and the occasional black squirrel, in sight. He took one last glance around before smirking to himself.

"Rose is a whiner" he shouted in a high pitch shriek.

Rose instantly turned to chase after him, knowing that he had already legged it. He was running off of the designated path into a group of closely knitted trees. Rose ran as fast as she could to try and catch up to him, but by the time she had entered the congregation of trees he was nowhere to be found.

She walked around slowly looking behind every tree to try and find him. She knew he'd be hiding somewhere waiting to be found. The Doctor was hiding behind a huge tree that was only a few metres away from her. He stood there in silence patiently waiting for his other half to get close enough. Eventually she did. She had her back to him, perfect, he thought to himself, as he got ready to pounce. As smoothly as he could the Doctor jumped from behind the tree and grabbed Rose by the waist, gently pulling her back towards the tree.

"You git." She giggled as she allowed him to softly press her against the trunk of the tree.

He kept his hands on her waist, keeping her against the there.

"You were saying?" he asked her mischievously.

"You were going to say?" she replied.

"You are so stubborn Rose Tyler."

"No you're just wrong Doctor." She said, a grin slipping across her face.

The Doctor returned the grin and tenderly placed his forehead against hers. He drew in a deep breath.

"Ok I admit it. I cried." He whispered.

He saw a wide beam of victory stretch across Rose's face.

"Mmm, I like a man who's not afraid to show his emotions."

The Doctor smirked at her as he lowered his head to meet her lips, touching them with a firm, warm kiss. Rose grabbed his hand as he pulled away, leading him back towards the path.

They kept on walking in comfortable silence, observing their surroundings. It was the sound of the Doctor's mobile ringing that broke the silence. The Doctor let Rose's hand slide out of his as he reached into his pocket for his phone. He pulled a face of disapproval at Rose as he realised who it was.

"It's your mother."

Rose chuckled at his reaction.

"Hello Jackie. Yeah, we're just out for a walk. What kind of noises? Ok I'll come and check on it now."

Rose gave him a puzzled expression as he hung up.

"The TARDIS is making noises we have to go and check on it. Your mother thinks it's going to explode."

Rose nodded her head in understanding until she realised what the Doctor had said.


"Well, of course it's not going to explode Rose, but this is your mother we're talking about. She once thought a Cyberman was your granddad." He said, retrieving Rose's hand, before he started to walk back towards the car.

Rose raised her hand and slapped him gently on the arm.

"She wasn't to know," she protested.