Hey! I am currently back on my track of writing fictional fanfics again! :D

The reason why I updated this story first is because I'm trying to write a decent ending of "Why Do I Not Remember You?"…hmm and it's not going well..ghaaaa..well I'm still on my semi-hiatus and will not be able to upload that fast in the future, but please keep it up with me!

I'm sorry for the long wait!

Probably..the chapters will still be as short as they are but will be updated more often since I am in a mood of writing.

Okay! Now on to the fic!

Karin's POV

I told Ichigo everything that has happened through the years he had been gone and at one moment he looked like he was about to strangle someone. I don't know if it was because of how my "former" family had treated me or if it was because of me.
However, I was glad that he came back. His life had been good. I was happy for him and I couldn't wish myself a better life than I had now.

"Please don't talk to dad about this.." I begged and he looked back at me and frowned.

"Why? Here I come back and actually thinking of seeing my family whole again but that dream was a waste." He said and put his hands in his pockets. "I do as you wish, but I think that you should pay him a visit. You're his daughter after all."

"I know.." I replied and forced a smile. There wasn't anything to smile for when it came to my family. I didn't even had the tears left for them.

"Ja ne Karin, I got to go." Ichigo said and looked at his cell phone. "Rukia is calling."

I waved him good-bye and wished him good luck with his date with Rukia as I started to walk back to school.
I knew that is was something I had forgotten but I couldn't place my thoughts on what. Suddenly, my phone started to ring and I hurriedly took it up and answered.

"Moshi moshi?"

"KARIN!" Toushirou's voice roared through the phone. I knew it. I forgot him Oh shit, now I had to meet my death. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?"

"Come on Toushirou, I'm soon there, take it easy hot head." I replied and chuckled. "You need to cool off."

"Whatever, just drag your ass here so we can get these things done." He hung up and I smiled. He always made me smile – even when he was in a bad mood. He was some kind of mood maker to me. Only his presence was enough for me to feel good, to feel safe.

I ran over to the gate and saw Toushirou standing by the walls, his short yet muscular frame leaning calmly by the gate. His gaze was focused on the sky and he had a look in his eyes that I haven't seen in a long time. How I missed him smiling. How I missed him – and only him.

"Toushirou~" I poked him in his sides as he jumped and snapped out of his trance. "Wake up sleepy head."

He gave me a quick glare as he turned around and turned back to his 'cool' attitude.

"Come on, we're late."

I smiled as I followed him silently. It was surely a long time ago since we hung out like this.

We reached the town in five minutes and went to the book store. Actually, I had no idea of what book I really needed but it was okay.

"Did you need any chemistry books?" He asked me from the other side of the shelf. I could see the top of his head over the slightly tall book shelf and I shook my head, even though he couldn't see it.

"No, I don't think so.." I replied as I searched through a stack of older books. "If you find something interesting for the upcoming art class please tell me."

"Sure." I heard him walk away from the shelf I was by and when I didn't hear him, I sighed. Why did I even try? Ever since his sister showed up..he hadn't been the same. I don't think I would be able to melt his heart. Sure, he had his sweet moments when we could be like we were before but those moments were rare. He even distanced himself from other classmates in school. Now and then I tried to reach him at his mansion but to no avail. No lights were on and the only reply I got when I called his name in the speaker was a silent buzz.

I looked down at the book I was currently holding and my eyes widened.

"YATTA!" I exclaimed and the other customers in the shop turned around and looked at me. I smiled sheepishly and excused me. I found the book Toushirou were searching for - a medic book.

I knew his dream was to become a doctor. I don't know if the accident cleared his thoughts but he only told me that it had been his dream ever since he was a little kid. I think it was because of me. He doesn't want anybody to suffer because of other people. If he becomes a doctor, I'm sure he would do anything to make sure that his patients were content with their lives as well as their wounds.
Smiling to myself, I picked up the book and went to the counter and paid for it. I walked out of the store and waited outside for Toushirou.
I felt a pain in my head as I started to doze off. I turned my head and I saw Toushirou standing beside me holding two bags of books. In his right hand he held a pretty thick book and I assumed that it was that he used to whack me head with.

"Who's the sleepy head now?"

I think I saw a smirk.

"It's still you." I replied and poked his chin. "Come on, let's drop this stuff at home."

I'm sorry that it's still short but I hope you'll like this update!