Wazzup all, been forever since I've written anything .
Anyway with all the comics floating around the net I was inspired to write this bit.

Hoshigaki Kisame was a particularly strange looking fellow in his own right. With pale blue skin and what could suspiciously resemble fish looking features (commonly accused as being shark-like qualities) no one would dare argue that this…man, was indeed border-lined extraordinary.

Kisame himself wouldn't deny this fact…but having grown used to the public displays of awe or often the stoic gazes of mistrusting civilian eyes...he fully believed that anyone that feared him because he had the bone structure of a sea creature and not because he was an 8 foot tall tri-color cloaked man sporting purple polished nails and a sword half the size of a small country...probably had far worse issues then his appearance claimed to have. Never mind that there were people out there that resembled snakes...Anyhow moving on...

Kisame wasn't one to worry, he was a fairly simple guy to be honest…a fine swordsman, talented assassin...proficient in the culinary arts... Upon thorough inspection there was really nothing Kisame could think of...that a ninja of his status would obligate themselves to worry about. Well...atleast that's what he used to believe.

Upon another one of those pesky thorough inspections, Kisame noted that his assigned partner in the criminal organization he'd been recruited into, was something he now had to worry about. It wasn't worry in the traditional paranoid sense... more like mild concern that turns into blind panic whenever something larger then a pea was flung their way. The fact that his partner was currently squinting at a menu in the positively darling café they'd stumbled across during their travels...did nothing to convince Kisame otherwise.

From his position across the table, Kisame drummed his fingertips against the wood tonelessly. "Itachi..." he ventured after a minute longer of watching the squinting shinobi. "Your eyes..."




"My eyes what?" Itachi provided after a minute of his blue skinned partner's trailed off silence.

"Hm," Kisame shifted in his seat.

"You forgot?"

"No...I'm trying to think of a word more deeply moving then suck," Kisame took a sip of tea, a considering but unconcerned look passing through his features.

Itachi pulled the menu closer to his face, almost defensively Kisame noticed, "My eyesight is just fine Kisame, thank you for asking."

To an outsider Itachi sounded perfectly polite...almost suspiciously polite in his response and Kisame could've been wrong but he couldn't help but detect a threatening hint that "asking" was simply a "deeply moving" word for what his partner was really saying.

But Hoshigaki Kisame was nobodies fool.

"Really? Then how come I can do this," he stood and proceeded to walk away.


The only logical explanation…to Itachi anyway...was that his partner was demonstrating his ability to navigate an area without bumping or tripping over anything. So what? This proved nothing. Kisame probably possessed a sort of dolphin-like sonar that a normal person like him had no hope of competing with.

A faint swishing noise borrowed Itachi from this thought, growing louder by the second, he looked up and....


Samehada, Kisame's brilliant scale covered sword, flew through the air, launched from its owner's unseen position and taking Itachi out with a loud WHUMP.


"Ne' Itachi your friggin blind!"

Yeaaaa iunno either...lol. ok and about the cafe' thing, not very japanese but w/e I go to cafe's so blarg.