Another late entry, woohoo! This one presented to you by Darkyu who I had to convince to let me post. Once you read it I'm sure you'll understand why I just HAD to share this with you guys. Another nod to "Incubus" but otherwise the only entry that went this direction. Thanks so much for sharing and letting me add this to the fic!





As if a bucket of ice water hit him suddenly in the face, Dean came to realize fully, even despite loss of blood, that his baby brother was all frickin' over him, kissing his god damn neck!

"Sam! What are you doing?!" he asked, totally freaked. This had to be a dream! An unbelievably crazy and vivid dream!

The fact that his brother didn't answer and instead began to slowly suck down his collarbone with a content sigh made him panic. Dean put his hands as gently as he could on the large shoulders above him and tried to push the weight of Sam off, only to remind himself of his torn up shoulder and the pain that came with it.

A pitiful gasp fell from Dean's lips, finally capturing Sam's attention and bringing it back to Dean's eyes.

Dean could easily distinguish the concern in the hazel eyes of his brother, which made him relax a little. Sam wasn't going to hurt him, not like in his nightmares.

"Dean, are you okay?" Sam asked for the second time.

"I'm fine." Was the automatic answer. "Just…get off me."

But of course, Sam had to look at him with that awful hurt expression on his face to make everything that much more difficult.

"I… I mean…" He tried to think of something quick, but he didn't have the time because a pair of lips on his effectively silenced him.

He couldn't get the gasp of surprise out of his mouth, giving Sam the perfect opportunity to slide his tongue skillfully in. But this time, the shock didn't hold Dean frozen for more than a couple of seconds and he turned his face a little more forceful than intended to break the kiss.


Despite the warning in Dean's voice, Sam wasn't listening. He trailed little kisses along Dean's cheek up to his ear, and started to suck gently there. That alone earned a little moan from Dean.

"Dean…" Sam whispered with clear desire.

"Sammy, you have to stop this." This time, Dean tried to push Sam off a little more forceful with just his good arm, which of course didn't have any effect against the super strength of his younger brother. "We can talk this out," Dean attempted to reason, trying to control his voice as Sam's cold hand slipped under Dean's shirt. "Sam! Stop it!" he ordered with a harsher tone.

"Dean," Sam called without taking his hand away, on the contrary, he slipped it even further searching for a nipple and squeezing it provocatively, making the elder hunter shiver and barely suppress a moan. "We're not going to talk this out, I know you, you'll probably freak out on me and try to pretend this never happened. Even if you actually like it…" As if proving his point, Sam squeezed the nipple again, this time getting a strangled moan from his brother. "It would be better if it just happened." And he started to lift Dean's shirt carefully. "Easier."

"Wait!" Dean half-shouted holding his shirt down. This wasn't okay. Something was totally off with his brother! With the whole freaking picture!

"It's okay, Dean." Assured Sam as if he was doing the most normal thing in the world. "We'll use it to stop the bleeding." And without waiting another second, Sam ripped what was left of Dean's shirt and hastily but firmly tied the cloth around Dean's injured shoulder.

Dean couldn't stop the feeling of anxiety that even if his brother was still paying him the same mother-hen attention, he had yet to find a way out from under Sam without hurting Sam's feelings or using force. Not that Dean had a chance to actually win a fight in his current state.

Dean was pulled gruffly back to reality when a tongue started to gently caress his chest that was now uncovered. "Dean…"

Any protests that may have formulated died in Dean's throat when he caught the sound of his brother's voice. Suddenly, hazel eyes were right in front of his own again, with a look just as heated as Sam's tone.

One hand softly caressed Dean's face. "You are everything to me."

Really, that could have made Dean's heart skip a beat in a normal situation. But given the circumstance and the missing hand going slowly downwards to the hem of his jeans, it only freaked him out. Even so, Dean's eyes were completely captured by the ones looking down on him.

"I love you…"

Sam's lips were a hair's distance from his brother's in no time, Dean's green eyes going completely wide. Then that cold hand slowly slipped under the waistband of the elder Winchester's jeans.



"Dean!" exclaimed a worried, familiar voice while a strong hand was shaking him awake a little too forcefully. "Dean, wake up!"

When he started to open his eyes to focus on the figure just inches above him, the shaking ceased and the blurry colors started to take shape.

The unique concerned blue eyes alone had Dean snapping out of it and taking in his surroundings. He immediately recognized the redheaded person above him and suddenly knew that everything had been just a really creepy nightmare after all.

"Thank god…" he whispered.

"Dean?" asked Sasha, touching his face gently, "Are you alright? You just started kicking me and mumbling about a harpy or something. What happened?"

Dean reached for the back of Sasha's neck and dragged him all the way to him so they could kiss. The slow and a little confused kiss from the incubus' part turned passionate in no time.

Before they knew it, Dean was naked and huddled in Sasha's equally naked arms, sighing contentedly.

"Don't get me wrong," said Sasha while charting little kisses on the back of Dean's neck. "I'm thrilled with this outcome, but what happened before I woke you up? Were you dreaming?"

"Dreaming?" asked Dean, squeezing Sasha's hand a little who was holding his with their fingers interlaced. "That was the worst freaking nightmare I have ever had… And believe me, I've had plenty."

"Should I ask?"

"You don't want to know…"


Yay, thanks again Darkyu! Please review, people, to let Darkyu know what you think!