Hidan's skin turned black, it started at his feet and spread up. When the transformation was complete his body resembled that of a skeleton and he placed his scythe, blades facing first in front of his chest and slashed his skin harshly. Lee fell to the ground and cried out in pain.

"This is Hidan's curse," I heard the cat say beneath my feet. "Any pain he feels, Lee will feel too and if the wounds are bad enough…Lee will die."

"NO! I…will…not…let this HAPPEN!!"

It's like I released all the emotions trapped inside me at once, and what I did next horrified me and surprised me all at once.

"This is what you did to ME!!" Xmaru shouted. "It's the hair monster!!"

My hair extended and wrapped around Hidan, I squeezed him as tightly as possible and threw him out of the circle with every single bit of power I had. I knocked the scythe out of his hand which landed next to where Lee was laying on the ground. Once I saw he was unable to use the curse, I tied him to a tree and struggled to keep him secured.

"What the hell? What is this?" Hidan yelled trying to get free.

I looked behind me and winked at Lee who already had the scythe in his hand. Hidan's skin faded back to normal.

"Better luck next time!" Lee said as he swung the scythe, chopping Hidan's head off.

"Holy crap Lee!!" I stood there, horrified. How could he kill someone?

"He's immortal, don't worry kid," the cat started laughing, probably at my ignorance on the subject.

"Okay then…Like, I'm outta here," Xmaru said, disgusted. "IMA COMIN FOR YOU SASUKE!!" She ran off , flailing her arms like an idiot. I let go of Hidan, who was now headless and his body fell to the ground.

"Um, Kakuzu…wherever you are…A little help here?"

Lee picked up the decapitated head and stared at it. "You are coming with us," he held Hidan by the hair and let the head dangle. "Aw, what is the matter?"

"Your eyebrows."

"You are really not one to talk, soccer ball."

Hidan tried to bite his hand but couldn't do so since he was being held by his hair.

"Come on Erin, let's follow Xmaru," I nodded and we quickly began into the patch of woods that the girl had run into.

"Then why do I have to come?" Hidan complained.

"Because," I started "You killed my parents."

Kakuzu walked through the forest trying to find where Hidan had ran off to, ranting and trying to find his necklace.

His eyes widened in shock to find a bloody Hidan body flopped on the ground lifelessly beside a tree.

"What the hell…?" Kakuzu began staring at the body.

"He got his head ripped off…Again…."

He bent down and swung the body over his shoulder.

"God Hidan, I'm always doing these stupid things for you." He sighed and walked off in the direction that Lee, Erin, and Hidan's head walked off into.

"Ew, why is your cat all flabby?" Hidan asked, his head being swung back and forth when Lee walked.

"Hey, it's all muscle and fur," the cat said. "And by the way, the name's Herman."

"Riight……….. AND CAN YOU STOP SWINGING ME AROUND?!??!?" He shouted to Lee angrily.

"Not until you explain to my friend why you killed her parents." He said sternly.

Hidan rolled his eyes. "God, it's my friggin religion." He replied.

"Jashin meaning "wicked heart; evil design" is the god that I worship. Jashin, expects that all followers of Jashin - so named "Jashinists" - bring nothing less but utter destruction and death. And that is my religion. Can I GO NOW!??!?!"

"But why my parents? You just kill random people for the fun of it? WHAT KIND OF FRIGGIN RELIGION IS THAT?!!"

"Well, you know I like my life too…I have to kill someone to live. They were just there. It's convenient you know?"

"You're a monster, a murderer. We can lock you in jail for life can't we Lee?"

"There is no punishment facility in Konoha but I'm sure we can do something to make sure this does not happen again."

"I'm right here ya know!" Hidan shouted, annoyed.

"SO AM I!" The cat repated.

"Hey, Hidan!! I have your body!"

We all looked behind us. A man with read eyes and green pupils, wearing a mask was heading towards us.

"Kakuzu! Pretty please! Pretty please with sugar on top put my head back on?" He begged pleadingly.

Kakuzu rolled his eyes. "You got your head cut off by a two little girls and a rat?"

Hidan laughed. "It's not a rat Kakuzu it's just a kid with huge eyebrows. Now pleeeease put my head back on?"

"Well you know I was thinking of trading the body in for the bounty…."


"I am not a rat!" Lee shouted clenching his fists.

"Fine Hidan I'll sew your head back on…" The masked man said sighing loudly. "Just if I do, SHUT UP. For the love of god Hidan. Shut up and stop your whining."