A/N: Major fluff ahead!

Chapter Eight

Several hours later, Ziva's father had finally been laid to rest, and Ziva herself felt a comfortable sense of calm about everything. She had made it though the week and had lifted two gigantic weights from her shoulders. Life felt considerably lighter now.

She and Tony had hurried back to the hotel per her request; she just wanted to get back to the States, back to a place where she felt safe and happy.

Tony placed a comforting hand on her shoulder as their plane ascended, leaving the twinkling lights of Tel Aviv behind.

They were going home.

. . .

A few hours later, Ziva found herself opening her eyes to the booming voice of the captain announcing their arrival in DC. She blinked the sleep from her eyes and sat up in her seat, glancing over at Tony. He, too, appeared to have just woke.

"Looks like we're finally here," Tony said with a yawn.

Ziva's eyes were now wide awake, twinkling with life, excited by the notion of seeing everyone again. "Yes, we are," she said.

Inside the terminal, Gibbs, Abby and, of course, McGee were eagerly awaiting Tony and Ziva's arrival. Ziva had called McGee to let him know they were coming back and he had called Gibbs. When Abby found out, she insisted on coming along, mostly so she could pounce on Tony the minute she saw him.

The plane touched down and Ziva squirmed in her seat, eager to get off the plane and back to her life. As soon as the captain announced it was okay to stand, Ziva was on her feet, retrieving her carry-on from the overhead compartment.

They were shortly off the plane, and Ziva had to hold herself back from running to the terminal. She didn't want to appear too eager. But as the familiar faces of the team came into view, she couldn't keep the smile off her face.

Abby was the first to greet them, in typical Abby style. She ran at them, arms extended, squealing, "I missed you guys!" before squeezing them both in a hug.

Tony noticed Ziva trying to wiggle her way out of the embrace and said, "'Kay, Abbs. Hug me all you want, but I think there's somewhere else Ziva would rather be."

"Oh, right," Abby said, dropping her right arm and letting Ziva escape, then turning her full attention back to Tony.

Ziva met McGee's eyes, smiling. They walked toward each other, both feeling suddenly bashful.

McGee reached a tentative hand out to brush Ziva's hair back from her face. "Ziva," he said.

That was all it took to break the spell. Ziva threw her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder. It felt so good to be back, to be back and smelling McGee's cologne. She smiled at the thought.

"I missed you." McGee's words brushed against her skin.

She closed her eyes and held tighter to him. "I missed you more," she insisted. "I was alone with Tony for almost a week."

McGee chuckled and squeezed her as Tony and Abby watched, grins on their faces. Gibbs spoke softly to them.

"Let's give them some space," he said, trying to keep his own smile off his face.

"I don't think they even realize we're here, Boss," Tony said in a stage whisper.

Gibbs reached up and gave him a slap to the head, but nodded to himself as he walked away, Tony and Abby trailing behind him.

Ziva pulled away from McGee, looking up into his face. She placed her hands on his cheeks, just looking at him. The expression on his face was one of pure happiness, and echoed the look on her own face.

She could read in his eyes that he wanted to kiss her, but was still nervous about it. She smiled and took matters into her own hands, pressing a lingering kiss to his lips. As they kissed, she slipped her arms back around his neck, letting herself fall into the sensation of the kiss, the endlessness of the moment.

She was happy, she was safe, she was in the arms of someone she loved.

As the throngs of tourists passed around them, Ziva had only one thought:

I am home.

* * *

"So what made you decide on the Bahamas?"

Ziva leaned back into McGee's arms, sipping a daiquiri, listening to the waves of the ocean crash on the shore, feeling the heat of the sun on her skin. She smirked. "It was actually Tony's idea."

McGee raised an eyebrow. "Tony suggested we go to the Bahamas?" he asked incredulously.

"No," Ziva drawled. "He suggested I go to the Bahamas . . . with him."

McGee narrowed his eyes. "What."

Ziva turned in his arms, patting his chest reassuringly. "Relax. I told him I would only go with you."

McGee let out a breath. "Thank God."

Ziva turned back around, satisfied. "The bikini was also his idea."

McGee let his gaze wander appreciatively over Ziva's body. "I may have to thank him when we get back after all," he mumbled as Ziva smirked.

She sighed and rested her head against his chest. "I am very lucky to have you, Tim."

McGee scoffed. "I'm the lucky one, Ziva. Not everyone can claim their girlfriend is an assassin."

She laughed. "No, I suppose not." She paused. "There is so much I want to say to you."

"Me too, Ziva," he murmured into her hair.

"The most important of which I believe you already know," she continued softly, as though he hadn't even spoken.

McGee nodded to himself. "Yeah, I do. I love you, too, Ziva."

She turned in his arms again, this time allowing him to press a gentle kiss to her mouth. As soon as the kiss began, it ended again, and they sat in silence, watching the sun set over the ocean, knowing that although life was far from perfect or easy, sometimes good things came out of bad situations, and they were living proof of that. Their lives were just beginning.


Hope you all enjoyed it, and thanks for all the reviews!