A/N; I had this idea pop into my head and I wanted to make it into a story, basically, Rogue has gotten control over her powers and has begun to act out, she starts too get drunk all the time and has a major drug problem and goes off the deep end. The professor and Logan know they can't deal with her life style and send her to someone who maybe able to help.

I Own no rights to X-men that belongs to the master Stan Lee.

(And I am not promoting drugs, so that is clear

Chapter One.

Her World Is Upside Down.

"This isn't right Charles, she needs us." Said Logan.

"I know Logan but she doesn't want are help, she refuses to admit she has a problem." the professor replied.

"She's not the same girl any more, ever since Apocalypse and her getting control over her powers she stays out all night getting drunk, bring random guys home with her and half the time she's doing drugs, what happened to her." Logan replied his anger was starting to come out through his words.

"I think it started when we defeated Apocalypse, she began to distance herself I think it was something to hide her pain but it got to much and she got hooked, now she uses it as a way of life support." The professor said looking up at his friend.

"What do we have to do, throw her in rehab and hope in a couple of months she'll be fine, Charles we can't send her away, she needs the people who care about her around." Logan said, he loved the girl like his own daughter he couldn't let her leave.

"We have to take her away from New York for a bit, she needs to be in an environment where she can be free from all of this. And I think I know where to send her." he replied with a smile on his face.

"Where Chuck, where could she go, I say she's better off here." he said stepping closer to the professor his expression more domineering.

"Down south, somewhere familiar, but I know you will disagree with who I have chosen, it's an old friend of Orro's and Rogue's, You remember Remy Lebeau?" he siad, the sudden change of expression in Logan projected more anger then he has seen in the years he has known the Canadian.

"Out of the question, I am not trusting that low life thief to look after Rogue, no way in hell, how do we know he won't use her again like last time something like that could push her over the edge." he said, practically shouting at the telepath.

"I'm sorry Logan, but last time Gambit and Rogue were together they made a connection and I think it would be good for her to have someone who knows her more than we do. I'm afraid I have already asked and he says it's okay. Now we just have to get Rogue there." he said wheeling away from his friend and heading towards the door.

"Logan you have to get Rogue on that plane, your the only one she talks to, please we need her on the plane today." he said leaving his office ready to get the X-jet ready.

Rogue's Room.

Leaning over her dresser Rogue snorted some coke into her nose, feeling the buzz she smile and fell onto her bed, she felt like she was on cloud nine, this was the one of the few drugs that made her feel, happiness, gave her a reason to smile when everything else would bring back the pain and suffering that the events of the battle against Apocalypse, ever since that night she has been plagued with nightmares, the moment she touched Apocalypse and gave him his powers she saw all events, wars, world domination, death and suffering.

The day Rogue got control of her powers she thought she would lose the memories, but fate played another hand, the nightmares got worse, one day she met a guy, he helped her, showed her a way to stop the pain, after that day she learnt about drugs, each kind and how they made her feel, she found her self going out drinking in alley's, sleeping with men who she just met and popping pills each time. But soon it turned into Cocaine, LSD, Weed and Heroine.

Over the last year Rogue began to cut ties with everyone, the minute she started to do drugs and sleep around was the minute everyone was in her face, they would talk, yell, stroke her arm and try to console her, and each time they would fail.

"They think I have a problem, my god the their seriously deluded, I can quit whenever I want, I just don;t want to." she began to laugh, until she was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Answering the door, "Logan, to what do I owe the pleasure." Looking at Rogue you saw a girl who had bags under her eye, blood shot eyes, pale and clammy, thinner than usual and completely out of it.

"Stripes, what the fuck have you done?" waiting for no reply he entered her room, and could smell the drugs before he spotted them, her dresser was full of white powder and tabs.

"It's, it's, its....not what you think, I...I knocked over my face powder that's all." she said swinging her arm about.

"Don't try lying Stripes I'm the wrong person to lie too, now pack your stuff your leaving." he said grabbing her by her arm and dragging her to her closet.

"So you've finally decided to...toooo....to kick me out, I'm surprised.....I thought I'd be gone long before...." she paused and looked confused. "that, long before that." she said smiling from ear to ear.

"No your going to be staying with some people, and they are going to help you." he sneered, he didn't recognise the girl in front of him.

"I don't need help, I'm f...fi...fine." she said before passing out on the floor.

"Give me strength." he said before, grabbing Rogue placing her on the bed and began to throw all of her clothes into a bag, checking her pockets in case she had anything on her, when everything was clean he got a hold of Kitty who was passing by and told her to carry her bags, whilst he carried Rogue to the X-jet.

"Logan are you sure about this." Kitty asked, walking along side her teacher.

"It's the only way kid, she needs help, I wish she would stay here, but Chuck thinks she better go away for awhile, the only thing we can do is pray that she will come home a better person." he said before placing her in a seat and getting her belt in place.

"Logan, you know she will be pissed when she wakes up." Kitty as she began to leave watching her best friend sleep.

"I know, but when she wakes up she'll be more pissed to see who she is going to be staying with and I think that way I can have some fun knowing the cajun will get hurt, but also know she can get help, even if it's near him." he replied before smiling at the brunette girl and closing the door.

Taking one last look at the unconscious girl, he said. "This is for your own good stripes." brushing a piece of hair out of her face he got to the front of the plane and set it's destination for Louisianan.

Author's Note's

Hey people I want to know how you feel about my story so far, and if there is anything you can give me to help my concept tha would be a major help, I can't to hear what you think and I shall update very soon.

