DISCLAIMER: I do not own nor wish to appear to be the owner of Knight Hunters/Weiss Kruez or any merchandise related thereof.

AN: Some minor revisions. Thank you to AuroraExecution for pointing out the glaring stuff. All others (run ons and grammer) are of my own making. Enjoy!

He didn't want to think about how he had gotten into this situation, but if he didn't think of something all his attention zeroed in on the pinching of the cuffs around his wrist. He looked up, something he wasn't supposed to do and looked down the line of other stolen or sold men. Some looked typical, overly tanned from working outdoors, large with bulky muscles and overgrown hair on their heads. Yohji sighed, he didn't look like the workers; his form while toned was tall and lanky. He looked down the line behind him. There were young boys, pure and creamy looking while they blushed in their scant amount of clothing. All of them were wearing dingy loincloths, barely covering their privates and fully open in back revealing their buttocks. Yohji sighed, this was his first time being captured and sold.

Yohji wasn't a poor orphan that had been kidnapped or a prisoner of war. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and now here he was stuck with this slave caravan. He could tell from the terrain that they were in route to the Kingdom of Weiss. He lowered his head; he had been there once, during the celebration of King Persia's adoption of a son. The king was unmarried, but he was in need of an heir. During the celebration the heir never appeared, much to the dismay of the patrons, but he was rumored to be exotically beautiful.

Finally at the Kingdom's gates the slaves in line shifted and stretched their legs as their captors conversed with the gate guards. The captors seemed pleased and laughed hardily then jerked on the chains and all but dragged the unfortunate souls through the city. They thankfully were taken a back way to the slave yards and it became clear why the slave drivers were so happy at the gates. There was a slave auction going on at this moment.

Yohji looked around at the wealthy people there to purchase them. Some were clearly farmers looking for extra hands, but most were pompous dirty old men looking for little boys to buy. They literally licked their lips and leered and Yohji noticed some of the more virginal looking slaves began to cry softly. The captors came by and began to remove each man from the chain, but kept the cuffs around their wrist. Once in front of Yohji one of the captors hissed out, "Don't you dare fuck this up for us! You behave and I won't beat you within an inch of your life!"

Yohji looked up at him then and rolled his eyes, that earned him a slap, but it was well worth it just to get his point across. He shifted his weight to that of more casual and uncaring. Some of the slaves were trying to look stronger or more enticing, eager to get sold and stop the traveling. Also, most slaves that worked the field were taken care of because their owner needed their services and the ones used for pleasure were taken care of as well, most didn't want to have relations with a slave that smelled bad or had horrid breath. Yohji didn't care one way or the other. He had been plotting his escape from the first day he was taken. He didn't plan on being a slave long; he refused to believe that this is what fate had in store for him.

He noticed that there was a man separated from the crowd. He was elderly and tall, his boney body shielded from the sun by two young men holding palm fronds over him. He was expensively dressed, the textures and embellishments easily costing more than all the other wealthy combined. Yohji noticed that he was eyeing everyone on stage, but when his eyes landed on him a gray brow rose slightly. Yohji lifted his head looking down at the man, he'd be damned if that rich elder tried to make him feel bad about himself.

Suddenly the old man was moving, his robes slid along the ground, gathering dust and still the man seemed above it all. The other people there quickly moved out of his way whispering things and bowing slightly and it occurred to Yohji that this man was either a Duke or a Lord or from the royal household.

The man stepped on stage, the servants struggling to keep him in the shade. He walked right up to Yohji and gripping his chin he turned his head one way then the other. The elder took in Yohji's dusty blonde hair; it grew a little past his shoulders, so the man pulled it back to inspect his facial features. Yohji, going against slave conduct, looked at the older man defiantly with narrowed emerald eyes. The man pointed to one of the workers on stage then twirled his finger toward Yohji. The worker understood and hurriedly rushed over and forced Yohji to turn around. The worker then reached over and spread Yohji's firm cheeks apart so the perspective buyer could have a good look and make sure he wasn't torn or otherwise damaged. Yohji scowled and forcefully pushed the worker away. The man hit the stage on his bottom painfully hard while two others rushed forward with whips.

The elder man quickly raised his hand, "No! Don't mar his flesh." Then he looked back at Yohji with a haughty tilt of his head, "I'll buy him and that one three men down," he pointed to a small virginal looking young man.

The paperwork was completed swiftly and soon Yohji, the younger slave, and a taller bulky slave were all chained and walking behind the elderly man. The man spoke, "My name is Zacan Xan I am one of nine Advisors to the King. You have all been purchased to fill open positions for various jobs at the Palace. Though I have my own opinions as to where I think you should be placed it is ultimately up to the King to approve my recommendations."

"And what are those?" Yohji asked dryly.

Advisor Xan kept his elegance as he said, "Know your place servant, never speak unless spoken to." He left it as that. Yohji grumbled but said no more.

They reached the palace gates, made of iron and embellished with gold and Yohji had to admit their massive size was daunting. Through the gates, down a path and through the front doors of the palace placed them immediately in the Great Hall. Yohji chanced a glance up and saw that the King was already seated in his great throne. There were others standing around, some with parchment, others with books. They were dressed in the same manner as Xan, but in varying colors and Yohji figured they were Advisors as well.

Once the King noticed Xan and the three slaves he had with him he held up his hand and all talking ceased. The King looked over the slaves silently, his brown eyes seemed to be boring into their souls. It made Yohji uncomfortable and he wished the man was behind a screen or shaded by shadows.

Finally the King spoke, "I see you have brought back a varying array of servants Xan. What shall I do with them?"

Xan bowed deeply in respect of his King then began talking, "The small one seems to have past knowledge of food preparations so I recommend the kitchens for him. The larger could assist the blacksmith or the carpenter. The tall one-"

"Yohji," he interrupted.

The King raised a brow and looked at Xan. Xan was not deterred by the outburst, "As you can see he has not been a slave long for his etiquette is nonexistent, however all men can be trained. Now, the tall one I am recommending for the harem."

"What?!" both the King and Yohji cried this. The King opted to ignore Yohji yet again out of curiosity as to why Xan would place him there.

Xan explained, "It is well known that your son the Prince has not utilized the harem much though it was a gift to him from you. It was filled with a large variety of women that didn't seem to interest him so begrudgingly you allowed for us to introduce males. Though this seemed to spark more interest with him, seeing as he used them more, it still is a sparse and fleeting invitation. It occurred to me Your Highness that most of the men were young and childish looking. This one is clearly older, more substantial in build, very masculine in features and attributes. This man…" Xan looked over and smirked, "Yohji…just might be someone who suits your son's fancy."

The King nodded, "It is worth a try. I do not believe my son has been happy since he's arrived," he lowered his head in contemplation. After some time he looked back up and waved a dismissive hand at Xan, "Very well, have them all taken to their respective areas," then as an afterthought he added, "See to it the tall slave receives training in etiquette."

"My name is Yohji."

The King sighed, "Soon."

Yohji stood in the center of the harem scowling, it was small, but it was well kept and smelled wonderful he had to admit. There weren't many concubines; there was a young woman with long brown hair, another woman with blonde hair and large green eyes. There were a few males, one was short with black hair and he was brooding in the corner and two more that looked too young to be in this place. Yohji grumbled and looked around not really sure what to do. One of the young males, dressed in silk navy pants and nothing else, walked up to Yohji and smiled at him.

"Welcome!" his eyes were impossibly wide and his smile was pure and Yohji found that it calmed him, "I'm Omi! I can show you around if you want."

"Sure. I'm Yohji," he barely had the words out before Omi had grabbed his hand and pulled him to a far room in the back.

"You can stay with me," Omi began to divide the various blankets and pillows to make a pallet for Yohji on the floor next to his own, "Go ahead and ask your questions while I fix this up for you."

Yohji didn't want to ask questions because he didn't want to really think about what he would be required to do. However, he figured it might behoove him to learn as much as possible so he wouldn't be blindsided later on. He sighed then asked, "What am I required to do?"

"Anything the Prince asks of you," Omi looked up and when he saw the frown on Yohji's face he chuckled, "It's not as bad as it seems. The Prince rarely asks for us and when he does it's a quick meeting. He has yet to have intercourse with any of us…" he looked sad for a moment and Yohji wondered just how much abuse had this child had to be upset about not being raped by a grown man. Omi went on, "He's quiet and only expresses what he wants that night. He doesn't make an effort to get to know us and he doesn't ask us to do odd things with him or to ourselves. He's quite kind…even if he is aloof."

Yohji sighed then said, "No intercourse huh? Well that's good."

"I suppose," Omi sounded sullen again.

Yohji had to know where that emotion was stemming from, "Why are you so upset about that? Not having sex with the Prince is a good thing. You can keep your dignity and pride."

Omi looked up at Yohji and gave him a look that clearly proved he didn't agree with him in anyway, "You don't understand. Our duty is to serve our Prince, to give him pleasure; by not sleeping with any of us it proves that we are not fulfilling our obligation."

"Obligation?" Yohji was both mortified and angry, "To think that you actually enjoy this!"

"I rather be here than in the fields," Omi snapped back defensively.

"So because this is the lesser of two evils you attack it with gusto?!" Yohji shook his head, "It's a shame that they have manipulated your mind into thinking that this is some kind of honor! Your young mind might be easily swayed, but I am an adult-"

"I am an adult as well!" Omi stood with his hands balled into fist at his sides.

That statement stopped Yohji mid tirade, "What?"

"I know I look young…but I am an adult too," Omi sighed then rolled his eyes, "Never mind…it will all make sense once you see the Prince," he knelt once again and finished up making the pallets, "There now that this is done it's time to get you some clothes!"

Yohji nodded, now this he had no problem with, he was tired of his barely there loin cloth. He followed Omi out of their room and across the floor to another room. This room was filled with clothing of all colors and textures, jewelry was laid out on a small table to the side and sandals lined one wall.

Omi walked among the clothing, some were folded neatly on the floor others were just thrown in uncaringly. He spoke as he looked around, "You must wear a sign of your position and servitude at all times," he looked briefly over at Yohji and touched the thin golden collar on his neck, "As you can see I choose to wear mine here, but other acceptable places are the ankles or wrist. Go to that table and find something that pleases you."

Yohji sighed, he doubted anything about this would please him. Still though he walked over to the table and picked up the first thing he found, it was a bracelet with tinkling charms. He groaned, but really he was so put off by this whole thing to really care. He bent over and placed it around his ankle that way he really didn't have to see it, because he be damned if he put it around his neck like he was some palace dog.

Omi came over to him and held up a few things, "You shall bathe first then try one of these on. Because you are new you will be sent to the Prince after dinner. You must look your best for him so feel free to use the oils and perfumes in the bath," he turned and led the way to the bathing halls through a door Yohji had not noticed before.

Yohji was grateful for the chance to bathe, but he was not looking forward to this evening.

The night came much too fast for Yohji and he sighed as he followed two guards towards the Prince's quarters. He was contemplating on attacking them, seeing as their backs where to him, but the one was too bulky. He wouldn't be able to take him on even with the element of surprise. So he just followed with a forlorn look. His anklet made a merry tinkling as he walked, a clear contrast to his inner emotions. He was wearing silk dark yellow shorts that fell to his knees, flat sandals and his blonde hair was pulled back with a yellow ribbon.

Once at the door the guards knocked and announced their arrival with the 'new harem boy'. Yohji narrowed his eyes at them and sneered, but didn't say anything to them. When the Prince called for them to open the door Yohji took a deep breath and stood up straighter. He refused to allow himself to be broken; he would remain the independent, prideful man he's always been. He watched the door open and he walked through it with his head held high. The guards shut the door, leaving the two men in silence.

The Prince had his head down, looking over parchment carefully at his desk. He didn't speak or acknowledge Yohji's presence in any way. The first thing Yohji noticed was the vibrancy of the Prince's hair. It was the shade of a bright and shining ruby, interspersed with deeper shades of crimson and copper. Yohji was fascinated, having never seen hair that color, and he couldn't pull his eyes away. The Prince finally lifted his head to gaze upon the man standing by the closed door. Yohji's breath caught and an embarrassing tingle raced through his body and settled around his groin when the Prince's eyes met his. The Prince's eyes were violet, piercing and sharp as they roved over the man in front of him. They too shone and Yohji could feel a strong urge swell within him to move closer to get a better look.

Finally the Prince spoke, his voice was smooth with a masculine timbre that effortlessly coaxed another tingle of fire to overtake Yohji's body. The Prince raised a brow, "Answer."

"What?" Yohji blinked, "Oh. What?"

The Prince smirked and now Yohji understood the look on Omi's face. That expression made the already handsome man breathtaking. Who on earth wouldn't want to sleep with him. The Prince sighed, "I asked you your name."


"You know your purpose for being here yes?"


The Prince smirked again, "Yes what?"

Yohji sucked in a breath at the authoritative tone in his voice. It was a dangerous sound. He answered, "Yes Your Highness."

"Then come here."

Yohji walked slowly watching the man in front of him the entire time. He was being watched too, those amethyst eyes seemed to be memorizing Yohji's form and the way he walked. Yohji came to stand behind the desk, in front of the Prince.

The man leaned back in his chair and commanded, "Get on your knees. Pleasure me."

Yohji's eyes got a little wide. The Prince didn't seem aroused in the slightest; in fact his voice was short and almost bored sounding. Yohji didn't want to be on his knees forever trying to get the Prince excited enough to get erect then excited enough to climax.

"What the hell?" Yohji shook his head, "No. I'm not sucking on some limp dick. Fuck that."

The Prince looked up at the slave before him with raised eyebrows, "You speak out of turn."

"So punish me," though this was spoken with an air of nonchalance Yohji still feared what a punishment from the Prince would entail.

The Prince's gaze sharpened to a glare that seemed to freeze the blood in Yohji. The glare was dark and for a moment Yohji actually feared for his safety. To Yohji's amazement, however, the Prince blinked then let out a snort as he reached down and pulled his member from the confines of his bottoms. Yohji raised a brow, the Prince was fully erect the veins clearly defined beneath the pale, but flushed skin.

"Now," the Prince spoke, "do your duty."

Yohji dropped to his knees, but hesitated. He wasn't disgusted by what he had to do, but he was somewhat at a loss. He had never done this before and he really didn't know what to do to please the Prince. He thought about women who had done this act to him and he figured he would try to mimic what they had done. He opened his mouth and closed his lips around the head of the heated erection.

The Prince groaned and Yohji realized he liked the sound. He was ashamed that he was so easily seduced by the man's beauty. He was no longer angry about his situation, he just really wanted to touch and hold and suck the Prince. Yohji was ashamed, but far too gone to dwell on it.

The act didn't take that long so Yohji was surprised when the Prince's seed erupted into his mouth. He choked a bit on some, but was able to hold the rest. It seemed to last forever and the strength of the spurts was strong; striking the back of Yohji's throat that left him with no other choice but to swallow.

Finally spent the Prince pulled Yohji's face from him and Yohji gasped for breath as he looked up. The Prince's face was flushed, his violets half mast and his chest heaved as his lungs gathered air. Yohji couldn't take his eyes off of him, he was a stunning sight.

Suddenly the Prince turned in his chair and stated flatly, "Go now. I have no further need of you."

Yohji frowned. That was it? He cursed himself for wanting the Prince to order more, but he was confused. Weren't pleasure slaves meant to please all night long? Perform various pleasures and stoke their Master's desire? Then Yohji remembered the Prince's already waiting erection and the quick build to orgasm and he understood. The Prince had been excited for quite some time; he just didn't want to relieve himself. That was why the concubines were not asked for often because the Prince was waiting until his arousal was unbearable then he would have one of them relieve him. Yohji found that he was actually angry. It was one thing to be forced to perform sexual acts for the purpose of amusing the Prince, but to be used solely as a vessel to collect cum was an entirely different thing.

"I told you to go," the Prince's tone was harsh.

Yohji's anger swelled and to keep himself from reaching over and punching the Prince he stood and left the room quickly.