"…" Talking.

'…' Thinking.

"…" Kyuubi Talking.

Chapter 1: Despise



As the two attacks collide, he awakes. He's in his apartment, just like every other night. Hands shaking, he sees the small alarm clock on his night table. It was 6:oo a.m. Once again, he was awoken by the nightmare of the event that happened three years ago, when he fought Sasuke. He held his chest, wincing as his fingers ran over the long scar that refused to go away. It was a constant reminder that what happened was real, that one of the people that Naruto cared most for tried to kill him. Three years, and the memory was still as clear as day. It had only been a day since Naruto had returned to the hidden leaf village after being away to train with Jiraiya, and he had already received his next upcoming mission. However it was strange. Instead of getting it from Tsunade, the council ordered this mission directly. In exactly two weeks, he was to go after Sasuke Uchiha and bring him back to the village.

With a sigh he walks over to his closet. Inside was seven pairs of the same orange jumpsuit he wore every day.

'Maybe I should try something less orange.'

He scuffles around his room looking for a new outfit. He finds a white sleeveless shirt. Then he throws on a white short sleeved button up that he pulled the buttons off of when he was little. A note said it belonged to his father. No picture was included. He finally put on some white pants and decided to head out. He walked around the village toward the old academy. Not many people are up so he just wanders about, taking the long way to his destination. He stops at the old swing and remembers himself sitting there all alone.

Maybe it would have been better if life stayed that way.'

He jumps up into the tree and rests for two hours. At 8:00, Naruto is awoken by the ringing of the school bell.

'Dammit, shouldn't they turn that thing off on Saturday?' He jumps from the tree and begins to walk through the village again.

Ever since he had returned to the village, he seemed more distant. He seemed as if he wished the village would disappear along with all of the people who lived there.

'This place…' He looked around at the many people running and laughing.

'This place holds so many bad memories. These idiots run around as if nothing has ever happened. Don't they realize that Sasuke is gone. Doesn't the council realize how much of a threat he is to us?'

"What are you so angry about Naruto?"

'Fox. You know why I'm upset.'

"It seems to get worst every second. You are growing more like that Uchiha fellow every day. I am starting to think that you will end up more like Orochimaru-"

'Shut the hell up! I'm not like Sasuke and I'm definitely not like Orochimaru. I admit that I can care less about most of the people in this village now, but I have my reasons.'

"That pink haired one?"

'Yeah…she's one of them…' He completely entered his mind, appearing before the Kyuubi's cell. After looking at the seal on the cage he sat down. The seal was practically hanging from its tip. Naruto didn't care though. There wasn't much to care about.

'I couldn't get Sasuke back Fox. That's another reason. I was too weak to save him.'

"But you have become stronger Naruto. Isn't that the point?"

'No. The point was to bring him home the first time. There's no reason to anymore.'

"It seems that way. Have you forgotten the good things that happened between you and the Uchiha?"

'No I haven't. But I also know none of those things can ever compare to him trying to kill me either.'

After his talk with the Kyuubi, Naruto began walking to his apartment.

"Hey Naruto!" Someone called dryly to him from behind. He turned to see a pink haired girl running towards him.

'Damn… This just ruined my day.' He kept walking.

"What's up Naruto?"

He ignored her and kept walking.

"Naruto, what's wrong?" He stopped.

"I haven't forgotten what you said to me yesturday."

Sakura looked down. "Naruto I-"

He turned away and kept walking.

'She's one of the reasons I couldn't get Sasuke back. I had feelings for her and she never gave a damn about me.'

"You were too naïve to see that kid."

'You think? While you're at it why not just call me an idiot?'

"You're an idiot."

'I hate you.'

"You're not used to this by now?" He walked past his apartment. %Reasoning told him it was too late to go to sleep now. His stomach grumbled. He walked towards the ramen stand. On his way Shikamaru stopped him.

"Nice new threads." Out of all the people Naruto didn't care about, Shikamaru wasn't one of them. He was his best friend actually.

"Naruto, want to go to that new restaurant with me and the gang?"

"Chouji and Ino?"

"Yep." Naruto was impartial towards Chouji and had mutual respect for Ino.

"Isn't that new restaurant a bar?"

"Half bar. So are you coming or what?"

"Yeah, whatever."

Later that night…

The four sit at a booth. They had been there for about ten minutes and Naruto was ready to leave. He hadn't once said anything to anyone. A glance at the clock told him that it was only 6:20 p.m.

"Why aren't you having fun kid?"

'I don't know. Usually I have fun around Shikamaru but today is just fucked up.'

"Stop being so gloomy. I liked you better when you were an annoying little punk."

'Fine, what ever.' He decided to at least act like a friend towards the three at the table. They had conversations about old missions and new missions and so on. Then the waiter brought two big bottles of sake to the table.

"You're drinking?" Shikamaru smirked at Naruto.

"Don't be such a brat. Live a little will ya." Shikamaru downed two cups quickly. He slid the bottle to Naruto.

"Come on Naruto. You only live once." He finally poured a cup. They all watched him lift the glass to his lips. Well Shikamaru and Ino watched. Chouji watched the waiter put a plate of chicken on the next table. Naruto downed the sake like a shot. Ino and Shikamaru cheered.

"Alright! Now let's have some fun."

Five hours later…

Naruto had only drunk three cups but he felt woozy. It was already 11:30. Shikamaru, Ino, and Chouji had gotten wasted and loud. All four were kicked from the bar. Chouji was swaying back and fourth as they stood in front of the bar. Shikamaru held Ino up from falling on the ground as he rambled on about how the bar should be shut down for lack of freedom of expression.

"Hey Naruto, hold Ino for a sec." Naruto held Ino up. Shikamaru paused.

"Run Chouji!" He yelled and then sprinted away.

"Wait…urp…for me!" He stumbled after his comrade.

"Shikamaru! You ass!" Naruto looked down at Ino.

"You…you look like…like Naruto!" Ino mumbled incoherently.

'Oh great. She's completely out of it!'

"Just take her home kit."

'Go to sleep and leave me alone!'


Naruto was still a little buzzed himself, making it hard to keep Ino on her feet. By the time he reached her house she had regained a little bit of common sense.

"Ino, are your parents home?"

"Nopey, nope! Just me and the other me in the bathroom mirror! I wonder how she's been doing."

Like I said, a little bit. Naruto ignored her rambling and opened the door noisily. He picked Ino up in both arms and put her on the sofa. Naruto sat on the recliner next to the sofa.

'I don't think I can make it back to my apartment. This sucks!' He closed his eyes.

Seconds later, he feels something plop onto him.

"What the heck?"

Ino had sat on his lap and put her head on his shoulder.

"You smell nice Naruto." Then she fell asleep. He didn't want to wake her so he had no way of moving her.

"Ho-ho! Now what's this? You getting cozy with this crazy girl I see."

'Shut the hell up already! That's not how it is! She's just drunk.'

"You don't sound how you did earlier when you didn't care about anything. I see some hearts in their!"

'Go to sleep already!' The fox chuckled and then stayed silent. As Naruto began to drift to sleep, he smiled.