Author Note: Huzzah, my first multi-chapter fanfic that isn't all prewritten. Feels pretty special. Anyways, this is only the prologue, so the real story doesn't start until next chapter. This pretty much picks up where chapter 93 left off, and because I don't have even a clue what the date is, I made it up, haha. Aren't I special? Gosh, chapter 93 was so exciting… I cannot wait to see Roy open a can of whoop ass on Envy pineapple butt. Also, all the pairings are going to be pretty much cannon, and there wouldn't be any OCs that play a huge role in the story. And anime only fans, there isn't any problem with reading this, despite the characters you totally won't know. But you will, when the second FMA anime comes out April 5th, cause it is based on the manga. Whoot, I am so pumped for the anime. By the way, this is not going to be an AU despite how it will look in coming chapters. Just deep in the future of the FMA world. BTW, this is not beta-ed, or whatever, so I apologize for that.

Disclaimer: I don't own Arakawa-sensei's 'Fullmetal Alchemist' nor Olivia Lufkin's 'Who's Gonna Stop it?'

Prologue: Fight No More


"Someone's heart is breaking, I don't think it's funny
Power in hands of corruption stepping on our rights
What 'bout the people that lost their loved ones?"


December 24, 1914

He wasn't quite sure what just happened. All Roy could really remember was his rage - blinding, burning him, and Envy's arrogant, smiling face leering before him, wearing the face of his best friend's wife. And how much he wanted to kill him - to kill Envy for smiling so goddamn smugly as he confessed to Maes' death, confessed to using Gracia's face as he killed his best friend. Roy wanted to crush him, make him beg for forgiveness for his sin, to repent and give no penance in return. Roy, who never wanted to kill this bad - never even wanted to kill, craved the blood of Envy, warm even in his gloves. Needed to be able to taste Envy's ashes in the air as he burned him alive, for as long as it took that bastard to die.

Why did it have to be Maes?

That was his last conscious thought, before his rage boiled over, and he snapped. His flames weren't controlled, weren't his usual flames - they were a wildfire. This fire, it burned while fueled by a fury foreign to Roy, so deep, so passionate his anger. The flames, they bit at him as much as they bit upon Envy, they hurt, but pleasantly so, even as Envy fought back against his flames, face contorted and no longer the lovely face of Gracia, but his own disgusting, sneering face. He'd burn him to fine white ash before Envy even had a chance to wear another face.

Why did it hurt so goddamn much?

Roy wasn't aware of much else - just him, the fire, and Envy. And then, it was just him and the fire, but still he burned. It took a long while before he was roused the burning high he'd been on, taking awareness to he was alone, but for a single, comforting, presence. Riza. She informed him that the others had gone ahead sometime ago, to Father, that they all had thought it best that Roy follow them later. He nodded, brushing himself off, replacing his gloves for new ones - he had many spares, luckily - and together they followed after.

How did Envy die? Roy couldn't recall, but he smelled - and tasted - burned flesh in the air and there was blood on his old gloves. Still warm.


"Unnoticed unrightfulness
What makes you think you're better than they are?
'Cause to me we're all the same"


The two of them never quite caught up, there were too many other battles going on at the same time, and they kept getting sucked into them, helping. It mattered not anyways, Father had made his escape, the bastard coward. But they had a new plan, one he'd come with but wasn't proud of. If it worked out, it would mean certain victory, but even so it wore that ugly name: "Suicide Mission."

Must he - they - sacrifice everything so the rest of the world could live happily?

They'd all agreed to it, made him feel all the worse, placing the people he loved in certain death. They'd all lost so much, so many lost family and friends and lovers. No need to go on when you had nothing left, but sill Roy didn't want this. So many he knew - loved - were dead. And so many more that he didn't. Death. It was all around him, engulfing him in itself, drowning him in agonizing cries of pain as people begged for mercy, for death to finally come and others begged that they might keep on living, keep on fighting.

What were they fight for?

Edward had minded the plan the least, and Roy suspected that even if the golden haired boy lived through this, Ed wouldn't like the fact. Alphonse's armor body had turned up, a piece of scrap metal, not to mention the word was that cities were being attacked too, ones that had supported Ed or himself - specifically Risembool. The golden hero played a key role in his plan, his suicide mission, of course, and no matter the way Roy pictured it in his head, it lead to the inevitable death of the boy, though he looked like a boy no more. Edward knew war and death now, he was no naïve boy as he once was. Edward - and Alphonse too - deserved so much more than an end like this.

Was the cost to save Amestris the life of everyone he loved?

He'd seen the dead body of Alex, who'd lain there, amongst the rubble, sprawled about. He was bruised and broken, a corpse among a thousand others. Olivier had declared him an idiot, said it was his own fault for getting killed like that, but her eyes were red and bloated, and forgive him if he had mistaken it, but he swore he saw tear streaks on her cheeks, and she fought hard despite her injuries in a way that it reminded Roy of himself a few hours ago. Fighting for revenge. And then Olivier had fallen too.

If not even the strongest among them couldn't survive, then who could?

Just five minutes ago he'd been talking to Jean on the phone. Just four minutes ago he heard Jean scream as he, and everyone else with him, was attacked, then silence. He'd died as Hughes had - dead by the phone, calling him. He'd failed them both. Father's army of immortals had not just found Jean, but others too - people who supported him. Madame Christmas - along with her girls - killed for being just his foster mother, for loving him. Gracia and Elysia Hughes, too, who he'd wanted to protect the most, for Maes. All for mere taunt of him.

What wrong had any of them done but love him, respect him, trust him?

Kain, Vato, Heymans… His other dedicated subordinates dead. Sheska, Lin, Mei Chang, Ran Fan, Winry, Izumi… People he didn't know very well but had helped him anyways… Dead or doomed to be. Even his old platoon; Charlie, Richard, Fabio, Deeno, Alessandro, Alberto, Roger, and Damiano… All dead. All people he'd trusted more than himself.

Why were these people dying for him?

Maria, just returned from Xing to help them - him - was killed too - struck in the forehead by a bullet. Denny, who'd come to aid them when he'd gotten work, confessed his love to her for the first time after hearing what had really happened with Maes, though he never really believed that she'd killed Maes. Had heard her say she might love him back, just a few hours before she was shot. Denny now mourned her death a second time, and cradled her body in his lap as he cried.

What sin had they committed to die like this? To not deserve a chance at happiness?


"Will this fighting ever stop?
Twisted patterns from the past
pass it down from the parents to the young"


December 25, 1914

It was a cold day, the day they died. Or would. Roy still lived yet, and Riza was beside him. Though they both mourned the deaths of their loved ones, and the future death of each other, they couldn't allow themselves that brief moment of weakness, not even to comfort each other. They were so close, yet so faraway, and the end was near. They could never get near to each other in time. The pain was unbearable. All he wanted to do was love Riza, and now he never would get the chance. Their death loomed near.

Why weren't they given the chance to have even the briefest moment of happiness?

Time was leaking away fast, and they were giving up something they never had the chance at. He looked to her, what he was giving up for the sake of everyone else. Her syrup eyes, he drowned in them like the day they first met. The rest of the people… It almost didn't seem worth it, compared to her. He wanted to touch her, love her. At least once. But the whole rest of his country was depending on him… the two of them to save them.

What was happiness like? He could remember, had he even ever truly felt it before?

It happened so very suddenly, that explosion. He couldn't recollect what really happened, and he would never get the chance. Death, it loomed so very close it him. It was almost upon him. And it was upon her. She flung herself to him, protecting him. And he clung back to her, wanting to protect her back in anyway possible. The warmth of her against his chest, he remembered. Her beautiful face, he too remembered. And her eyes? Like drops of syrup, he remembered most of all, meeting his own black eyes with no life.


He wasn't himself after that… He was lost inside himself and his fury, and with not a whit of control, not at all aware of what he was doing, that black, burning rage inside him again. Somehow, Amestris would remember him for this, for his sacrifices and how he saved them all. But all he could remember was Riza, lying dead upon him. And then death was upon him too. And he was glad of it.

Why did it have to be Riza?


"Let me love you - I don't wanna fight no more
Let me touch you - I don't wanna fight no more
Let me love you, love you, love you
I don't wanna fight no more"


Author Note: Haha, how was it reading all that massive amount of suckage, Eh? And did you notice Promise Day takes place on the day that would be Christmas in our world. Epically awesome right, lol? Also, I've got no idea what Roy planned for the suicide mission… But since it is Roy, you know it is an awesome plan… And I just noticed I pretty much killed everyone in FMA… I've got the next chapter halfway written, anyways, so I'll post that soon as I finish it. Hope you enjoyed reading this. The song lyrics were basically because I was listen to music while writing this, and when I was almost done, this song came on. It was so perfect, I had to share it. Other chapters may have some song lyrics, but hopefully it will only enhance the reading experience. Peace out! Or something cool like that.