Rorschach's Journal, August 21st, 1984
On patrol today. Watched politician exit known whorehouse. Not alone. Had woman with him. Not his wife. He's campaigning for some position in congress. Not going to get it. Not well liked.
Bored. Went to nearby club. Always someone causing trouble there. Found guy raping girl in alleyway. Beat him and tied him to lamppost. Girl ran off. Probably on drugs.
Rorschach's Journal, August 22st, 1984
Walked around town. Saw same politician giving speech on family. Wife beside him. Smile not reaching her eyes. Politicians now are all corrupt, feeding off of the life blood of the people they claim to protect.
Group of teenagers throw their lunch on me. Took everything I had not to snap leader's fingers.
Rorschach's Journal, August 23rd, 1984
Ran into guy in apartment building calling himself Captain Carnage. Was holding child hostage. The little boy had tears running down his cheeks while villain screamed for punishment. As I moved towards him, Carnage dropped the kid. Kid ran into nearby apartment.
One swing and guy was breathing heavy. Demanded more punishment. Recognized him as politician from yesterday. Saw his arousal. One more swing and knocked him out.
Went to elevator shaft. Forced open doors. Held Carnage over elevator shaft. Carnage woke up. Pleaded for life.
Threw him down elevator shaft.
Rorschach's Journal, August 24th, 1984
Funeral held for politician. No mention of Carnage. Obituary states natural causes. Natural causes doesn't need a closed coffin.
This city is corrupt with the filth of a thousand sins. No one wants to clean it or take responsibility for what has been done.
I can not allow them
to go unpunished.
I will not allow those sins to go unpunished.