Summary: When Edward was only fourteen, he was taken aboard a pirate ship along with his father, a member of the British Navy. Now three years later, his father is dead, he is a member of the crew, but he wonders, is there something else for him? On their newest quest, kidnap the princess of a small country called Natoore (Nah-two-ray), Edward realizes that, sailing the seas, is only part of life. Will he fulfill his long awaited dreams?

AN: All my author's notes will be in bold, and have -AN- in front of it... just to let you know. This story is set in semi-modern times. It's okay to wear short-ish dresses and things like that, but there are still princesses who must wear "Princess Formal". I just had a dream about this after reading Twilight, watching Pirates of the Carribean, and eating five slices of pizza (I was hungry after my soccer game as you can see!) one night. It was a while ago... BTW: I just did a 30 hour fast with my friend for her youth group and it was so fun... Oh yea, I'm a wee bit random. Lol, you get used to it! :D Okay, now for the part we all hate...

Disclaimer: If I owned any of the Cullen boys, I would NOT be on Fanfiction right now... get your mind out of the gutter, I can practically see what you're thinking! :)

Chapter One-


I was leaning against the railing staring at the dark, rolling waves that crashed into the boat's deep blue hull. Oddly enough, it was peaceful. For me, at least. It reminded me of my dad. He used to go out on his ship to gaze out at the sea and the stars; the reason for life, he had once called it.

*Flashback* AN: I won't do these often... just a couple times, probably twice.

I was fourteen years old, only two months past thirteen. My father was my hero, my idol. The way he treated and respected people, the way he held himself, made me wish to be exactly like him. He acted so civil, so regal, he should have been the king in my eyes.

The sun was peeking over the horizon, stretching to light up the sky. There were a few white clouds floating lazily through the sky. The ocean was surprisingly smooth. Almost a glass board. I leaned over the railing, knocking off some of the chipped, black paint in the process. My dad leaned next to me, looked out across the water, and sighed. I mimicked his actions, earning a stifled laugh.

He leaned over and ruffled my already messy hair. He looked back out over the railing at the ocean and sighed again. I followed his gaze and immediately fell in love. It looked so calm, so serene. The colors seemed to blend, a work of art unmarred.


I looked up as I heard my father's voice. "Yea, Dad?"

He was staring down at me, his dark gray eyes serious. "Do you understand why I do what I do?"

I nodded.

He nodded too and told me, "This is my whole reason for living. The sea, rocking you back and forth, seems so dangerous to some, yet so calming for me. I'm hoping someday you'll understand. I know it''s a little much for a squirt like you to take in." He grinned and threw me on the ground lightly. I kicked his legs out from under him, exactly as he taught me. He came down with a "oof" and I chuckled. He sat up and nodded in approval. My grin widened, happy that I had pleased him.

*Flashback Ends*

I sighed deeply. That was one of my last memories of my dad. I had been fourteen. Barely a week later, my father and I were kidnapped. My dad hadn't actually been on duty when the pirates caught us. He received a message from the captain announcing they needed him immediately, for a pirate problem. On the way back to Great Britain's shore, he had come across a group of wounded soldiers from a ship that had already sank. When the pirates attacked, within sight of the British coastline, we had no chance. My dad attempted to hide me, but they ransacked every bit of the ship before burning it.

They had kept my dad and I prisoners after killing off the rest of the wounded crew.

Finally, after a week of no food and little water, they gave my dad a choice. Either he and I could walk the plank, or I could work with them forever while he was killed immediately. It's pretty obvious which he chose.

God, I missed him so much.

I was still trying to figure out a plan on how to escape this prison. We hardly ever docked on land, and when we did, I was kept aboard the boat under heavy surveilance. It was as if they could read my mind.

I glanced back out at the ocean and up towards the cloudless sky. The night draped over the horizon, a dark, velvet cloak decorated with the smallest of diamonds. I smiled. If I had to be a prisoner somewhere, I would definitely choose right here. This was my life; a pirate from age fourteen, sentenced to life on the Moonlit War, sailing across the ocean deep.

Hey, this was short (duh!), but it was a starter chapter... There is a button on the bottom of the page with green writing on it. It calls to you. It sings to you "____ press me! REVIEW!" Obey the button....

Thanks, guys!

Love you all!
