-Hey, this has been in my head since the episode with Chad's Bday party. It might be a little out of character for Chad, but, hey, i tried :D-

Disclaimer: I wish i owned Sterling Knight

Chad looked at Tawni, Sonny's friend, and then finally Sonny herself. They were laughing and eating his cake, his birthday cake. Probably the only birthday cake he'll get this year, god knows his parents won't remember. They didn't show any signs of remembering all week, but that's not the point. The point is that Sonny' little friend had destroyed everything.

Chad could feel the icing on his burning cheeks, he was thankful it was there. Thankful it hid his frantic grief about how the party turned out, how the party he planned was crashing down around him, icing hid the sadness, but not his anger. His eyes gleamed, partly by unshed tears, but mostly out of frustration. No one noticed him standing there, not even Sonny. He wanted to be noticed! He needed to be. He had wanted a perfect birthday, where people would focus on him, where he could talk to Sonny without malice in his voice, but of course that didn't happen. He should have cancelled when Sonny said she wasn't coming and when his parents had left for Morocco last night. A voice cut through his thoughts. It was Sonny, of course.

"You might want to eat some of your cake, before it's gone!" He looked at her, and her eyes and her genuine smile, one of the only ones he'd seen in his life. Images of her smiling only for him flashed through his mind. He fled the platform; fell outside, ignored the annoying list checking lady and walked down the street. He found a lonely bench and flung himself on it, scraping icing off his face.

Okay, he had to admit it; a big part of having such a 'company friendly' party was to have Sonny there and believe me the last thing Chad wanted to do was invite a bunch of people that annoyed him. But this way he invited the rest of the cast without looking too suspicious. He didn't really want to think about the reason he wanted Sonny to come so badly, but he couldn't help it.

In the past few weeks he had been having dreams. Dreams of you know who. Even he had confessed to himself that the dreams were not completely a rivalry thing. He resisted but his mind conjured them like movies, playing out in his head.

Petty, pointless dreams really, featuring the Mackenzie Falls cast vs. So Random's. Stupid dreams, until a silly chase or a fight turned into Sonny beneath him, his lips hungering for hers, angry fire melting in her eyes, then her hands searching his chest, and her lips responding to his…

Or it was them against a wall, or her walking shyly towards him; the list goes on and on. Why did Sonny's friend have to visit this weekend? It could have been a fun party, had not she been there. Sonny looked beautiful and Chad knew he had looked good. It could have been fun. He sighed, and stared straight ahead. He had no desire to go back to the party. He just wanted to forget it ever happened. He didn't need some party to be happy. He was Chad Dillon Cooper! He had everything he wanted, well except one thing, but he didn't want to think about that anymore.

"Hey, are you alright? You just sort of ran out there," She laughed her Wisconsin laugh, God he loved listening to it. He glanced up at her and said angrily (he couldn't help it, he's Chad Dillon Cooper),

"Well yeah, its because you comedians don't know when to quit! Do you know how much that party cost?" He didn't have the heart to do his usual Chadness today, so it hardly came out cynical and near the end his voice suddenly become soft. He was rather disappointed in himself actually. He refused to believe it had anything to do with the way Sonny was looking at him, or the fact that she had just sat down on his side of the bench. "Chad, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to ruin your party, I just wanted to get my friend back," her huge brown eyes were sincere and he become a bit more comfortable with her closeness.

"I know, you already told me," She could tell that he didn't seem angry anymore, and some evidence to the fact that he never was. Like, the wrinkles in his smile were just starting to show, like he was slightly grinning, and his light blue eyes were staring at her at ease from his spot on the bench. She felt like he was going to start reciting Mackenzie Falls lines at her.

"Well, I just don't want you to think that I didn't see the expression you had on your face after we started eating your cake," He suddenly become colder and moved his eyes from her face to the street in front of them, "I feel so bad, you probably had a pretty lousy birthday," his eyes dropped and she swore she saw him catch his breath and blink his eyelids a couple times. He was furious at himself, a lump had formed in his throat, tears threatened to spill and all he could think about was her and his parents and what a 'lousy' (Wisconsin word) birthday he actually did have. He closed his eyes, threatening the tears in his head, and swallowed slowly. When he opened his eyes Sonny was even closer and she looked concerned. He chuckled.

"I'm alright," but it came out more like a raspy attempt to convince her that he wasn't upset, "the sad thing is," he continued slowly and quietly, "you're paying more attention to me than my own damn parents." He heard her intake of breath and suddenly regretted telling her that. Apprehensively Sonny wrapped her arms around him and pulled Chad to her. It was awkward, but he didn't pull away, he needed the comfort. After a second he melted into her warmth, the warmth only Sonny can give. He didn't know what this meant, but he couldn't stop thinking of his dreams, and what they could mean. He was only slightly paranoid someone from the show would see them, but it was late and she was so warm.

I hope you liked it! review! it might be a oneshot but idk. maybe not hehehe